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Russian cannon fodder : Comments

By Bettina Arndt, published 11/10/2022

Why aren't the lives of Russian conscripts worth saving?

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Dear Yuyutsu,

I used to keep bees and still have a great interest in the subject. Unfortunately, the pesticides which kill insects that feast on plants also kill bees who promote the growth of plants.

I agree with you on a moratorium of pregnancies.

Dear mhaze,

I do not hate all things Christian. Christians have done some good. However, I think it would have been better if the battle of Tours had gone the other way. Sometimes a military defeat will result in desirable, social change. The present German nation is a democratic country and a good place to live for many people. Germans were forced to confront themselves. If the Nazis had won they would have extended their genocidal policies. If Christians had lost the battle of Tours it might have actually resulted in making Christianity better. It might have resulted in making Christians less intolerant of other cultures. It might have resulted in Christians examining themselves as the defeat of the Nazis caused Germans to examine themselves. Two Christian adages come to mind.

One is:

“Hate the sin but love the sinner”

One can hate the sin of Christianity but love Christians.

One can hearken to the words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, Mathew 7:16 “By their fruits shall ye know them.”

Some of these fruits are the occupation of lands inhabited by Aborigines, American Indians and other indigenous cultures and the extirpation of those cultures along with the enslavement and murder of the peoples and forcing Christianity on them, massacres of Jews and other non-Christians, murder of Servetus, Hypatia, Vanini, Bruno and other scientists and thinkers who questioned the Christian worldview, house arrest of Galileo, Wars of the Reformation where Christians of one kind killed Christians of another kind, the slave trade, the Inquisition and the support of most of the churches in Nazi occupied lands for Hitler.

In South Africa there was a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in which the powers in the Apartheid regime acknowledged their crimes and made peace with those they have oppressed. Christian churches might do the same.
Posted by david f, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 5:05:26 PM
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"The present German nation is a democratic country and a good place to live for many people."

Tell that to the 100k Germans who came out to demand an end to Russian sanctions and to turn on Nordstream 2...
- The day before the West blew it up.

The west has become so corrupted it conducts willful collective punishment of its own national citizens now.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 5:25:51 PM
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<< The west has become so corrupted it conducts willful collective punishment of its own national citizens now. >>

And those of its allies.
Posted by Bronwyn, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 5:58:55 PM
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Should one fear a nuclear war?
If that happens, then there's no point in worrying about it. The corrupt West has started the trouble in Ukraine but they only just start to realise what they've done. The only one to prevent this from becoming a global catastrophe i.i. end of the world as far as humans are concerned, is Zelensky & the people of Ukraine ! Putin has been pushed into a corner & has nothing to lose !
Now he gets blamed for it !
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 6:32:17 PM
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Yep, it has ever been the corrupt west for all manner of extremists. Be you a Marxist, Nazi, religious fruit loop or conspiracy nutter, the "West" is always becoming "decadent" and headed to Hell. Never mind that the "West" keeps getting better whilst all those pure societies remain economic and humanitarian failures. It is better to just keep doubling down with the nonsense.

I believe it has been a great surprise to western intelligence as to how poorly the Russian army has performed. I think the only things the Russian military has excelled in is murder and destruction. I hope the Russian military is as close to depletion as intelligence analysts speculate. A few long range Himars salvos for the Kerch Bridge wouldn't go astray.
Posted by Fester, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 8:23:06 PM
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Dear Indyvidual,

«The only one to prevent this from becoming a global catastrophe i.i. end of the world as far as humans are concerned, is Zelensky & the people of Ukraine !»

Oh, you may have forgotten - the only one to prevent this from becoming a global catastrophe, is God - in whom I trust. Should it be God's will to end humanity now, then so be it, let His will be done - at least we in Australia will still have some 6 months to live before the winds bring in the radioactive air from the northern hemisphere.

«Putin has been pushed into a corner»

By his own desires to restore the Soviet Union.

The ancient Assyrians had a policy: when they conquered a rival kingdom/city, they exiled its inhabitants to the opposite end of their empire, there they dispersed them all over, no more than one person or family per town/village, so they were made to live among total strangers and be forced to forget their culture and assimilate, so within a generation or two they became just blend loyal Assyrians with no historical memory.

Let alone the murdered, wounded, raped and homeless - Putin just did the same to some million Ukrainian in his occupied Ukrainian territories, whom he exiled from their homes and dispersed in Russian villages, giving them Russian documents that do not allow them to leave their village/town. One has to be extremely naive to believe that Putin would not do the same to the rest of Europe, one country at a time, if he could.

Let alone whether or not the West is corrupt (I personally believe that only the U.S.A is corrupt, not Europe, not even Canada), no decent person should accept such horrendous atrocities and allow Putin to continue to afflict them. Should we die as a result, then that would be a worthy cause! I also prefer dying this way over slow death in a nursing home from Alzheimer or Parkinson.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 12 October 2022 8:47:31 PM
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