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The Forum > Article Comments > Roth confounds UN, USA & Australia: Two-State solution 'is gone' > Comments

Roth confounds UN, USA & Australia: Two-State solution 'is gone' : Comments

By David Singer, published 4/11/2022

Kenneth Roth, recently retired Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, has undermined the continuation of the policy espoused by the UN, USA and Australia for the last 20 years supporting the the creation of a new Palestinian Arab State.

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There’s an urgent need for the return of Trump in the world.

The US is out of control. While it uses the Palestinian question as a red herring, the most dangerous issue of cuddling up to Iran moves forwards quietly; and I use the term quietly as a figure of speech, since US sponsored Hesbola rockets roaring into Israel are not silent.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 4 November 2022 8:25:09 AM
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A one state solution with equal rights for all its citizens and a democratic state replacing a Jewish state might end the conflict. The new state could have separation of religion and state as any democratic state should have. I am a Jew who lives in Australia. I am glad Australia is not a Christian state but a state for all ts citizens. I see no reason why Israel cannot become a democracy, have an integrated school system and civil marriage. A Jewish state like a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu or Muslim state is an anachronism in a democratic world.
Posted by david f, Friday, 4 November 2022 8:28:11 AM
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There cannot be a "two-state solution" because there cannot be any solution.

There cannot be any solution because there is no problem to begin with.

For the same reason, this Saudi plan which the author lauds would not solve anything either.
- but it would result, among other things, in the destruction of Israel.

There is no "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict because there are no "Palestinians".

Those native Arabs who tactically call themselves "Palestinians" never wanted a state of their own, nor do they want to be part of Israel, nor of Jordan. They were offered a state in the past and refused, because that would defeat their purpose - and should they be offered to become part of Israel and/or Jordan, that is not what they want either but then they would verbally/tactically accept the offer and use the opportunity to undermine these two countries from within.

What they want, what they wanted all along, is to become part of Greater Syria again. While presenting themselves as "Palestinians" for international consumption, they see themselves as Southern-Syrians, who never accepted the defeat of the Ottoman empire in world-war I and the subsequent division of Syria between the British and the French.

Even with the best of goodwill, they obviously cannot be given what they really want because Syria today is not an independent country, but a vassal state of Iran and Russia.

Now should the Saudi scheme be accepted, that would make the day for Iran and Russia: these Southern-Syrians will take over Jordan and hand it to Syria, Russian and Iranian forces would then enter Jordan and treat the Jordanians exactly like the Russians treat the Ukrainian civilians in the areas they occupy, then they will turn to Israel over its long eastern border and shred it to pieces, dumping its population in the Mediterranean sea, including 7 million Jews - yes, all this would happen if the author could get his way.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 4 November 2022 8:40:11 AM
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Why is the author avoiding the Israeli crisis of the moment, that is "Bibi" NETANYAHU back in power?!
Posted by Maverick, Friday, 4 November 2022 8:43:40 AM
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Now, I expect the usual suspects to use this platform to condemn Israel.

Yes, Israel's despicable behaviour towards ordinary civilian native Southern-Syrian Arabs should be improved because it undermines Israel's morality.
Yes, Israel's occupation of the territories it took in 1967 which corrupt it from within, should end.

However, these are internal Israeli problems that are unrelated to the "problem" the author is attempting to solve, thus I beg you to keep these two discussions separate.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 4 November 2022 8:50:38 AM
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There is no solution. Were I an Israeli - Jew, Muslim, Christian, or no religion at all, I would be relieved to have Netenyahu back.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 4 November 2022 9:13:12 AM
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