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Decline in feminism? The backlash myth : Comments

By Paul Norton, published 19/8/2005

Paul Norton argues there is no evidence to support popular claims that Australians are becoming more conservative.

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I did some research on the 'mother of feminism' Mary Wostoncrafte.

Its interesting that she had an alchoholic and violently abusive father.

She also has a close link with some dissenting 'church' men of the day who rejected some fundamental pillars of Christian faith.

So, is it any wonder, that her writings, reflected these things, and that much of Feminism is also characterized by anti God/Christian and man hating ideas ?

In her day, it was considered that 'women' should not write about politics, or history.

Now.. is this 'male domination' ? is it 'inequality' ? or ...'culture'.

Why did 'men' write about history and politics. Maybe because they are closely related to the security of the nation, and just possibly because it is WE MEN who spill our guts out, and get blown away, and sliced and diced, to protect the women of the country from the hoards of raping and pillaging Ottomans or the such like.

Cultural symbols of this are things like opening the door for a woman, walking on the kerb side of the pavement (so 'WE' are more likely to get whacked or splashed, than she is)

Perhaps, men knowing that Women can have 'bad weeks' with the PMS and considered it not appropriate for a female general to be giving orders on an 'off' day, when the lives of countless thousands are at stake.

The sooner we abandon the idea that
1/ 'having different roles' is NOT about lack of equality, its about males and females being different, for very good reasons....and that
2/ The idea of equality peddled by 'marxist' linked feminists, is culturally, socially and biologically just plain incorrect.
3/ That those who have embraced ideas of equality currently in fashion, have simply been sucked in by skilful propogandists of marxist leanings, and hardly think for themselves.

Having said all that. I don't have a problem with equal pay for equal work. I dont deny females work opportunities similar to men, save front line combat,and any position where her monthly cycle may compromise her ability to give her best to the position.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 9:02:39 AM
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Her monthly cycle!
Now we get to the nub of it.
Some blokes are so quick to blame everything on menstruation. My question, when I see a bloke behaving like an absolute pain, is to ask what is their excuse? If it ain't hormones then it must be sheer bad character. I reckon that's about as fair a judgement as to assume women lose control of themselves every month.
Boaz, David, it seems, from your own words, that you regard women as naturally inferior to men, and that you do this as a result of your religious belief.
You summarise exactly why I reject all religion as so convenient at bolstering men's sense of superiority that it is self evidently man-made. It is also why I will not allow my daughters to attend any scripture or class from a religion which does not allow women to take leadership roles. If reincarnation is true (and I doubt it is) I hope you come back as a woman, you might see the whole world differently.
Posted by enaj, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 9:57:12 AM
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Finally we come to the crux of it BD. You have finally made me mad with your self-righteous, happy-clapper trash.

There are so many ignorant, chauvinistic and plain dumb examples in your last post that I cannot be bothered to respond to them. You are so deeply caught in your religion that it has made you so much less than a thinking person. I am glad you are happy – after all that is the plight many have in this life (finding happiness) but there are many more that have found it, without finding a target to dump on – in your case women and other religions.

Coming from a single mother family who successfully (i.e. no help or assistance from the father) raised four children without any social or emotional problems, all successful, considerate, socially conscious and most of all open-minded I’d say that your theory BD is a complete crock. How do you account for that? Or is she an aberration to the norm? Before you go on, I also know of at least three other families of two or more children, all who contribute to society, have no issues and are happy.

BD, take your illogical and self-serving claptrap and…. well, I am guessing you know what I would like you to do with it.

Well said. If BD want to blame nature for a woman’s ‘bad days’ (which I do not think exist), then how does he account for the continual asinine behaviour of men through the ages? Further, if it is men who are meant to rule, haven’t they completely $%&* it up so far? 2,000 years and still it is a mess. I think maybe it is time for the women? At least a more balanced contribution.
Posted by Reason, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 11:03:02 AM
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Thanks to all who have posted since my last post. I thought the debate was getting a bit stale and decided to stir the pot a little.

I feel real sorry for Maximus - clearly a case of sour grapes. As others have pointed out there is good and bad in both men and women.

BD - I work with women all the time I only know if they're menstruating if they tell me. And if women want to fight on the front line - good luck to 'em - its not for me. Except for one episode in my life I tend towards pacifism.

I am not so blind I can't acknowledge that the balance of power is still held firmly by men. In all areas from politics to business the majority is controlled by men. We still rule. However, I'd like to see some balance too, maybe women won't be any better at handling power than men, but it is hardly a true democracy if women don't have equal representation in all areas of power.
Posted by Ambo, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 11:48:57 AM
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Still no definition of what is this “progressive” feminism, or what constitutes “progressive” feminist policies, but a lot of talk about how men rule, hold power etc, etc, etc, and how only women can fix up the “mess” (whatever the “mess” is)

This “feminism” now seems very much like “elitism”.

Say that you are a “feminist”, and you should be automatically held in higher regard, but at the same time “feminists” do not have to prove anything, and do not have to show their "progressive" feminist policies for public comment (as any criticism of “feminism” is not acceptable, or it is “patriarchy”, or “anti-female” etc).

Sounds like a Total Rort.

Be truthful. Are you an Ambulance Officer on duty or not? If you are, then you are beginning to act as a representative of the Ambulance Services.
Posted by Timkins, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 12:29:28 PM
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Boaz David, “Now.. is this 'male domination' ? is it 'inequality' ? or ...'culture'. “
Answer, all three.

“WE MEN who spill our guts out, and get blown away, and sliced and diced, to protect the women of the country from the hoards of raping and pillaging Ottomans or the such like. “

“WE MEN”, detail your active service for this country. I doubt that you have ever been involved in anything other than your self righteous ego. What would you know about anything but stupidity.

I doubt that I would know any bloke who has combat experience that doesn't have the greatest respect for the women of this country. If you had any knowledge, you would know the tremendous contribution they gave during times of conflict, both at home and within active area's. The strength and support they gave was exemplary.

Personally I would rather have 10 women with basic training facing a superior enemy at their time of the month, than 1000 fully trained practising christians. At least I would know who I could trust and who would stand by me.

I have seen people like you on active service and those that represent your religion It was only the Salvos that were there for the troops, the rest, squirmed as far back as they could get. They gave no help, no support, they were just a bunch of pests. The number of blokes that went on active service as christians and came back as real people, far outweighed those who freaked when they realised that their useless god was not going to help them.

You are pathetic in the extreme.

Come to our RSLA and say what you have said here, I would look forward to that, but you and your cowardly ilk don't have the guts to be real, just bloody stupid.

If the moderator, feels that this is flaming, I apologise to all, but not Boaz David. But I am not going have anyone put down those that have actually stood up for their country.

I know few nurses that would love to treat you.
Posted by The alchemist, Tuesday, 30 August 2005 1:32:38 PM
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