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The Forum > Article Comments > Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine offers Gazans hope post-war > Comments

Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine offers Gazans hope post-war : Comments

By David Singer, published 22/12/2023

HKOPS shreds the Saudi-inspired 2002 Arab Peace Initiative and United Nations 2016 Security Council Resolution 2334 which both call for the creation of an independent Palestinian Arab state.

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No he's asserting that talkfests like this won't solve anything (as if anyone thinks it will) and asserting its a waste of time - while participating in the talkfest.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 26 December 2023 2:00:34 PM
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There seems to have been plan after plan after plan all of which have
been rejected or failed for one reason or another.
For 1400 years Islam has been spreading around the world not by peaceful
means but by migration war or terrorism.
It is now rife in Africa by killing Christians by the tens of thousands.
Why should Islamists abandon a method that hs been so successful.
The terrorism method has been stalled in Europe as their numbers are
not at high enough percentage. They remember what happened in France
when Charles Martel defeated the moslem army in the 8th century..
Charles Martel gained a very consequential victory against an Umayyad
invasion of Aquitaine at the Battle of Tours.
If he had failed the French would suffered the same fate as the Spanish.
NB the Umayyad was an Islamic Caliphate based in the ME,
Read up the history of Islamic migration and takeover.
How else but by a war can this trend be stopped once and for all.
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 3 January 2024 9:27:33 PM
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Just had a thought, perhaps the governments new legislation will deem
my post to be misinformation. Will you visit me at Long Bay ?
Posted by Bezza, Wednesday, 3 January 2024 9:30:11 PM
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So much passion for a couple of thousand Palestinians but not even a
mention of who killed the 50,000 Christians in Nigeria !
Not even the information that the killers are moslems.
No mention of the number of churches burnt down and their parishioners
murdered while celebrating Christmas.
The protesting pro Islamic crowds do not even know about it !
This is not just our local media, it is a world wide shush shush;
"that is Islamaphobia, tut tut" !

What bloody hypocrites !
Posted by Bezza, Sunday, 7 January 2024 9:40:28 PM
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You state:
"David Singer writes:" UN still refuses to discuss HKOP. "

I don't think the UN is relevant in this situation. Whatever solution is finally reached, if a solution is reached, will be done over the heads of the UN"

I respectfully disagree.

The UN has been involved in brokering a solution to the 100 years-old Jewish-Arab conflict since it began operating on 25 October 1945.

Central to the UN's involvement is Article 80 of the UN Charter which preserves the rights vested in the Jewish people to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza under articles 6 and 25 of the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine.

The UN has been acting in breach of article 80 since the Security Council adopted Resolution 2334 on 23 December 2016 which:
"1. Reaffirms that the establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the achievement of the two-State solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace;
2. Reiterates its demand that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and that it fully respect all of its legal obligations in this regard;"

These assertions are false and the UN is acting illegally in making them in violation of Article 80.

Whilst the UN denies Jews have the right to reconstitute the Jewish National Home in the land located "from the River to the Sea" - the UN will be the centre of Jew-hatred sweeping the world. HKOPS recognises these legally-vested Jewish rights by calling for the division of Judea and Samaria (West Bank) between Israel and the newly merged territorial entity to be called The Hashemite Kingdom of Palestine.

The sooner HKOPS is discussed in the Security Council- the better. HKOPS cannot remain buried as the region descends into ever-increasing conflict and rampant Jew-hatred increases world-wide.
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 10 January 2024 8:36:12 AM
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Do you notice that this opinion piece is talking about who will own and operate the territory of Gaza once Israel decides their war of death and destruction is over? This approach ignores the right of territories to self-determination in the post colonial period. The same kind of colonial attitude was expressed in 1975 in relation to the future of another similar-sized territory, Portuguese Timor at our doorstep. It was decided by the Whitlam government to hand the territory over to Indonesia without consulting the people of East Timor as to what they wanted. This led to untold suffering, death and destruction in East Timor for many uears until finally a referendum on self-determination was held and independence achieved with the help of the UN in 2002. And so it goes, the ideas put forward in this opinion piece by Mike Kelly and Anthony Bergin will not lead to the end of resistance from the traumatised, suffering and enraged people of Gaza. What will finally end the wicked Palestinian problem is regime change in Israel. This could come about by conviction of the regime by the International Court of Justice, for genocide in Gaza. Just as Communism and the Soviet Union collapsed in 1993, and Apartheid collapsed in South Africa a year later, so Zionism and the occupation of Gaza and the West bank needs to collapse in 2024. A new democratic Greater Israel or Greater Palestine needs to emerge wherin Jews, Christians and Moslems will live in peace under a new constitution that rejects Zionism, that is a form of colonialism and racism. That is the right side of history. A "two state solution" won't happen. Netanyahu and the Likud party are Zionist and so dedicated to Greater Israel from the River Jordan to the Sea. The Arabs need to be expelled or die first. In hindsight, the root cause of the existing problem was the partition of Palestine in 1947 by a narrow vote in the UN. The solution to the problem is to de-Partition Palestine.
Posted by smokehaze, Thursday, 25 January 2024 8:15:48 PM
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