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Why Sco-Mo has got it wrong on Muslim leaders : Comments

By Kuranda Seyit, published 15/11/2018

Firstly, 'extremist' and 'Islam' are two diametrically opposed concepts. To conflate these terms is an affront to the great world faith of Islam.

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Strangely enough , practically every Muslim country has been colonised by charitable Christian swords and bullets. Unbelieving pagans were shot, branded and enslaved in South America . Not all Aboriginals died , several have survived Church civilisation and godliness . I blame Allah.
Posted by nicknamenick, Sunday, 18 November 2018 7:40:15 AM
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"Dancing with the fairies at the bottom of ALTRAV's garden is so much fun."

But is it for the fairies?
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 18 November 2018 9:08:05 AM
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meanwhile we had Mao and Stalin and millions of murdered unborn showing exactly where god deniers take people.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 18 November 2018 10:14:23 AM
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Lego, I'm not backing the terrorists.
I'm agreeing 100% on the current beliefs that Muslims are taught they are a superior bunch of people to everyone else who is NOT Muslim.
I'm only saying that there are those Muslims who don't like or agree with the teachings of the Quran.
I believe that there are Muslims who do not fully subscribe to the Quran and have tried to move away from the peer pressure and influence of it's doctrine.
As for 9/11, do not be so quick to dismiss the FACT that it was not a Muslim terrorist group responsible for it.
Look back in history, and embedded in the stories of old are the facts, which on the face of it, don't amount to much, but when put into context with other seemingly unrelated events, begin to form patterns which ultimately expose, not only the truth, but those behind the events in question.
To put it another way; if I wanted to cover up a wrong doing, I would go out of my way to create the scenarios to deflect attention or any trace which would link me to it, and because the system requires a perpetrator, you design the whole deception to implicate some one else.
As the flavour of the month at the time was Muslim terrorists and Bin Laden was dying anyway, he would have gained martyrdom for dying for the cause, so it was agreed he would take the fall for 9/11.
Too many questions and too few answers have left many people skeptical and rightly so.
If you are an inquisitive person, look into it, you will be surprised at what you find.
Remember, 'all is not what it seems'.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 18 November 2018 10:45:18 AM
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Japanese people are very nice people. German people are very nice people. Russian people are very nice people. But if the leaders of those very nice people are totalitarians, and they order those very nice people to kill you and enslave your family for their collective good, then those very nice people will do just that.

Egypt is one of the most influential and populous Muslim countries, and in their last free election, 55% of the population voted for a Taliban type Islamic state. From what I understand, this proportion of absolute Muslim nut case fanatics is generally the same in every Islamic country. At least half, probably a lot more. Since Muslims number about 1.3 billion, that means there are approximately 700 million people on this planet who want to take your life, your property, and your daughters, if you don't bow to Islam. That is not a minority.

And that does not take into account those Muslims who generally agree with most of the dictates of Islam, but disagree on only one or two points. But like the German population in 1939, who my reading of history tells me did not want Hitler to invade Czechoslovakia and provoke another bad war, they will still go along with the nut cases's demands when push comes to shove.

So, it is time for you to decide who's side your on, and stop being an apologist for this enemy culture which has written texts declaring that you are their enemy. TIME magazine once reported that Saudi school textbooks tell their kids "All infidels are your enemy!"

Now, if you want to imply that 9/11 was all the doing of the Joos, go right ahead. What I am trying to do, is to deprogram those young lefties on this site who hold fashionable liberal views, but who are smart enough to begin figuring out that those who hold globalist, pro Islamic, pro LGTMTNCXR, pro minority, pro illegal immigration, etc. etc views, are loonies. And your little conspiracy theory about 9/11 is helping me a lot.

Keep up the good work.
Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 18 November 2018 2:21:24 PM
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"German people are very nice people. Russian people are very nice people. But if the leaders of those very nice people are totalitarians, and they order those very nice people to kill you and enslave your family for their collective good, then those very nice people will do just that."
Those Church people ( such as Orthodox Russians rehabilitated by Stalin) would do that. Germans did it to Australians twice . Which Islamic countries did it to Australia ( think East Timor battles)? Israeli terrorists bombed the British . Did Palestinians?
Posted by nicknamenick, Sunday, 18 November 2018 2:42:56 PM
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