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Is social cohesion in Australia under threat? : Comments

By Mamtimin Ala, published 16/4/2024

Domestic right-wing extremism is deeply intertwined, both ideologically and in other aspects, with a variety of factors like economic stability, political transparency, and social connections.

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There are no “right wing extremists in Australia”. Australia is under the thumb of the ultra-Left. People talking such nonsense are Leftist nutters that complacent Australians have been looking away from for too long.

The “ASIO boss”? Well, what a dill. He tells us that an Australian politician committed treason at one time or another, but don't you worry about that, and the person won't be named or dealt with in the manner any sensible country would deal with such scum.

Multiculturalism has worked against social cohesion, and has been the most stupid thing done by our outstandingly stupid political class.

“During the Covid pandemic” this same stupid (but nasty) political class did what they have always dreamed of doing and operated just like Communist China and other totalitarian regimes: house arrest, forced vaccinations, arrests, and rubber bullets in the back. People caught overseas couldn't get back into their own country.

I don't remember any “right wing extremists” involved in that oppression.

Cost of living. That's just a smoke screen, mostly invented, and the “victims” - who can adjust their spending and solve it themselves - are delighted to have their own taxes paid back to them in “compensation”.

Cost of housing and rents. Genuine, but engineered by an ultra-Left Green/Labor government to drive the young, in particular, further into the arms of Big Brother and the lie that the answer to all their problems is more (communistic) government.

“Right-wing ideology is nothing new in Australia”, we are told by this Uyghur gentleman,whose fellows are enslaved and abused by extreme Left-wing ideology in China.

It's “deeply entwined” he says.

Where's his proof? Proof? What's that?

If Australia does have a “pressing issue of declining social cohesion” as Mr. Ala claims, it is because of his beloved multiculturalism (in the country that foolishly took him in) and the garbage he is spreading. Why does he even live here, given all the faults he finds with the place.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 9:50:21 AM
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Is social cohesion in Australia under threat from right wing extremists? Yes, it is! These nutjobs are out there doing their very worst to divide and conquer!

And they infiltrate moderate liberal organisations to achieve those ambitions.

This is how the extreme right wing Nazi party got into power in Germany!

And it is not just Australia under this threat but many other nations that have bought into extreme capitalism/dog eat dog greed is good, individualism/aspirational ambition.

Extreme capitalism that breeds inequality, poverty and unmet need as well as evil uncaring exploitation! That is at its worst a notch or two down from rampant, slavery!

JC would turn in his grave! Everything he stood for and taught, trashed beyond belief!

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 16 April 2024 11:05:05 AM
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Anything left of extreme (lowest IQs on the planet) right-wing (never ever wrong) conservatism, is according to them, part of the ultra-left.

Thankfully, our elections are decided by the silent (eyes wide open) moderate middle/fiscally conservative, socially progressive small L liberals/!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 16 April 2024 11:17:22 AM
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With the Wakeley Stabbings yesterday

This article obviously comes at time of renewed focus on Islamic Terrorism in Australia - but right-wing extremists might exploit anti-Muslim feelings now occurring.

Following the Bondi stabbings the stabbings by a 16yo youth at a Wakeley Church may be a Copycat act. "The teenager allegedly screamed “Allahu Akbar” after thrusting a addition to a remark about the Islamic prophet Muhammad." see

Authorities are now probably trying to head off revenge attacks against mosques and other muslim institutions or individuals in Sydney or in towns/cities where others might wish to retaliate.

Authorities are also determining whether the 16yo was acting alone or part of a network.

Also rightwing extremism is probably being kept an eye on - opportunist acts wise.

Burning down institutions at night has been an extremist and/or sectarian violence tactic worldwide.

Here is a constantly updated website on the Wakely Stabbings

The heads of ASIO and ASIS previously at the National Security Committee of Cabinet may have already returned to that Committee overnight.
Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 12:57:08 PM
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Were the Nazis right wing because the full name in English was National SOCIALIST, and they emanated from a left wing workers party?

Anyone referring to the Nazis as 'right wing' is an ignoramus.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 1:16:19 PM
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Anyone referring to the Nazis as 'right wing' is an ignoramus.
There's no-one more Nazi than the mid-xtreme Left.
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 2:21:05 PM
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