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Is social cohesion in Australia under threat? : Comments
By Mamtimin Ala, published 16/4/2024Domestic right-wing extremism is deeply intertwined, both ideologically and in other aspects, with a variety of factors like economic stability, political transparency, and social connections.
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Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 9:50:21 AM
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Is social cohesion in Australia under threat from right wing extremists? Yes, it is! These nutjobs are out there doing their very worst to divide and conquer!
And they infiltrate moderate liberal organisations to achieve those ambitions. This is how the extreme right wing Nazi party got into power in Germany! And it is not just Australia under this threat but many other nations that have bought into extreme capitalism/dog eat dog greed is good, individualism/aspirational ambition. Extreme capitalism that breeds inequality, poverty and unmet need as well as evil uncaring exploitation! That is at its worst a notch or two down from rampant, slavery! JC would turn in his grave! Everything he stood for and taught, trashed beyond belief! It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 16 April 2024 11:05:05 AM
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Anything left of extreme (lowest IQs on the planet) right-wing (never ever wrong) conservatism, is according to them, part of the ultra-left.
Thankfully, our elections are decided by the silent (eyes wide open) moderate middle/fiscally conservative, socially progressive small L liberals/! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 16 April 2024 11:17:22 AM
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With the Wakeley Stabbings yesterday
This article obviously comes at time of renewed focus on Islamic Terrorism in Australia - but right-wing extremists might exploit anti-Muslim feelings now occurring. Following the Bondi stabbings the stabbings by a 16yo youth at a Wakeley Church may be a Copycat act. "The teenager allegedly screamed “Allahu Akbar” after thrusting a addition to a remark about the Islamic prophet Muhammad." see Authorities are now probably trying to head off revenge attacks against mosques and other muslim institutions or individuals in Sydney or in towns/cities where others might wish to retaliate. Authorities are also determining whether the 16yo was acting alone or part of a network. Also rightwing extremism is probably being kept an eye on - opportunist acts wise. Burning down institutions at night has been an extremist and/or sectarian violence tactic worldwide. Here is a constantly updated website on the Wakely Stabbings The heads of ASIO and ASIS previously at the National Security Committee of Cabinet may have already returned to that Committee overnight. Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 12:57:08 PM
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Were the Nazis right wing because the full name in English was National SOCIALIST, and they emanated from a left wing workers party?
Anyone referring to the Nazis as 'right wing' is an ignoramus. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 1:16:19 PM
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Anyone referring to the Nazis as 'right wing' is an ignoramus.
ttbn, There's no-one more Nazi than the mid-xtreme Left. Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 2:21:05 PM
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At the risk of hurting your feelings the whole world knows Nazis were right wing extremists. They changed their ideology like many extremists. See "Nazism...the common name in English for National the far-right totalitarian socio-political ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Nazi Germany. During Hitler's rise to power in 1930s Europe, it was frequently referred to as Hitlerism. The later related term "neo-Nazism" is applied to other far-right groups with similar ideas which formed after the Second World War. Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship, fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed. Its extreme nationa nationalism originated in pan-Germanism and the ethno-nationalist Völkisch movement which had been a prominent aspect of German ultranationalism since the late 19th century. Nazism was strongly influenced by the Freikorps paramilitary groups that emerged after Germany's defeat in World War I, from which came the party's underlying "cult of violence"." Regards Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 2:30:42 PM
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The Nazis were indeed right-wing extremists. The inclusion of the term "socialist" in the party name was every bit a misnomer as the word "democratic" in "DPRK", and was inserted for purely strategic reasons.
The inclusion of "socialist" in the party name was primarily a tactic to attract workers and to compete against the growing influence of left-wing workers' movements, particularly the communists, in Germany at the time. The use of "socialist" aimed to present the party as an advocate for the common man and an entity concerned with social welfare, even though the party's actual policies were nationalist, authoritarian, and based on racial ideology. The ideological foundation of Nazism was fundamentally different from socialism. Socialism typically advocates for the social ownership of the means of production and the elimination of class structures, focusing on equality and the welfare of the working class. Nazism, on the other hand, prioritized racial purity, national expansion, and the leadership principle (Führerprinzip), which emphasized absolute obedience to the party leader as a core part of its doctrine rather than an unfortunate but necessary step in a transition. Nazism was deeply hostile to actual socialist and communist movements, which it viewed as mortal enemies. After coming to power, the Nazi regime actively suppressed these movements in Germany, incarcerating and killing their members. As a young worker, Hitler refused to join the unions, which saw him isolated him from his colleagues who he often considered to be nothing more than blind followers of a poisonous doctrine. Thus, while the Nazi Party used "socialist" in its name, its policies and actions were antithetical to core socialist principles, reflecting its right-wing extremist nature. Posted by Syoksya, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 3:43:17 PM
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For anyone to say that Social cohesion in Australia is under threat one can only say "where has that person been hiding in the past 50 years ?"
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 4:05:35 PM
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Hi Syoksya Thanks for your learned, well argued and informed, comments. This doesn't happen often on OLO, which tends to be a sheltered workshop for the sensitive adhering to Election Was Stolen Trumpism in many respects. See "Trumpism is an authoritarian political movement that follows the political ideologies associated with Donald Trump and his political base incorporating ideologies such as right-wing populism, national conservatism, neo-nationalism, and neo-fascism. Trumpist rhetoric heavily features anti-immigrant, xenophobic, nativist, and racist attacks against minority groups. Other identified aspects include conspiracist, isolationist, Christian nationalist, protectionist, anti-feminist, and anti-LGBT beliefs." RING ANY BELLS FELLAS?! Most of this is detrimental to Australia, but good for Trump's American base. Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 4:38:44 PM
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Syoksya's opinion is just that - an opinion. There is nothing “learned, well argued and informed” about his post. He has either been reading the wrong books, or not reading at all. He is apparently unaware that, if he wants to disagree, he should provide reasons why he disagrees. He can think what he likes; but if he wants to prove me wrong, he has to come up with proof (and arguments) that I am wrong. Not that I give a toss, of course.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 5:05:59 PM
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Social cohesion is a tool in the hands of the regime in its wish subdue us for eternity.
Is social cohesion under threat? I can't see how, but I do hope it is. Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 5:14:14 PM
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The assertion that the Nazis were right-wing extremists is supported not just by opinion but by a broad consensus among historians based on extensive analysis of Nazi policies, writings, speeches, and actions. For instance, historians such as Ian Kershaw, Richard J. Evans, and Robert O. Paxton have extensively documented how the Nazis' ideology centred around extreme nationalism, racial purity theories, and authoritarian governance—hallmarks of right-wing extremism. Regarding the use of 'socialist' in the party's name, it's crucial to differentiate between nominal and substantive adherence to socialism. The Nazis' implementation of policies showed a clear departure from socialist principles, such as the socialization of the means of production and support for the working class's interests against the bourgeoisie. Instead, the Nazis suppressed independent labor movements, aligned themselves with industrial capitalists, and eliminated political opposition, including socialists and communists. If you believe there are specific aspects of the Nazi regime that reflect genuine socialist principles, I would be interested to hear them. Providing specific examples or sources could help in furthering this discussion constructively. It’s through such detailed and evidence-backed discourse that we can better understand complex historical topics. Finally, contrary to what you claim, I think you do care. Anyone who can stretch such a long bow, with a revisionist take on history as tenuous as the claim that the Nazis were left-wing, surely must care. Posted by Syoksya, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 5:27:24 PM
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We have at least one "useful idiot" on the forum. Only a few years back he was singing the praises of a far right political mob called 'Australian Conservatives', it was nothing more than a thinly veiled fascist outfit led by a disgruntled radical. The party used money raised from the likes of our gung-ho forum friend to live it up five start all around the country before the 2019 election. The party failed dismally at that years federal election scoring less than half a percent of the popular vote, despite the poor fella doing all he could to win them support. The party disappeared leaving the poor sod bewildered and disillusioned with conservative politics, now days he sings the praises of the Lovely Pauline and the One Nutter Party! He will also tell you; "There are no “right wing extremists in Australia”. Australia is under the thumb of the ultra-Left." poor chap, can't help himself.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 8:15:42 PM
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As I said you are reading the wrong books. You might say that I'm reading the wrong books. You believe what you believe. I believe what I believe - based on reputably commentators, and historians. It's not unusual for people with integrity to disagree, no matter how similar their qualifications are. Look at the different views on climate change: well-qualified people with opposite views. We can disagree without rancour. We would agree that Adolf Hitler was a horrible human, but I say that he was a man of the Left, not the Right. When it's all boiled down, it doesn't matter what a couple of anonymous people think online, but it's good to be able to do it - for now. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 10:43:11 PM
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The Nazis burned the books and ttbn was not able to quote a single author or book that supports his erroneous take on historical fact.
His everyone knows verbiage, is garbage/horse feathers and bird's fur. In fact, I'd be surprised if he read a relevant history book. Or any factual book that threatens his beliefs. Probably like his ilk, burns them? After the war, ordinary Germans were forced to look at the horrific death camps, that they had been conned to believe were holiday camps! [The Nazis were probably ultra-lefties. Ha, ha.] Their horror and shame was beyond belief. That anyone was capable of doing such things to fell0w humans! Right wing extremists/Neo-Nazis nutters, should be stood against a wall and shot least they take us back to that place. That would make the world a safer and more inviting place. Lest we forget! NB. there is only 6 degrees of difference between all the races on God's earth. An Indian I knew was burned. He recovered but his skin colour did not. He was white. What does that prove? That under the skin, Indians are a superior race? COBBLERS. Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 16 April 2024 11:34:40 PM
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Hi Alan B
I'm a believer in the the horseshoe theory in politics, whereby the far right and far left, rather than being philosophically and diametrically opposed politically they cover more common ground. The radicals Hitler and Stalin were very similar in approach. The "problem" arises as both radical groups are competing for the control of the hearts and minds of the same socio-economic group, the proletariat, and ultimately seek total power and control at the expense of all others. The big problem is these radicals will go to any extreme to exert their authority over society, Hitler did in Europe, just as Stalin did in Russia Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 6:50:35 AM
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Hi Paul
The horseshoe theory of politics looks a very useful explanatory model. It is unfortunate that OLO harbours some obsessives with misconceptions of reality that amount to a personal parallel universe. Lets call them "Parallel Obsessives". To claim Nazism was leftwing socialist is just another attempt to absolve rightwing Hitler and his rightwing thugs from responsibility. Mavs Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 8:39:29 AM
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"Parallel Obsessives".
Maverick, Well, from my personal experiences just about all antagonists are Left Wing ! From student demonstrations to fake news to deliberate manipulative disinformation to parasitism ! All Left Wing ! Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 9:38:04 AM
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Hi Mavs
I do believe Hitler dabbled into possible Communism early on in his "career", Stalin was into Orthodox religion, going as far as studying for the priesthood for a short time. I can't but think given different circumstances they could have swapped places, they were easily interchangeable. Probably the biggest difference is Fascism uses Nationalism as a greater tool to exploit the masses, and a way to instil collective fulfilment into that mass. Whereas Communism relies on the nobility of the same mass underclass to aspire to collective fulfilment. Both seek vindication and the correction of wrongs which they believe has unjustly conspired to deny the rightful place of the mass of society. Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 2:00:51 PM
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Hi Paul
There is of course German and Russian Dictatorial national overlays over these isms. ie. Germans have felt most nationally fulfilled fighting Wars since the Prussian State became a support system for the Army from the time of Frederick the Great (1712 to 1786)[1] right through to Hitler making Germany a support system for the Armed Forces from about 1936 to 1945. [1] I see Stalin in the long term Russian Dictatorial tradition - that earlier included the Tsars and then the Red Tsar "Communists". This Russian Dictatorial tradition continues under Putin. I don't think the German leaders (then) or Russian leaders (then and now) take/took isms too seriously. They just harnessed/harness ism mythologies to justify their Personal Power over their countries - with their people becoming more malleable and devoted during Wartime. Hence Putin is a Dictatorial Tsar without a crown. He has brought most Russians together through War (over the years in Chechnya, Georgia and now the Ukraine) and he even uses the murdered Romanov Tsarist Dynasty as Mythological latter day Saints of the Putin regime supporting Russian Orthodox Church. So look at National Dictator Traditions more than isms, I reckon. Cheers Mavs Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 4:33:12 PM
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It is all very simple;
You bring in large numbers of Arabs of different religions, different branches of those religions and all you have done is transfer all the characteristics of those immigrants to a new area. Look at what happened last night, this time the raging mob was Christians. Have you EVER seen a mob of baying Australians ? Did you see them at Bondi Junction ? No of course not, it is an Arab reaction transported from the Middle East. Does that not tell you from where not to bring migrants ? Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 4:45:36 PM
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You ask "Have you EVER seen a mob of baying Australians ?" YES! There was a large Riot of 5,000 of we Anglo-Saxon Whites at Cronulla on 11 December 2005 : read "At 13:45...two boys from Bangladesh were surrounded by the crowd, and had bottles thrown at them, with the crowd repeatedly chanting "Eff off Lebs!". The two boys escaped by car, which were smashed, stomped on and pelted with objects along the way. Chants and slogans such as "Eff off Lebs!", "We grew here, you flew here", "AUSSIE PRIDE" "Eff off wogs!", were repeated and displayed throughout the day by the crowd. The crowd also attacked the police by throwing beer bottles. Police vehicles were also prevented from entering the area. additional 600 people would arrive by train, mostly from the west of Cronulla, to join the crowds. At approximately 15:00, "two young men of [ME] appearance" arrived at Cronulla train station with the crowd outside chanting "Eff off wogs!". The two men (one of whom was a Russian-born Afghan) took refuge in the train. However, the mob entered the carriage and began assaulting them; ...At 15:20, two separate assaults took place; one involved a crowd attacking a man of "[ME] appearance" and throwing beer bottles. In this case an officer intervened and removed the victim as they were both struck by the bottles. A second assault took place outside a takeaway restaurant; three men were taken inside the restaurant as refuge and the diners already inside were moved towards the back. The glass doors and windows were broken and those inside were moved outside without incident. Injuries and arrests By the end of the day, 26 people had been treated for injuries... One police officer was hit by a car and two ambulance officers were also amongst the injured as their ambulance, under mounted police escort, was surrounded and beer bottles were thrown, with one of the ambulance officers being hit on the head by a bottle and the other receiving lacerations on the arm." SEE MUCH MORE This was a White Riot. Anglo-Saxon Mavs Posted by Maverick, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 5:12:20 PM
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Have you EVER seen a mob of baying Australians ?
Well yes the Cronulla riots in 2005. January 2024, balaclavas clad Neo-Nazi's, about 60 in total were brandishing Australian flags when they swarmed a Sydney train. Some people have a rather blinked view of things Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 6:45:30 PM
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Hypocrisy sure does come in handy don't you think ? Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 10:51:07 PM
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I read accounts of incidents in the news.
I am amazed at how one-sided they can be. They mostly centre around there being 'good' and 'bad'. This contributes to 'sensationalism', used to pique the interest of readers? But in practice, it takes two to tango. Almost all parties contribute to undesirable outcomes. So almost all parties should all be considered 'bad'? By their actions, the so-called 'innocent' usually put themselves right in the 'firing line'. They should know better? But they seem to escape criticism. And then they escape legal consequences. And perhaps receive huge financial gain. As I said, very one-sided. Whether it is the victim of a shark attack, or someone claiming rape, they have almost certainly contributed to what happened to them. They should share in society's aversion and distaste, and any legal consequences. But also, all should share in society's ability to understand, and forgive. Life must move on. Posted by Ipso Fatso, Thursday, 18 April 2024 3:04:28 AM
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The OP in this thread shows Right Wing extremism does exist oin Australia. As the words show.
I have observed that AUS Rright wing racist misogynist old men rarely completed high school. They lack the education to think rationally. So sad to see. Posted by Random, Thursday, 18 April 2024 5:28:56 AM
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Pauline Hanson dropped out of school at the age of 15, hardly literate, got pregnant, and worked for "Woolies" not a ringing endorsement for a person some here think should be Prime Minister. But then again she's probably "better educated" than they are.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 18 April 2024 5:40:23 AM
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probably "better educated" than they are.
Paul1405, You're a prime example of an 'educated' human & you prove your ignorance in matters people perpetually. Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 19 April 2024 8:49:02 AM
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Oh yes, you are right I had forgotten about the Cronulla Riot.
What I have not forgotten about is the subsequent expeditionary campaign organised from near the Lakemba Mosque to attack Cronulla at night. I got wind of what was happening when someone drove past that open area across Punchbowl Rd from the mosque and saw the crowd with cars being worked up and mentioned it on our network. I then listened on the radio to the police operation. Their radios were not enciphered at that time. What was developing at time would have made the first riot seem like a much milder event. They were tracked from Lakemba all the way and the instruction from the police were to try and stop them after the bridge. They also had a gathering at Maroubra with others from Sth Sydney. Police realised they were being monitored by them and then a voice came up and gave an order and nothing more was heard. I presumed they went to a secret channel. I couldn't find them. However I did hear that there was great concern at the numbers and the threats being made. I never heard how they were turned around. I leave that to your imagination. The police did seem to be well organised. I cannot imagine Australians organising an operation like that. Posted by Bezza, Saturday, 20 April 2024 11:19:11 PM
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The policy has been to break down Australian cohesion for special interest groups. We don't really live in a democracy because the electorate have very limited power over their own or their families future. The employment market is distorted by foreign immigrants especially international students for the interest of the academics. When the people complain about the loss of their franchise they are ridiculed as divisive and racist. In a sense it doesn't help to focus on the names that they call us- but we need to control our destiny- which is what democracy aspires but fails to achieve. As Gustave Le Bon says the people seek stability from the government and find themselves enslaved.
When people say we are divisive and racist- we know that they are the enemy of our future. Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 21 April 2024 11:57:10 PM
The “ASIO boss”? Well, what a dill. He tells us that an Australian politician committed treason at one time or another, but don't you worry about that, and the person won't be named or dealt with in the manner any sensible country would deal with such scum.
Multiculturalism has worked against social cohesion, and has been the most stupid thing done by our outstandingly stupid political class.
“During the Covid pandemic” this same stupid (but nasty) political class did what they have always dreamed of doing and operated just like Communist China and other totalitarian regimes: house arrest, forced vaccinations, arrests, and rubber bullets in the back. People caught overseas couldn't get back into their own country.
I don't remember any “right wing extremists” involved in that oppression.
Cost of living. That's just a smoke screen, mostly invented, and the “victims” - who can adjust their spending and solve it themselves - are delighted to have their own taxes paid back to them in “compensation”.
Cost of housing and rents. Genuine, but engineered by an ultra-Left Green/Labor government to drive the young, in particular, further into the arms of Big Brother and the lie that the answer to all their problems is more (communistic) government.
“Right-wing ideology is nothing new in Australia”, we are told by this Uyghur gentleman,whose fellows are enslaved and abused by extreme Left-wing ideology in China.
It's “deeply entwined” he says.
Where's his proof? Proof? What's that?
If Australia does have a “pressing issue of declining social cohesion” as Mr. Ala claims, it is because of his beloved multiculturalism (in the country that foolishly took him in) and the garbage he is spreading. Why does he even live here, given all the faults he finds with the place.