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Where’s the Prime Minister on the free speech crisis? : Comments

By Augusto Zimmermann, published 27/6/2019

The agnostic Latham defends freedom of religion and freedom of speech for Christians, but the Christian PM cowardly refuses to make a comment.

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I totally agree. Those who didn't like what Folau said, I can't understand why they just couldn't ignore it.

Or if they really, really couldn't ignore it, they had the freedom to argue against it.
Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Friday, 5 July 2019 1:49:53 PM
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Dear Altrav,

The accusations against Folau are that the content of what he types hurt certain people. Some go to extent of claiming that this content potentially leads those people (and practically everyone would be on his list of hell-goers in some way or another) into depression and even suicide - this is regardless whether or not that content is true.

Now how is what you just wrote any better?
When you [falsely] claim that "religion doesn't exist", you are telling billions of people that their life is futile, that it has no purpose, that they are not getting anywhere, that all their efforts are in vain!

Now I do not buy into this. I confidently trust my scripture, my teachers and my own religious experiences, but others might possibly be affected by your cruel comment and become depressed, even suicidal. Is this what you wish? Is this the freedom you seek?

As for walking on water, etc., no wonder we do not see it happening today: matter is made of concentrated energy (E=mc˛) and energy is made of concentrated mind. For spirit to overcome the averaged-inert-behaviour of matter, a high degree of mental concentration is required and this requires many years of training, but how could this happen in a society like ours which instead of teaching and encouraging us to control and be in charge of our own minds, abhors boredom and values entertainment and distraction?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 5 July 2019 3:51:19 PM
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<<Now how is what you just wrote any better?
When you [falsely] claim that "religion doesn't exist", you are telling billions of people that their life is futile, that it has no purpose, that they are not getting anywhere, that all their efforts are in vain!>>

This is a brilliant assessment of the hypocrisy of the blogger you addressed. I commend you for such insight.
Posted by OzSpen, Friday, 5 July 2019 8:46:27 PM
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I was chatting to a friend today who told me that he was impressed that Rugby Australia “took a stand”, as they decided “they had to be the ones to do it”. And when the dust settles, no matter how many thousands or millions of dollars of rugby’s money they've wasted trying to end Israel’s Folau’s career, “it will have all been worth it.”

This made me think of some of the causes that football codes have adopted in recent years. Actually, I quite like the AFL’s Indigenous Round celebrating indigenous culture, and an Anzac Day Round commemorating the sacrifice of the armed forces. But the AFL surely realise that are pushing the limit of how many causes they can make us adopt. People mainly just want to go an enjoy a game of footy. Often we see football as something that can bring us all together and give us an escape from politics.

Consequently, I read that the head of NSW Rugby last week admitted that he is starting to have doubts whether this cause that Rugby Union has taken on is really all that worth it. They’re fighting for some strange principle, some half-baked social agenda; fighting against a guy who is fighting for his life, or at least his livelihood, who has plenty of support from all around Australia from both rugby and non-rugby people alike. It’s hardly the business of rugby to be spending millions defending somebody else’s social policy all the way to the High Court of Australia.

It was starting to dawn on this bloke from NSW Rugby that perhaps defining Australia’s social agenda is best left to others, maybe politicians, for example. Their core business is actually to play rugby. What a pickle they’ve found themselves in. They’re in this pickle because they picked on the wrong bloke. They’ve chosen the wrong hill to die on. They got on the wrong tram.
Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Friday, 5 July 2019 10:43:39 PM
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Yuyutsu, OzSpen, if I read your comments correctly, you are completely off track.
Now which part/s don't you want to understand/accept.
Is it the part that some mentally and emotionally deficient snowflakes might commit suicide because of some words?
Or is it the part where I remind people that religion is the creation of another breed of 'sick' people, because there is ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF OF GOD and these cults are the making of men, 'not' some spiritual being.
Or is it that I 'am telling billions of people that their life is futile, that it has no purpose, that they are not getting anywhere, that all their efforts are in vain', all your words, and BTW, you're right.
Now you say this is not what you believe, and that you trust your scriptures, your teachers and your own religious experiences.
Then you attribute these words to someone with mental and emotional issues as the trigger for his demise.
Finally you ask, 'is that what you wish?, is that the freedom you seek'?
Now let me address these issues one at a time.
As for people committing suicide over some words, I don't care.
If they are so mentally ill, I would be more concerned for those around them rather than them.
They are free to do whatever they want, that question is for himself and his conscience.
Guys, he's sick, OK?
The next point.
Now why would ANYONE 'not' question religion?
We have ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE of God and these events that have been stated in the Bible to back up any of the Bibles allegations.
C'mon, stop and think, a man walking on water, turning an item of food into a banquet, water into wine, but the best one of all, is dying and coming back to life, days later, without any external or medical intervention, which would only be available in about 2000 years time.
If people want to believe in a fantasy or fabrication which gives them false hopes and comfort, who am I to dash their hopes and beliefs.
But someone should!
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 6 July 2019 12:00:37 AM
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Yuyutsu, I felt that your last paragraph needed it's own response.
My immediate and unprovoked response to what you said was, ARE YOU NUTS?
I could not believe that you were, in effect, trying to explain/justify 'levitation'.
Just because there is a word for it does not mean a man can achieve it by simply thinking 'real hard' and it will happen.
Look all through the ages we have had con-men, and they are still amongst us today.
People are simple minded, naive, gullible, and weak, so they expect everyone else to be the same, it makes THEM feel better.
We have such people here on OLO, they insist on their version of the state of things and will not accept that they are wrong.
It's a con, why do so many govt ministers want to be seen going to church?
Because the sheeple get sucked in to believing that they must be good people because they believe in God.
When all along the opposite is true.
If someone can give me ANY tangible, objective, evidence of these spiritual beings even existing, anything, I just might come around.
In the meantime religion is a fabrication created, not by the creator, but by evil men with a selfish and sometimes dangerous agenda.
Christianity, at least promoted an inclusive doctrine, maybe a little too extreme in some cases, but the Muslims promote an intrusive and evil doctrine.
What kind of 'religion' advocates killing and aggression?
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 6 July 2019 12:33:48 AM
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