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The Forum > Article Comments > 'The Voice' may end up uniting us after a > Comments

'The Voice' may end up uniting us after a : Comments

By Graham Young, published 13/10/2023

There are several lessons Australians can learn from this weekend's vote.

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So the voice vote has stopped giving Albo & company free access to muck with our constitution. The average Ozzie was not as dumb as Albo & crowd hoped they were. He obviously could not admit just what he wanted to do to the constitution, or he would have lost to a greater margin.

So we've stopped one lefty stupidity, so lets now stop the stupidity of battery powered cars, & windmill power generation. We simply can't afford it.

Once there, lets resign from the now ratbag lefty controlled United Nations, & take our country back from all unelected bureaucrats academics, & the feminists bunch.

For those who knock the 60s, just remember a single income truck driver family could buy a home in Sydney, & have enough money left to live reasonably well. Leaves todays prospects totally for dead.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 15 October 2023 9:44:43 AM
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Australia rejects Indigenous referendum in setback for reconciliation

This is the headline of some News thing on the Net. Are people in the media really so silly as to totally miss the point that the NO result is the best possible outcome, particularly for the indigenous ? They're now literally free of the insipid activists & elitist do-gooders who only have their own interests at heart & those of the indigenous as they only pretend to do.
Now they're already pointing the finger at the NO campaign when it was in fact the progressives who incited an unworkable demand in the first place ! The $400Mills wasted should be taken out of their taxpayer funded coffers now.
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 15 October 2023 12:15:45 PM
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I just saw a segment on the abc news channel 24.
They were talking about a 'week of mourning' like somehow the 'yes' voters were the majority.
What about a week of celebrations for the 'no' voters that their VOICE was heard and that the country will now not have racial privilege enshrined in the constitution?

If you think that's harsh, imagine how they would've carried on towards the 'No' voters had the decision gone the other way.
They would've gotten a free pass to call them all racist, and they would be rubbing their 'Yes' in everyone's faces.

They talked about the voting results and what it meant.
I can explain that just from the maps and results.

It showed that the entire country is divided already, and the 'woke' inner city types are completely at odds with the rest of the country.

Now is not the time for 'mourning', it's time to lay the boot in.
Heads need to roll for the time wasted during a cost of living crisis, the 400 million wasted and the needless division caused.

Any government bureaucrat, or a person in a third party advisory role holding positions of power and influence in government decision making that voted 'Yes' has shown they are out of touch with the views of Australians and they ALL need to go.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 15 October 2023 12:35:10 PM
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People talk about sovereignty.
Which is the 'power' to govern.
But power comes from strength.
A person or group must have the 'strength' to CONTROL an area before it can say it has sovereignty.
There is only one group which has been in control here for the last two or more centuries.
Latterly known as the commonwealth of australia?
Only government and its instruments can make laws and grant rights.
And a democratic government can do it oh so well.
Everything you own, every right you have, comes via our democratic government TODAY.
It sets standards, and enforces those standards.
Without government of some form, you have nothing, and are entitled to nothing.
Except that which you can protect by your own effort.
Any peron who imagines they have some form of ownership because of something which happpened two thousand, twenty thousand, forty thousand, or sixty five thousand years ago, is living in some fantasy world.
Dinosaurs knew how to deal with it.
They simply put a big foot down, and no further argument was necessary.
They enforced their own standard, whatever they went.
People who occupy fantasy worlds are numerous.
Would it ever be possible for them to grow up, and use reason to guide their way forward?
Looking back at history, 'I doubt it said the carpenter'.
But I won't shed a bitter tear.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Sunday, 15 October 2023 3:46:18 PM
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Yes by all means lets fight and fight
Lets ignore each other's rights
Let only Whites be in control
We can be proud of the lands we stole

Black or White lets not live together
We're not all birds of a feather
So lets divide us into foes
Lets not rectify our woes

We can't live in calm and peace
We can't make our fighting cease
Look at what's happening in the Middle East
They too can't make their fighting cease

I was here first so you say
But we want you to go away
We want you to grin and bear it
We aren't quite prepared to share it

So be happy with what you've got
Because our mob wants to keep the lot.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 15 October 2023 3:54:50 PM
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Sounds to me like Foxy will be losing some benefits from the referendum loss !
Posted by Indyvidual, Sunday, 15 October 2023 6:32:08 PM
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