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The Forum > Article Comments > Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine offers Gazans hope post-war > Comments

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine offers Gazans hope post-war : Comments

By David Singer, published 22/12/2023

HKOPS shreds the Saudi-inspired 2002 Arab Peace Initiative and United Nations 2016 Security Council Resolution 2334 which both call for the creation of an independent Palestinian Arab state.

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«so Zionism and the occupation of Gaza and the West bank needs to collapse in 2024»

Zionism ended in 1948,
the occupation of Gaza ended in 2005,
the occupation of the West Bank will hopefully end soon too.

«A "two state solution" won't happen. Netanyahu and the Likud party are Zionist and so dedicated to Greater Israel from the River Jordan to the Sea.»

Netanyahu and the Likud party are not Zionist - they ruin everything Zionism ever created.
Yes, they are dedicated to "Greater Israel", but they are on their way out.
A survey from 4 days ago (21.1.2024) shows that if elections were to be held today in Israel, then Likud would get exactly half their present seats: 16 instead of 32!

If a "two-state solution" won't happen, then there could be 3 main reasons for having one, three or four states instead:
1) Because the "Palestinians" don't want a state of their own - they want to resume being part of Greater Syria.
2) Because Israel won't remain one state: just prior to October 7th it was on the verge of splitting: only the present war still holds it together, temporarily.
3) Because the people of Gaza and the people of the West-Bank are in different situations and have different mentalities: they too wouldn't like to live together under the same rule.

«The solution to the problem is to de-Partition Palestine.»

Have you ever been divorced?
Remember those fun times, not a boring moment - arguments, domestic violence, police, courts, injunctions, lawyers...

- There you go: getting you back to live with your EX can really help solving the Australian housing crisis!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 25 January 2024 9:54:58 PM
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You incorrectly state: "In hindsight, the root cause of the existing problem was the partition of Palestine in 1947 by a narrow vote in the UN."

The first partition of Palestine took place in 1946 - when the 78% of Palestine east of the Jordan River - where no Jews then lived - was granted independence by the Mandatory Power - Great Britain - and renamed the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan.

The 1947 partition that you refer to was proposed in respect of the remaining 22% of Palestine west of the Jordan River - where both Jews and Arabs were then living. The Jews reluctantly accepted that UN partition plan - even though it denied them the right to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in any part of the territory of Palestine west of the Jordan River under articles 6 and 25 of the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine - preserved by article 80 of the United Nations Charter.

The Arabs rejected this 1947 UN partition resolution and sent six Arab armies from six Arab states into Western Palestine to ensure the Jews received nothing. They did not succeed - but Transjordan seized control of the West Bank and East Jerusalem unifying them with Transjordan to form the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 1950.

This situation is what is again being offered by the 2022 Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine solution (HKOPS) - albeit in a smaller area than existed between 1948 and 1967 - because this latest plan calls for the West Bank to be divided between Israel and Jordan.

HKOPS is now the key to ending more than 100 years of conflict between Arabs and Jews in former Palestine. Successfully implementing HKOPS will see the Arabs sovereign in about 80% of former Palestine - with the Jews sovereign in the remaining 20%.

Negotiations to implement HKOPS have become more urgent following Gaza's invasion of Israel on 7 October 2023,the ensuing unresolved Israel-Gaza War and the risk of widened conflict threatening to involve Israel, Jordan, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria and possibly Iran.
Posted by david singer, Monday, 29 January 2024 9:45:34 PM
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