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The Forum > Article Comments > I am an Aboriginal woman, and my people are hurting > Comments

I am an Aboriginal woman, and my people are hurting : Comments

By Samantha Cooper, published 4/6/2020

Reconciliation Week is exhausting at the best of times. Now more than ever, we are bombarded with tidal waves of racism and ignorance.

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Shoddy Minister, as per usual you try and play the know-it-all, love to use the word bollocks. My South African "buddy" fled the country in around the 1980's so a bit of bollocks for you. As another far right ratbag, you are hardly going to say anything in support of non whites. Provide evidence to support what you claim. 30,000 bodies down abandoned mine shafts. With no evidence its simply your white supremacists propaganda.

LEGO, anything to say about white extremists attacking police and peaceful BLM protesters in London. Unlike SM and his racists bile, I will post a reputable news link.

"But animosity was briefly set aside when a man identified by the crowd as a far-right protester was carried to safety by a Black Lives Matter protester"

LEGO, I take it you support the actions of these far right thugs?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 14 June 2020 3:03:19 PM
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SM: many of the "nazi" farmers have been welcomed with open arms by neighbouring black governments keen to feed their populations.

Yes they have. my ex next door neighbour went back to try to start a farm. The Zimbabwe Government wanted millions before the could even buy land. Then the process of doing anything was stifled by every Government Department wanting a (Gift) before they would even look at an Application.

The group that he worked for decided that they might do better in Mozambique.

They were welcomed with open arms. No Millions to be allowed to start a Farm. So they did. Then came the catch. As with every African Country everybody in the Government Departments are Corrupt & have to be paid off to be allowed to Buy Seed, Buy a Tractor, Pump water, Plant the seed, Plow the ground.

You can buy a tractor & implements but thing get very slow to almost stop if hands aren't greased. Result out of pocket by hundreds of Thousands, no working farm & it all their fault. They were lucky to get out when they did. They have to pay a local as a manager who has no expertise in anything & does nothing.
Posted by Jayb, Sunday, 14 June 2020 5:56:26 PM
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Hey Paul1405.

For almost forty years I have warned apathetic people in the west that multiculturalism would lead to the destruction of our social cohesion, and the result will be serious ethnic crime, serious social unrest, terrorism, demands for separatism, and finally, civil war. And that any reading of history will tell you that such a future is as immutable as the Law of Gravity. So don't blame me for seeing my predictions come true.

And all because crooked left wing western politicians wanted to use multiculturalism to "divide and conquer" the electorate and practice Tammany Hall politics to keep themselves in power.

The left wing ANTIFA thugs and dysfunctional minorities who depend upon white people for their welfare cheques have been burning buildings, looting stores, attacking the police, and toppling the statues of western historical figures in the USA and Britain, for nearly a month now. And things are getting worse.

Call off your dogs.

Your side looks to me like it wants to start a civil war, and when it succeeds in getting what it is begging for, I know who's side I will be on.

How long did you think this anarchy could go on before white people stood up and defended their country and their culture, that so many of these protesters immigrated into because they wanted to be a part of it? What you have now is a white backlash, and it is about time
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 14 June 2020 6:23:33 PM
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I started working in factories in the early sixties. Almost from the beginning, my work-mates tended to be Italian, Greek, Yugoslav, even Turks, Lebanese and French, with some British - but not too many Australian-born - they had moved either up the hierarchy or out into construction or easier jobs OR onto higher education and professional life.

I moved to NZ for a fe years and found the same sort of situation - I had a lot of Samoan, Rarotongan/Cook Island, Maori, Niuean, Tongan mates, bloody hard workers.

Of course the foremen, supervisors, bosses generally were local-born or Brits. But the hard work to build our countries here and in NZ was to a large extent done by migrants and short-term workers. Don't get too far up yourself.

And by chance, you're descended from immigrant ancestors, yourself ?

Posted by loudmouth2, Sunday, 14 June 2020 9:22:51 PM
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Migrants saved this country. They provided labour
when there were labour shortages. They built roads,
cities, infra-structure, worked in sugar cane-fields,
were farmers, worked in factories, hospitals,
opened up specialty shops, established
vineyards, and tried to bring this country out of being
a cultural backwater and into the 20th century. They
haven't stopped contributing since.

Many who came here from bombed out Europe were shocked
at how backward Australia was. It took them decades
to raise the standards both in education, health,
and all the professions.

As my husband tells me - in the 1960s - the greater number
of students at university were made up of Europeans and Asians. And the teaching staff were also predominantly from overseas.

Also culturally many changes brought life to the country
as well as vibrancy. From food, clothing, entertainment,
art, music, theatre, you name it.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 14 June 2020 10:59:20 PM
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To Loudmouth,

For all I know, my ancestors predated the aborigines. If not, they were "settlers", not "immigrants."

Australians were once criticised by the oh-so-bloody-morally pure caste for opposing the immigration of Greeks, Italians, and Yugoslavs into Australia. Yugoslavia itself fell to pieces through multiculturalism, so that didn't work out so well in Yugoslavia, did it? And now the Italians and the Greeks are doing "an Aussie" and complaining about the Muslims and black Africans invading their own countries.

Human beings. my dear Loudmouth, are tribal and territorial. They can be tolerant of other races to a degree, especially if there is no yawning gap in culture which constitutes what each group thinks is right or wrong behaviour. But if that gap is a chasm, then all humans groups are leery of other groups moving onto their territory. And one thing is uppermost, nobody wants to become a minority within their own territory to a different ethnic or racial group with wildly differing cultural values. It is perfectly natural and part of your DNA.

Where immigrant groups do have wildly different concepts as to what is right or wrong behaviour to that of the host population, and a steadily increasing population proportion, either through immigration or birth rate differentials, the result is ALWAYS, serious social strife, terrorism, calls for separatism (into mono cultural entities), or civil war.

That rule is as immutable as the law of gravity.

Thus we now have seen civil wars, rebellions, coups, or at least national separations in Lebanon, Fiji, Cyprus, Georgia, Afghanistan, Biafra, Rhodesia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Liberia, Kashmir, Punjab, Sudan, Nigeria, Bougainville, East Timor, Yugoslavia, Kurdistan, New Zealand, Bhutan, Angola, Burma, Chechnya, Guadalcanal, Aden, Malaya, Oman, Congo, Northern Ireland, Palestine/Israel, Czechoslovakia, Yemen, Mexico, East Timor, Thailand and recently, Ukraine. Add to this sundry race riots and acts of terrorism in Britain, the US, Europe, and just about every other country on Earth.

Multiculturalism is exactly like Socialism, Loudmouth, how many times must it fail before "intelligent" people like yourself figure out it's nuts?
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 15 June 2020 6:36:27 AM
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