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Decline in feminism? The backlash myth : Comments
By Paul Norton, published 19/8/2005Paul Norton argues there is no evidence to support popular claims that Australians are becoming more conservative.
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Posted by Laurie, Wednesday, 7 September 2005 11:29:13 AM
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Timkins....just call me a mushroom............
Posted by Trinity, Wednesday, 7 September 2005 2:02:04 PM
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Timkins just as an exercise please ignore those who do the wrong thing and answer the question based on a basic use of the term "equality".
I think that it is likley that for any cause or concept you care to name someone has abused it. I recall that you have indicated in other posts that you are a christian (please excuse me if I'm wrong). Are you happy to accept that some people have done great wrong in the name of christianity and henceforth reject the whole thing? An acceptance of the concept of equality does not require you to go along with abuses and excesses. Feminists should be at the forefront of those speaking out against those excesses because the feminist cause is hurt most by them (and some do such as Patricia Peason on the topic of female violence). Please please please try just giving an unqualified yes/no answer to the idea of equality based on actual equality. If you say yes you need not be bound to support anything which goes against that concept. You might note that I have had a go at answering the questions you have raised, maybe not to your satisfaction but an honest go nevertheless. Cheers R0bert Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 7 September 2005 2:36:32 PM
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Women didn’t chop off people’s heads. They got men to do that, and the women sat in rows and applauded. And women readily used captured slaves, and women cheered when men went off to war, hoping they would bring back lots of spoils etc. There is an interesting account of how the modern woman likes to “equally” divide up the spoils of a marriage in “Possessive' women to blame for haggling in divorces”;jsessionid=S1GO243WT0HM3QFIQMGSM5WAVCBQWJVC?xml=/news/2005/08/27/ndivorce27.xml If there is anything to learn from history, it’s that people shouldn't blindly follow someone just because they say words such as “equality”, “liberty”, freedom”, “progress” etc. Eventually they have to provide specific details on those issues. I still haven’t received detailed answers regards feminism, which now makes “feminism” even more suspect. EG. *a detailed list of feminist policies, * a list of web-sites and texts I would be permitted to read as a feminist, and a list of web-sites and texts I would not be permitted to read as a feminist (eg. Could I look at this or this, ) * a list of feminists I should regard as being “extremist”, and a list of feminists I should regard as being “non-extremist” *a list of maligning names people can call feminists, (similar to the many maligning names feminists have called other people). *a list of feminists who are satirists (and can make highly discriminatory remarks), and a list of feminists who are not satirists (and cannot make highly discriminatory remarks). Trinity, You have yet to answer questions about feminism also. Must be some type of “feminist choice.” Robert, I haven’t been able to fully reply to your posts because I keep hitting word limit. I don’t belong to any religion, but no one should be discriminated against because of religion, gender, nationality, class, ethnic group etc. Equality is a very broad term, so it would have to be broken down into smaller components, to see who has equality and who hasn’t. At present I think women in our society have many more privaledges than men, if the situation is objectively analysed. Posted by Timkins, Wednesday, 7 September 2005 7:07:55 PM
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Do you have any female children? If so, what do you teach them about being female in contemporary society? Do you teach them about human rights (male and female)? I will be interested in your reply. Cheers Kay Posted by kalweb, Wednesday, 7 September 2005 7:24:24 PM
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I was going to say: “I am sorry but your credibility is finally gone as far as I am concerned. You are unable to put a simple yes or no to some very simple questions. And I was really hoping for some dialogue.” But since you posted: “…but no one should be discriminated against because of religion, gender, nationality, class, ethnic group etc.” I guess you answered ‘Yes’ to all my questions? Unless you state otherwise I will assume so. At any rate, it is obvious to me that you have been hard done by in a divorce or in some way by either ‘the system’ or a woman in particular who probably screwed you for all you were worth. In either case, I feel for you. There are unscrupulous women (and men) out there who take advantage of any position if they can – but it’s not everyone. For my part, I’m glad that feminism existed. What opportunity it gave my mother and sister far outweighs any wrongdoings by a minority of the women helped. Trinity, Thanks for the support (and entertainment!). So, how have you found the last say 10 years? I have a sister who finds it challenging at time to feel equal, yet my mother feels very so. I think it is because she has 20 – 30 years of building a thick skin and inner strength while my sister was raised to believe in equality and is still getting used to the real world. What’s your perspective? (I’m still not sure the loop machine is fixed…) Posted by Reason, Thursday, 8 September 2005 1:23:45 AM
(The characters are having a men-vs-women debate, the character Julia gets frustrated and says...)
"In general, it has been the men who have done the raping, and the robbing, and the killing, and the war-mongering for the last two thousand years. It has been the men who have done the pillaging, and the beheading, and the subjecating of whole races into slavery. It has been the men who have done the law making, and the money making, and the most of the mischief making. So if the world isn't quite what you had in mind, you have only yourselves to thank!"
So what does feminism aim for? A little more access for women to the law-making, money-making and mischief-making of the world. :)