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Decline in feminism? The backlash myth : Comments

By Paul Norton, published 19/8/2005

Paul Norton argues there is no evidence to support popular claims that Australians are becoming more conservative.

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Hi Ambo

Thanks for your last post - cracked me up!

Posted by kalweb, Monday, 29 August 2005 7:33:47 PM
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Being a bloke is best?
1. My odds of being hired for a job, against female applicants, are skewed against me.
2. If I fail in my job or career, this will be seen as a black mark against my entire sex's capabilities.
3. The odds of being falsely accused of sexual harassment on the job are high.
4. If I do the same task as a woman, chances are women will think I'm queer.
5. If I go out on a date, my odds of being falsely accused of rape are high.
6. I fear walking alone after dark in average public spaces because I'm statistically more likely to be a victim.
7. If I choose not to have children, my masculinity will be questioned.
8. If I have children but do not provide primary care for them, I will be nagged by my partner.
9. If I have children and provide primary care for them, I'll be suspected of being a child abuser and pervert.
10. If I have children and pursue a hard working career, I'll lose custody of my children in divorce.
11. Chances are my elected representatives are men who comply with feminist dictates.
12. I can be mostly sure that if I ask to see "the person in charge," I will face a woman in middle management.
13. As a child, I could choose from an infinite variety of children's media featuring negative, stupid, stereotypes of my own sex.
14. I can turn on the television or glance at the front page of the newspaper and read demeaning articles about my sex, every day.
15. If I'm careless with my financial affairs I won't be shown any mercy by debtors or courts.
16. If I'm careless with my driving I won't be shown any mercy from the police or courts and get greater sentences.
17. I can't speak in public to a large group without putting my sex on trial.
18. If I have sex with a lot of women, I'll end up paying for a lifetime's child support.
Posted by Maximus, Monday, 29 August 2005 7:53:59 PM
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19. It's not possible for me to choose clothing that doesn't send a particular message to women. I will most probably be accused of dressing like a bum.
20. If I buy a new car, chances are I'll be offered a useless little gutless car marketed to women.
21. If I'm not conventionally attractive, women will call me a jerk.
22. I can't be loud because I'll be accused of domestic violence. I can't be aggressive because I'll cop an AVO.
23. I can't ask for legal protection from a violent spouse because I'll be assumed guilty and arrested for domestic violence and be put in jail without any evidence against me.
24. I can be confident that the ordinary language of day-to-day existence will always include my sex as an example of all that's wrong in the world. "All men are animals".
25. My ability to make important decisions and my capability in general will always be questioned depending on what time of the month it is for her.
26. Any woman can name me as the father of her child without my knowledge under the Family Law Act.
27. The decision to hire me to work with children will always be based on assumptions that I'm a sex-fiend and paedophile.
28. Every major government in the Western world is led primarily by people pandering to feminists.
29. Most Western religions don't argue that I should be the head of my household and promote homosexual marriage.
30. If I have a wife or girlfriend, chances are we'll end up divorced and she'll be awarded everything I've ever worked for.
31. If I have children with a wife or girlfriend, chances are I'll lose custody of them and be forced to support her even if she earns more than me.
32. Virtually all of the media is filled with articles demeaning, demonising and humiliating my sex.
33. I am considered to be a bum if temporarily unemployed or poor.
34. I have the dubious privilege of being a slave to the socialist state and their womenfolk's every need.
Posted by Maximus, Monday, 29 August 2005 7:54:46 PM
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Maximus, the important and powerful thing about B Deustch's privilege checklist is that it is true to a large extent, cf. yours.

Total bull claims: 1,2,3,5,6,12,14,17,21,22,23,24,25,29,30,31,33,34
Bizarre or not an example of female privilege: 4,8,11,18,20,21,25,26,29,33,34
Huge difference of degree: 7.
Not true if woman in similar position: 10, 31
Apparent misunderstanding of terms 19,24
Copies of other items: 11/28, 14/32.

15 and 16 are mostly bull, and where true it is because of a negative sterotype of women.
13: But in conjunction with a greater number of positive ones.

9,27. Are the only things with substance, and can be justified by an unfortunate reality and the seriousness of the issue.
Posted by Deuc, Monday, 29 August 2005 9:11:29 PM
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Deuc, I think both checklists have items that are true some of the time and false in other situations. Kind of depends on the perspective you read them with.

I thought about trying to do a list like that but did not like the risk of it become another slanging match between the genders - not what I'm trying to achieve.

Maximus's list may be as fair and valid as Ambo's - both have a use in pointing out that the grass may not be as green as it looks over the other side of the fence and both miss out on talking about the good bits.

Both probably are incomplete so if Maximus's list has some repeats assume that there are a few big ticket items missing (likelyhood of being on the front line if your country goes to war , risk of successfully suiciding in the midst of family breakup etc, likelyhood of being killed on the job, etc).

Reread Maximus's list the way you would like Ambo's list to be read. My suggestion - read it not to pick it to pieces and filter everything through your own perceptions but rather to get some understanding of the other view point. I tried it with Ambo's list and it is not really that painfull.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 7:51:13 AM
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Well said Robert. I agree it can all depend on which way you look at. things

Of course you could also add, the rising rate of suicides of young and middle age males which is getting quite out of control, as they struggle to find where they can fit, if anywhere.

We have come a long way and should look forward to moving even further towards equal opportunity and acceptance, without having to alienate the sexes from each other.

In my life I have seen lots of discrimination on both sides, personally losing everything I had worked for for many years as well as my children Purely because my ex decided that she wanted to do something different and got involved with the radical feminazi.

Instead of burying my head in negative, misery, I left it all behind. The ex and her crew are still whinging and bitching never satisfied, whilst I have happiness and contentment

Moral, It is how you react and how you go forward that determines how you see things and how they effect you, not what has occurred. Get on with it, there is as much good and bad between male and female, as you want to see. They give me the irritates sometimes women, but I also know that I do the same. I just try to make the effect less and less. I love the difference.
Posted by The alchemist, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 8:52:16 AM
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