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Hastie warns us to beware of the Chinese dragon : Comments
By Peter West, published 13/8/2019But in the light of the threat of domination by a foreign power not interested in human rights, Australians chatter about things of very small significance.
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Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 8:58:02 AM
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Dear ttbn,
You are absolutely correct. The enemy is already inside the gate. The Chinese, whether they be from Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore or Sydney, see Australia as having a Chinese future. I think we would all agree that the US would like to deploy missiles in Australia to counter Chinese expansion in SE Asia and the Pacific. They didn't ask the Australian government to do so; I think they thought they didn't have to ask. The Australian government's silence on the matter was I think an answer in itself and Pompeo must have left to convey to Trump that the Australian government would not permit the US to deploy its missiles in Australia. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 10:09:13 AM
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Well, and if Hastie believes they like another authoritarian prewar state, poses a significant threat? He should speak out!
By their fruits, ye shall know them and the Chinese human rights record and quite massive military expansion/annexation of others sovereign territory, plus their quite deliberate targeting of the media and control freak censorship, speaks terrifying volumes! And Hastie's words should be listened to at the highest levels! And we need to press on with a self-defence plan like that of pre-war Finland, that took on the might of the entire red army and forced them to withdraw, given the unsustainable losses they and their terrain inflicted. As for mid-range missiles being deployed here? Yes, and now! Just do it and don't, deleted expletive, talk about it! It's good diplomacy to speak softly but carry a big stick. And if you don't have a big stick, learn how too kiss arse and swallow your pride, self-determination, your natural or accrued wealth, real estate, untapped resources, freedom and any independence! We've already quite massively assisted by disarming our warrior class! Hastie is one of a very few who have served or been placed in harm's way by bootlickers serving their preferred master? And has earned a right to have his say! Or put others in harm's way! The only hostile that actually attacked us since federation, has been a brainwashed Nippon. Who to a virtual generic man believed the Emporer was a divine celestial being who had to be obeyed, even if the order was to die! And nationalistic radicalised Asians are not too different and just don't think as we do, although as individuals are almost the nicest people. It's just their leadership and its ambitions that are a cause for wide-eyed concern! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 13 August 2019 10:16:58 AM
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Dear Alan B,
You are correct in raising a comparison between pre-WW2 Japanese imperialism and contemporary Chinese military-industrial expansionism, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region (our back door so to speak.) Personally I think it is now too late to prevent Australia from being gobbled up by China. We were able to prevent Japan from doing so in the early months of the Pacific War but that was only because the US came to our assistance because it was an ally of the British Empire. Do you think the US will do the same in the case of China especially after the Australian government just gave it what I think was the thumbs down to deploying missiles in Australia intended to arrest Chinese ambitions in the Indo-Pacific region? Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 10:37:39 AM
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The Chinese are so racist that their government refuses to believe that all human beings originated in Africa. The official Chinese government position is that it agrees with evolution, but that the Chinese race evolved separately to every other race. They evolved entirely within China. The reason being, of course, that the Chinese simply refuse to contemplate that they have any African DNA in their genetics. Monkeys may be acceptable, but not African blacks.
The extreme racism of the Chinese is best illustrated that the Chinese, alone among nearly every immigrant group, choose to live entirely within their own ethnic ghettoes. There are "Chinatowns" in London, France, Berlin, Sydney, Los Angeles, and just about every other western nation where large numbers of Chinese have immigrated into. Whereas it is the current fashion among white western undergraduates to sneer at their own country, culture and people, it is definitely not the fashion among any other group, especially the Chinese. "Overseas Chinese" are noted for their extreme nationalistic loyalty. To China. As such, what role they would play in a future war with China is interesting to speculate upon? So too, you can bet that Australia's security organisations would be an open book to China if the recruitment of Chinese into Australian defence forces, political organisations, and ASIO on the grounds of "diversity" continues. The history of overseas Chinese rallying to the motherland is history. In 1953, the Chinese minority in Malaya tried to take over the government by force of arms to make Malaya a surrogate state of Red China. Even today, severe restrictions on Chinese travel within Malaysia still exist. In Indonesia, the Chinese minority attempted a coup to make Indonesia a client state of Red china but the coup failed. The Indos responded by marching 500,000 of them into the jungle and shooting them. Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 11:43:27 AM
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Mr Opinion, I think w have no other choice than to deploy mid-range missiles. And completely covertly. So if we need to defend our selves against a far more powerful hostile aggressor, the price they pay has to be far too great! And hope like hell we never ever have to use them.
As always one must prepare for the worst-case scenario while hoping for the best! Nobody I know wants a hot war with anyone! But there are times as in WW11, what one wants and what is visited upon one are two very different things! That said, if there were any lessons learned from WW11, those lessons are, appeasement to a homicidal power-hungry maniac is a recipe for even more and never-ending appeasement. And that we must be eternally vigilant and properly prepared. Today's defence spending slipped below Great Depression-era of 1938! And we were as you say, only rescued by the blood sacrifice of the US! The next war won't have a front, will be fought by remotely controlled or autonomous machines and civilians and our leaders will be among the targets of first choice! And make no mistake, there will b a war for world domination, given there will be too many people fighting for decreasing water and arable land! And looming as the only available reality, given humankind steadfastly refuses to address real man-made, climate change! And, just too easy! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 13 August 2019 11:49:25 AM
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It's long been a prophecy that the Eagle & the Bear will unite to fight the Dragon !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 12:38:05 PM
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Dear LEGO and Alan B,
You make the future look so black! But begs the question why Australia's politicians, bureaucrats and business leaders have been selling us out to China over the past several decades when they themselves must have been aware of the consequences. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 12:41:39 PM
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So what did Andrew Hastie actually say about (what a wide range of ill-informed pundits in Australia claim) was a comparison of China with Nazi Germany?
Hastie is more than the mere MP the appeasers label him. He is Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee for Intelligence and Security in Canberra. In the SMH, August 8, 2019, Hastie wrote the Opinion piece Leftwing or Trade interested politicians are misrepresenting, see Part of what Hastie said: "We must see China - the opportunities and the threats - with clear eyes... ...We must balance security and trade. But most importantly, we must remain true to our democratic convictions ...The West once believed that economic liberalisation would naturally lead to democratisation in China. This was our Maginot Line. It would keep us safe, just as the French believed their series of steel and concrete forts would guard them against the German advance in 1940. But [French] thinking failed catastrophically. The French had failed to appreciate the evolution of mobile warfare. Like the French, Australia has failed to see how mobile our authoritarian neighbour has become. Even worse, we ignore the role that ideology plays in China's actions across the Indo-Pacific region. We keep using our own categories to understand its actions, such as its motivations for building ports and roads, rather than those used by the Chinese Communist Party. ...Xi Jinping has made his vision of the future abundantly clear since becoming President in 2013. His speeches show that the tough choices ahead will be shaped, at least on the PRC side, by ideology – communist ideology, or in his words, by "Marxist-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought". ...The next decade will test our democratic values, our economy, our alliances and our security like no other time in Australian history." Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 2:19:14 PM
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It's all just very convenient for the guilty party to feign indignation !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 3:04:07 PM
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Mr opinion, Yes they have tried their best to sell everything not nailed down, haven't they? And their reasons? Unfathomable!
I mean we've gone from the third wealthiest nation on the planet and a creditor one at that. To one now mired in debt even after mineral booms one and two and mindless or political expediency writ large, pernicious privatisation! Doing what you've always done while expecting a different result is insanity! Our situation has evolved as we slid further and further to the right and away from the cooperating collective to the aspirational individual. When we cooperating via various collectives and mutual interest we did so much better! Only to see all the blood, sweat, tears and quite massive sacrifice squandered at the altar of idiotic ideology. Where anything slightly left or slightly right of the moderate middle is labelled leftie or commie! And allowed the imbeciles to guide us where we are today. A hopelessly divided nation at war with itself and low hanging fruit ripe for easy plucking. Advise all who are interested to polish up your mandarin, it'll be your native tongue in less than two generations! Given nothing real changes and the same manure for brains stay on our present (massive and unsustainable,debt-led recovery) course!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 13 August 2019 5:42:46 PM
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Low-interest debt is ok, always providing it is ploughed into income-earning infrastructure, or manufacture/self-sufficiency, not recurrent spending or propping up the crisis and corruption-riddled, middleman state governments. Which just to pay for their existence/presence, costs the taxpayer 70+ billion per!
Those 70+ billions would be better spent right now on self-reliant self-defence! And a very robust self-defence industry. We have no time to waste or debate! Just select a less than naive in the extreme path and stay on it! [And that means we need a real leader not afraid to call a spade a spade! Hastie perhaps!?] I mean if we cannot repair it here but need to send for parts, we may as well junk it for all the good it will be in any exchange of hostilities that endures! We are after all an island nation! And the moat can and will work two ways for and against our interests! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 13 August 2019 5:58:41 PM
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The threat from China's rising economic power comes from its state-owned enterprises (SOEs.China's political structure and unique state dominance/control of SOEs presents a different type of investor. China is a communist economic order and the state is purposely directly involved in all critical economic sectors.The raison d'ętre of the Chinese SOE is the advancement of the CCP’s objectives thus amplifying the general “state-ownership” concerns. China is ruled by one political party, the CCP, and its domination of Chinese SOEs is of critical importance. The CCP wields near total non-financial control over its citizenry; singularly legislates the law of the land and CCP appointed judges rule on the interpretation of law in courts.
Bashar Malkawi (Arizona, U.S.) Posted by basharmalkawi, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 7:56:46 PM
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Some areas to consider:
China and: Christians; Falun Gong; Uyghurs; Tibet; Hong Kong; Taiwan; Intellectual property; Counterfeit goods; Development on disputed Pacific atolls; Influence in 3rd world; Huawei; World's US$5 trillion debt to China; Trump's 'trade wars'; Inflammable wall cladding; China is the world's worst polluter; Australia / China and: DarwinPort/Landbridge; Our South Pacific neighbors; Influence for good or bad on Oz property ownership and prices; Oz land ownership (try purchasing land in China); Involvement in 'renewables' - ownership and manufacture; incidentally Huawei is the CANBERRA Raiders major sponsor; Confucius Institutes within Australian universities; political influence - think Sam Dastayari; Start on Wikipedia 'Daigou' then 'The One Belt One Road project' Posted by elizabeth4, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 7:56:56 PM
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I don't think China is a military threat to Oz, unless the whole world structure goes totally pear shape. If China did actually attack us fighting them ourselves would be a joke.
They have no need to attack us, & if they did they would be destroying a lot they already own. They can simply buy anything they want in Oz. They recently bought the property across the river from me. This is a 20,000 acre multi operation agricultural industry, with many operations, & highly successful. Owned by 3 brothers, 3Rd generation owners, the youngest did not want to sell, but as none of their kids was interested in running the place, he had to agree. With a 6 million investment in their irrigation set up alone, this would have been a tens of million urchase. Why would they want to attack us when we are happy to sell them what ever they want. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 13 August 2019 10:20:02 PM
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A couple of weeks ago, I thought about creating a unique workplace for myself, to keep my thoughts in order, to be able to come up with new ideas for my works and, naturally, draw inspiration! The decision came by itself. I was looking for something that could breathe life into my four walls, fill it with bright colors and give hope for a new day. Truth be told, he who seeks will always find.The design of the workplace determines your character and aspiration for inspiration. Everyone is looking for new ideas and ways to implement them. And what better means of stimulation is the color! Design is what defines your personality and helps other people to comprehend it. I think every detail is very important, because it, like a puzzle, gathers your character into a complete one. So recently I ordered a buddha art wall at Texelprintstore and I was pleasantly surprised! Excellent quality is the key to a great mood and the success of new ideas!
Posted by roseupshur, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 12:35:42 AM
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The Judas' of Australia are selling this country to the Chinese, no war needed !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 8:15:45 AM
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Dear basharmalkawi,
Totally correct but only touching the tip of the iceberg. Any predictions where you think this might end up? Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 8:45:33 AM
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Dear Hasbeen,
«I don't think China is a military threat to Oz, unless the whole world structure goes totally pear shape. If China did actually attack us fighting them ourselves would be a joke.» China will attack anyone militarily they can, if they can. If they cannot, or if it would cost them too much, they will use other subversive and ruthless means. They have over a billion people and Australia has that much land and ore and fuel in the ground that those people need. Fighting them ourselves would not be a joke if we had our own nuclear and biological weapons. Having those will help us to stop relying on America. Meanwhile we do not need to panic, just to be more vigilant, kick out of Australia anyone with connections to the Chinese Communist Party and confiscate their assets. Not ordinary Chinese people though, who are mostly innocent victims of the regime. --- Dear Mr. Opinion, «Any predictions where you think this might end up?» Hong Kong is already lost, its freedom-loving people will need to relocate and build New Hong Kong on the Northern shore of the Phillipines. The big battle will be over Taiwan. It could well go nuclear too. Australia will be wise to help defending Taiwan, rather than wait till the war comes to our shores. Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 7:36:31 PM
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I simply can't imagine Anti-Gun PC Lefties fighting anyone except those who feed them if it came to that !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 9:28:05 PM
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I posted on another thread something about Tianxia and the meaning it
has for China. It can be summed up in a statement made by President Xi Jingping. "The United States is not a Sovereign country." ie is it is a vassal state and owes tribute to the Central Kingdom. So how do you think Australia fits into that picture. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 14 August 2019 11:44:16 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,
The people of Hong Kong don't have to flee to the Philippines. We can bring them to Australia. Australia already has a Chinese future so they will be an ideal fit, especially in Sydney where half the population is already Chinese. Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 15 August 2019 12:38:09 AM
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Dear Mr. Opinion,
Unlike yourself I have not raised the white flag, nor the red. If we do not fight than indeed we are likely to have a Chinese future, but we will, and so will Taiwan and the rest of the relatively-free world and together we shall win, better even die than live under a communist regime. The people of Hong Kong now need a tactical retreat - they too will not accept a Chinese future, nor most of Sydney's ethnically-Chinese population. We shall not rest until Tibet is free again! Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 15 August 2019 2:49:14 AM
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We shall not rest until Tibet is free again!
Yuyutsu, By "free" do you mean free of the Chinese yoke or the Western one ? In this day & age is any country actually fee ? Aren't we all under the yoke of minority group manipulators posing as Democratic ? Posted by individual, Friday, 16 August 2019 7:39:38 AM
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Dear Individual,
Tibet was not under Western yoke when it was ghastly conquered and enslaved by the Chinese and I can only wish that it never will. The West, in fact, ignored its desperate pleas for help, otherwise, with even a modest military aid, China would not have been able to reach Lhasa through the high mountains. Perhaps the West had no interest to help because it recognised that the Tibetan people are strong in their faith and would not be easily tempted to succumb to their material vanities. Being under Western yoke is far from ideal too, but the Western yoke is RELATIVELY lighter than the Chinese. One can only be absolutely free once they stop identifying with their body, then whatever enemies do to one's body cannot conquer or even interfere with their spirit. Many Tibetan people have set their body on fire to escape Chinese tyranny. I am yet to see Westerners who do the same to escape Western tyranny. Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 16 August 2019 8:45:31 AM
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European/Western societies too were at times at a stage as Tibet is. In fact Europe is at the beginning of yet another one such upheavals. Posted by individual, Saturday, 17 August 2019 9:23:18 PM
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Dear Individual,
I could be wrong, or it could have been so in pre-historical times, before we had any written records, but as far as I can tell, European/Western societies were never as spiritually evolved as the Tibetan people. Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 18 August 2019 12:46:05 AM
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Spiritually evolved ? Don't you mean superstitious to a high degree ? Look at the spirituality of the Mayans, Egyptians, Greeks, in fact all so-called spiritualistic societies we can think of have all had one thing in common, exploitation/severe slavery of their people. It was their people who toiled till death & suffered indescribebly on that dreadful journey just so some "Spiritual Crackpots" could live in the utmost luxury whilst their slaves existed in the utmost misery. Spirituality ? Thanks but no thanks ! Give me decency any day ! Especially, when money rears it's ugly head, Spirituality ALWAYS comes second. Just like in Tibet ! Posted by individual, Sunday, 18 August 2019 6:54:50 AM
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Dear Individual,
Are you confusing spiritual with spiritualistic? The latter is a terrible unwholesome and dangerous practice to do with spirits of the dead, then let us stay away from it and if indeed the Mayans, Egyptians and Greeks, were involved with it then they were not spiritual. Exploitation and slavery is most common in China, including sexual slavery. It is there where money raises its ugliest head. Party membership is passed by inheritance and the rich party-members live in all luxury and can do as they please to the poor others. I met a young Chinese tourist in her early twenties. Since her father was high-ranking in the party, she was gifted a medium-sized business with a large building and some 30 employees which allowed her to travel the world without having to work. She couldn't tell who Marx was (nor Buddha, despite claiming to be a Buddhist) and when I asked her "what is communism?" she answered: "being born in the right family, my father is a communist, so so am I". So if you are looking for decency, you will not find it China. In Tibet, spirituality always came first, not money. Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 19 August 2019 2:59:54 PM
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In Tibet, spirituality always came first, not money.
Yuyutsu, Why the Dalai Lama doesn't reside there ? I have never seen any pictures of spiritual people earning their keep, they expect others to feed them in return for what exactly ? Not just in Tibet, everywhere ! Posted by individual, Monday, 19 August 2019 5:01:34 PM
" But in the light of the threat of domination by a foreign power not interested in human rights, Australians chatter about things of very small significance".
Those words correctly sum up the pathetically stupid and frightened, caught-in-the-spotlight, gutless attitude of the Australian political class and the boofheaded commentariat.
The dragon is not "at the gates"; it is inside the gates in the form of Chinese immigrants and Chinese students.