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The Forum > Article Comments > Trump allegations of election fraud in Georgia to be investigated > Comments

Trump allegations of election fraud in Georgia to be investigated : Comments

By David Singer, published 24/3/2021

The New York Times, CNN and ABC – who had run with the original Washington Post story - also made similarly embarrassing back downs.

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Yes these concerns are very valid Reg, and its a right of every Trump

be she a man or he a woman, should apply himself, or herself

to a succession of "MY election was robbed" courts througout the US of A

to again make OLO articles, on US politics, polarised and interesting

for a FINAL RULING Not Before mid-February 2025.

Here beginneth the debate .
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 8:57:38 AM
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Good news for Americans - 75% of whom believe that there was fraud, no matter which side they voted for. Biden is looking feebler by the day, even with the Vice President's hand up his jacksie manipulating him (or because of it). Trump is back on social media, and will soon be back in every way: all over Biden like a rash.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 9:29:59 AM
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Anyone who thinks Biden is a legitimate President is senile ... too.
Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 12:44:08 PM
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I can't believe that my words have been proven correct again.
Remember, I seek the truth.
In so doing, I have always said that the forces of evil, greed and avarice along with a very extreme dosage of absolute arrogance and disdain for people, who have been backing the anti-Trump campaign, from before he even started campaigning in earnest to become the POTUS.
Those of you know who and what race of criminals I elude to.
The rest of you are just plain selfish and arrogant, by denying or rejecting the inconvenient truth!
I have always said it was NOT VOTER FRAUD, using one of my favourite phrases, because it would be like trying to herd cats.
NO, this was ELECTION FRAUD, and it was orchestrated and paid for by the most wealthy scum on earth who hide and skulk in the shadows of the WEF, and pay other likeminded, Faithfulls to do their dirty work.
I commented about Georgia having their vote counting machines examined by forensics because they believed their was foul play, and again I posted a video of the data guys who discovered anomalies in the programming, and I posted that video here again.

You wonder why I get ticked off when I get all this flack and negativity from the belligerent, small minded, un-informed morons on OLO, continually questioning me without having done a shred of research, or worse, refuse to do ANY research, because their mindless, ignorant (due to lack of the truth), ideological yet illogical, childish reasoning.
What is un-acceptable and un-reasonable, is their views and beliefs are absolutely untenable, and must NOT be considered or taken seriously.
In fact they should be mocked and ignored, for wasting our time with their personal childish, illogical, un-realistic view of the world and it's TRUE state of affairs.
Their research is only to find things that bolster their ignorant beliefs, and not that of trying to prove or disprove a report or claim.
So if the bias, leftist media pushes a particular negative posture, the fools/sheeple out there, blindly and arrogantly accept the lies!
Posted by ALTRAV, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 1:37:24 PM
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This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines..

Maybe it inadvertently exposed a rape of a drunken whore in the Oval Office.

Clinton’s at it again!

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 2:24:10 PM
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"The Washington Post corrected a story published on 9 January ..."

The fact that the Post had to correct its story that was only part of the issue. The Post got it wrong because they were misled by their anonymous source. Its almost certain that that anonymous source was one of the people in the room during the Trump phone call.

The information Post put out and had to correct was known by the people in the room to be false. One of them actually put out the false leaks and the others stayed 'mum' about it. Whatismore, they had a recording of the conversation which showed the story was wrong. Additionally that erroneous story formed part of the bogus second impeachment.

All of this only came out because someone found the file of the recorded conversation in the recycle bin on one of the computers.

All that is bad enough. But worse yet is the fact that the people involved in verballing Trump were supposed Republicans. As I pointed out in an earlier thread, they were Never-Trumpers who sought to destroy him. Their careers will all be MAGA-ed. But these same people are the ones the media and Democrats quote to claim that the Georgian elections were all fair and above-board.

Proven bad-players are now shown to be involved in hiding the truth about the shenanigans that went on in Georgia. The truth is catching up with them.

As I said at the time, the truth will finally come out in a year or three proving that the election was stolen. Its now coming out in Georgia. Its also coming out in Arizona where Maricopa County's illegal activities are being perused.

And the various legal suits concerning the Dominion counting machines will also work their way through the courts.

However in the meantime the Democrats are trying to force through legislation that will legalise their previously illegal or at least anti-democratic activities.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 24 March 2021 3:11:42 PM
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