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The Forum > Article Comments > Security Council rebuffs Guterres bid to fix his Gaza mistakes > Comments

Security Council rebuffs Guterres bid to fix his Gaza mistakes : Comments

By David Singer, published 12/12/2023

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has failed in his bid to get the Security Council to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza that would have helped paper over some appalling decisions by Guterres both before and after October 7.

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The deadly psychotic drama now being dramatized in Israel/Palestine has much more world-wide political ramifications for the entire world in the future.
Check out the transcript of a conversation on the Scheerpost website titled. Among other things it features a reference to Australia's Pine Gap electronic spy base.

The Weapons Israel Tests on Palestinians Will Be Used Against All of Us

Indeed they have so been used for quite some time now.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 12 December 2023 2:15:40 PM
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Dear Delivery,

«Are we now entering a supposition phase to justify an inexcusable?»

So now you seem to claim that Jordan's existence is inexcusable?
Or, more likely, it is your truancy in geography classes which speaks - Amman is the capital of JORDAN!

«If so let's suppose how peaceful things could be without using religion as a call to conflict.»

Suppose... then these monsters (on both sides) who presently use religion as an excuse for the conflict... will simply find a different excuse.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 12 December 2023 3:25:45 PM
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The HKOPS idea is as good a solution as any.

But the fact is no resolution of this will occur until the Arabs come to realise that they can't get everything between the river and the sea. Only then will they be open to compromising their ambitions. At that point a two state solution might be possible. Or the HKOPS might be favoured.

But its far off in the future. At the moment the so-called Palestinians and their sponsors/owners still think a final catastrophic victory over the Jews is possible. And while ever they believe that, any compromise that leaves a Jewish state in place will be unacceptable.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 12 December 2023 3:39:57 PM
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Dear Mhaze,

«The HKOPS idea is as good a solution as any.»

Solution for what? For the existence of Israel?

- Because should HKOPS happen, God forbid, then instead of Israel there will be only Iran and Russia from the Euphrates river to the Mediterranean sea!

The "final solution" indeed...
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 12 December 2023 5:09:24 PM
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Diplomates can only suggest not command!

What might bring this massacre to and end is for Iraeli television to stop sanitising images from the war and show it as it really is.

An unthinkable bloodletting/borderline holocaust that keeps a corrupt PM in power!

Yes, Hamas brought this on Gaza! But innocent women and children are paying with their lives!

There has to be another and better way. And should start with a bona fide negotiated two state solution both Israel and Palestine can live with!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 13 December 2023 7:36:59 AM
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"Because should HKOPS happen, God forbid, then instead of Israel there will be only Iran and Russia from the Euphrates river to the Mediterranean sea!"

Well if you say so.

Of course providing something approaching rational reasoning for reaching this conclusion might help your case.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 13 December 2023 11:04:19 AM
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