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I am an Aboriginal woman, and my people are hurting : Comments

By Samantha Cooper, published 4/6/2020

Reconciliation Week is exhausting at the best of times. Now more than ever, we are bombarded with tidal waves of racism and ignorance.

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hear, hear, Joe and Foxy,

How some forget about, the wogs, spicks, dagoes, refos, etc, back in the day. The name calling, the disdain and antagonism shown by the native born towards the new arrivals in the 50's and 60's. Those 'histories revisionist' now want to tell us it was all lardy-dar back then. Many a migrant child at school, or as adults suffered insult and pain from the old hands. Today some are so antagonistic towards multiculturalism, with the chinks and the towel heads etc, and their evil dirty ways. The same like to make out they were all hugs and kisses for migrants back when, they were not, they were just as hateful then, as they are today towards new arrivals.

LEGO; "For almost forty years I have warned apathetic people in the west that multiculturalism would lead to the destruction of our social cohesion, and the result will be serious ethnic crime, serious social unrest, terrorism, demands for separatism, and finally, civil war." And just how have you been doing that? Banging your fist on the rostrum to the gathered throng of three diehards when giving a speech at party meetings.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 15 June 2020 6:50:45 AM
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As a far left whinge pedogreen ratbag who believes that only whites commit atrocities here is some evidence to burst your delusion:

Although there are different estimates, the consensus of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) is that more than 20,000 people were killed. The IAGS has classified the massacres as a genocide.[9]"

Considering that there was good employment and relatively few troubles in the 80s your claim that your bumchum "fled" from South Africa is dubious to say the least, as is pretty much everything you say.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 15 June 2020 6:57:23 AM
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Oh, here we go. Paul is once again pointing out how disgustingly racist the white race is, especially those hated white Australians. Got news for you boy, everybody does it and they have done it since forever. Archeologists even found a racist joke aimed at Roman soldiers chisseled into the foundations of a Roman temple in Libya.

International Racial Slurs.

Ancient Rome. Britanculi. (Literally, "wretched little Brits")

Greece. Barbarian. (to Dacians) Name derived from the ancient Greeks claiming that the Dacian language consisted mainly of saying "Bababababa".

African/American racial slurs to white people. honkey, cracker, mayonaise monkey, hillbilly, hick. peckerwood.

Chinese. ABC (American Born Chinese) Towards Japanese. Xiao Riben. Gweilo. (a white person) Laowei (a foreigner)

Hong Kong. Locust. (a mainland Chinese) Wog. (Westernised Oriental Gentleman)

Japan. Gaijin. (a white person) Sino. (a Chinese)

Indian. Chi chi. (literally "dirt") a half caste white/Indian. Madrassi. (Southern Indian) Kharkuwa. (An Assamese.)

Jewish Goyen. (Anyone not Jewish.)

Russian Moskal. (A German) Mazurik (a Pole)

Arab. kuffar (anyone not a Muslim) Nawar. (Gypsy)

Thailand. Farang (a white person)

Racial slurs from just about everybody towards Germans. Fritz, Jerry, Kraut, Squarehead, Nazi, Boche, Hun. But the Germans are "racists" so that's OK.

Greenpeace. Frog. Name given by greenies to the French during atmosheric
nuclear tests at Muroroa Atoll. Used in sentences like "Those bloody Frogs)

French. Rossbiffs. (The English)

Lithuanian. Katsap (a Russian)

Serbian. Srbin Alpski (towards Slovenans , literally "Alpine Serb")

Native American Indian. Apple. (A "white" Indian, red on the outside and white on the inside)

Romanian. Bozgor (Hungarians)

Irish. Fenien. (A Catholic)

Maori. Pakeha. (non Moari)

Bangla Desh Malaun. (an Indian)

Hawaiian. Haole. (a white person.)

US. Wop. (With Out Papers)

Malaysia. Banana. (A westernised Asian, yellow on the outside, white on the inside)

South America. Gringo (a white person). Mulatto ( a person of mixed black/hispanic races)
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 15 June 2020 4:50:27 PM
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"Katsap" is a Ukrainian term not Lithuanian for
a Russian.

I won't bother to correct your other derogatory terms
because your point is mute.

There are many terms which reflect the feelings of
superiority of some people of one ethnic group over
people of another ethnic group. And the words you
gave examples of are "outmoded" words that are no
longer acceptable to most civilised people.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 June 2020 6:53:31 PM
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To Foxy.

If "katsap" is wrong, take it up with Wikipedia.

I had to laugh when you wrote about people who have "feelings of superiority of one ethnic group over another", because that sure rang a bell with me.

As I have stated previously, I went from being a dumb anti aparteid demonstrator at Springbok footy matches in Sydney screaming "don't scrum with a racist bum!", to an intelligent person who realises that racism is just another form of intergroup hostility, and nobody is ever going to stop that. Especially since those who screamed the loudest about "racism" were self evidently very racist towards white people.

My people.

Another thing I noticed (which you never did) was that those in the diplomaed caste who were screaming the loudest about "equality" were the biggest social snobs around who really knew how to look down their noses at working class inferiors like me. You even sniffed that "civilised" people do not call other ethnicities names. You and your caste really do think that you are superior to the "deplorables", don't you? .

Next came Muroroa. You remember when the Frogs were doing atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons and they put a limpet mine on that Greenpeace schooner, which killed a Greenie? Suddenly, every trendy lefty media hack who supposedly despised racism was calling the Frogs every filthy name they could come up with. And stereotyping the French people with whatever negative stereotype they could imagine. Obviously, there are ethnic groups that you trendies despise, like the French, the Americans, the Israelis, and white people in general. Racism does not apply to your brahmin caste, because your peers know when it is socially acceptble to be racist.

Voltaire once wrote how his right wing opponents were all stupid, strutting, moralising, finger pointing, self righteous, sanctimonious, moral puritans. It is funny how you lefties have now morphed with time into the very same people you once fought against when you were young.

Racism is a bit like sex, Foxy. It may be naughty, but everybody does it. The racist joke is a cultural universal.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 8:48:45 AM
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Perhaps you need glasses.

"Katsap" is on the web and given in many sites
as being a UKRAINIAN ethnic slur against Russians.
I speak Lithuanian fluently. It is not a Lithuanian
slur. You can check with Wiktionary.

Now regarding the words we use?

Words reflect our society.

Our language reflects our view of the world and so it
is always changing. New words are being added all the time as discoveries are made in medicine, science, and technology.
We can all think of many examples of the this.

Words for things no longer in use are dropped from our
everday language. If you read or have ever studied English
Literature just as an example you'll be able to see how
our language has changed. Compare the language of the
extracts from old books and reports with the way we
express ourselves today.

Most people no longer use terms like "dago" or "wog"
or "boong" These are considered "outmoded"words and are
no longer acceptable to MOST people.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 16 June 2020 10:53:26 AM
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