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The Forum > Article Comments > Security Council rebuffs Guterres bid to fix his Gaza mistakes > Comments

Security Council rebuffs Guterres bid to fix his Gaza mistakes : Comments

By David Singer, published 12/12/2023

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has failed in his bid to get the Security Council to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza that would have helped paper over some appalling decisions by Guterres both before and after October 7.

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That's quite a long bow you draw there Yuyutsu. Syria is barely able to hold its own territorial integrity together let alone go on foreign adventures. Jordan is far more capable of dealing with recalcitrant so-called Palestinians today than 1970. Russia isn't anywhere near able to project power into the heart of the M-E these days. It can barely project power into the Donbass. Iraq might be able to project power into the Levant but not at the extent of overthrowing a state supported by the Saudis and Egypt.

And finally, Israel would never sit back and let Damascus establish a presence on the River Jordan without having a say.

I find your scenario unlikely.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 14 December 2023 3:45:39 PM
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You just love postulating analogies to give justification to your beliefs.
Try working with what is factual and not what you wish to believe as one does with religion based on desire.
It is what it is until it isn't.
Right now you have the decimation of Gaza as an emulation of Dresden in WW2 fact!
You have the entire Gazan population without services or food, fact!
You have the disproportionate no of deaths, particularly children. fact!
And we have you attempting to justify as to cause and effect by postulating analogies which bear little or no merit as to context fact!
What do you mean by 'these Palestinians'?
Seems to me you're selecting Palestinians that emulate Israeli thugs, neither of which I would entertain as being desirable in this country.
However based on the last 70 years I would be inclined to inquire as to the cause and existence of 'these Palestinians'
Only nothing is a consequence of nothing.
Posted by Special Delivery, Friday, 15 December 2023 9:22:37 AM
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Right now you have the decimation of Gaza as an emulation of Dresden in WW2 fact!
Special Delivery,
And, right before that there was a demographic that didn’t appear to support any effort to subdue the fanatics in their midst & now they’re faced with the consequences. Do not for a moment dismiss the quite open calls for the annihilation of infidels. As it has been stated countless times over the centuries, as long as we have to deal with fanaticism, greed, superstition & mass stupidity lasting peace will remain an impossible dream. The few sane need to put in far more of an effort to curb the advance of intellectual mindlessness which clearly is a huge component of the ongoing stupidity of these true infidels.
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 15 December 2023 10:06:05 AM
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Dear Delivery,

So you changed the subject and now rather speak about Gaza.

While I mainly disagree with what you said in that regard, I do not wish to be carried away to that topic at this time.

The topic I was engaged with on this thread at the time you intervened, is the Southern Syrians (who lately started calling themselves "Palestinians") and their hatred of the kingdom of Jordan (of which Amman is the capital) - which is one major reason why this "HKOPS" is a terrible idea.

Either keep to this topic, or simply admit that you didn't know where Amman is, mistakenly thinking that it was in Israel.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 15 December 2023 12:35:19 PM
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And there I was responding to 'Security Council rebuffs Guterres bid to fix his Gaza mistakes'
You 'don't wish to be carried away' you've been carrying away for the last few entries.
"Southern Syrians (who lately started calling themselves "Palestinians")
Israel didn't exist until some 70 years ago so how do you suppose the populace have come to calling themselves Israelis.
As usual you rearrange the furniture to suit you viewpoint at any one time
I don't give a flying 'f' about where Annam is and it's supposed relevance so introducing a white elephant to justify some obscure justification is not only pointless but insulting.
Posted by Special Delivery, Friday, 15 December 2023 7:40:13 PM
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Israel didn't exist until some 70 years ago
Special Delivery,
Ok, then where did these Israelites they mention in the Bible hang out ? As far as I know all former Christian etc adversaries have managed to sort out their differences, how come Islamic groups haven’t ? What is the fundamental difference there ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 16 December 2023 7:18:26 AM
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