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The Forum > Article Comments > Roth confounds UN, USA & Australia: Two-State solution 'is gone' > Comments

Roth confounds UN, USA & Australia: Two-State solution 'is gone' : Comments

By David Singer, published 4/11/2022

Kenneth Roth, recently retired Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, has undermined the continuation of the policy espoused by the UN, USA and Australia for the last 20 years supporting the the creation of a new Palestinian Arab State.

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There's a lot of C.R.A.P. appearing here with no bearing whatsoever on the question or the solution. Why can't the willfully blind just get out of the way and or take their totally irrelevant personal WHF rainbow agendas of the table.

A two-state solution is the only solution that's on the table that PLO will consider as viable. Just as the Jewish diaspora need to have a homeland to call their own so also do the other sons and daughters of Abraham, their Palestinian genetic cousins!

The Palestinians also long to have their illegally occupied homeland returned in a negotiated settlement. Which is pushed ever further away with the return of Netanyahu!

What we need to see the end of this BS is the end of all dependance on fossil fuels! And push aside all the tiny minority that want to force their personal, rivers of gold, carbon creating, energy options on the rest of the world.

Cheap reliable energy, (carbon free) MSR thorium, would make the desalination of seawater a viable economic option for broadscale irrigated agriculture! And create food security for Israelis and Palestinians alike. And end the need to annex more and more illegally occupied Palestinian land!

Roth, Singer and co., need to F.O. They don't and will never ever help with their, I believe, endless obfuscation and mendacious disingenuity.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 5 November 2022 11:05:31 AM
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Dear Dan,

«The broader aim is to divide the West along the line of conservative V liberal progressives.(Rainbow flags).»

You did not make yourself clear: who's aim? Iranian? "Palestinian"? Yours?
And why would that be? What's the benefit?

«And since they share the same God with Islamists and Christians, chances of a more stable ME will more likely win out.»

Excuse me - is there anyone else, anywhere, with whom we do not share the same God? Was there anyone like that ever? Could there ever be someone like that?

«The problem is not Jewishness but Secularism; so hopefully Ben Gvir’s radicle Zionism will push Israel in that direction.»

Israel's problem is that it includes such diverse populations which have practically nothing in common, no common goals, no common vision - somehow they historically got stuck to each other and they all feel trapped.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 5 November 2022 9:29:29 PM
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I laugh out loud LOL at this one.

You tell me in the end, it’s the multicultural make up of Israel “THE” problem.

Well what you describe is the West under liberalism, with open borders and a miss match of cultures, a comparable negative situation to Israel.
Exactly what I said, but said differently.

What some Israeli radicals are calling for (as an ambit claim I suspect), is the expulsion from Israel, all non Jewish inhabitants.

I agree that stand is an honest one. I mean, I don’t have time or space to write a thesis on my ideas in my previous post above, but I gave you credit for the ability to judge the context of what I meant in its brevity.

It gets down to this. Israel was always to be a haven for Jewish people from wherever they may have come from, as a refuge.
It would be one of the very few to qualify legitimately as a multicultural community, built on that dream.
There is room for radicalism.

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 5 November 2022 9:50:35 PM
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Dear Dan,

Yes, there is a room for radicalism, but not when it causes suffering for others.

What I believe in, is territorial compromise: when cultures are so incompatible that people suffer, the land ought to be divided, as much as required so that everyone can live only with those with whom they have some basic agreement. Everyone means everyone!

The main reasons this is not happening are greed and jealousy. I do not support either.

"So Abram said to Lot, “Let’s not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herders and mine, for we are close relatives. Is not the whole land before you? Let’s part company. If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right; if you go to the right, I’ll go to the left.”" [Genesis 13:8-9]
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 5 November 2022 10:22:58 PM
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Pete S

Biden is a complete puppet for Obama. It’s Obamas failed policies pre Trump, propelling the Middle East into a catastrophe that has dangerously effected the security of Israel and Saudi Arabia, and forced a bear hug for survival against Iranian sponsored rocket and drone attacks from Yemen and Lebanon. Both those failed States are vassals of Iran.

But yet, the US, in a bid to realign itself in the ME with Iran, has effectively abandoned trusted allies.
(A long story).

We in Australia should take note of the treachery of US and it’s shifting of policy at a whim in the ME, that ignores allied security, when dealing with them.

We need Trump back in the White House urgently. for the sake of peace.

Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 5 November 2022 10:57:41 PM
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Yuyutsu I agree, twd, be good if the world had the propensity for peace, but alas!

To use the Bible to prove any concept of peace is fraught with the dangers of interpretation.
The two prophetic books of Ezekiel and Daniel, and Enoch to a more controversial end, all predicted a coming messiah: But who and what was his ultimate standing, was a vexed point of contention.
The son of man. The prince of peace. Unfortunately the mayhem over that controversy is exactly where and why Israel stands, still in the midst of controversy with its Arab neighbours, and at times with its Christian brothers. Except of course with its brothers, the Christian Zionists in the US; the Donald Trump supporters.

From any view from Israel, it’s future is confused. Who are its friends? Certainly not the Democrats who are rabidly anti Zionists.

Posted by diver dan, Sunday, 6 November 2022 7:19:45 AM
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