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Why Sco-Mo has got it wrong on Muslim leaders : Comments

By Kuranda Seyit, published 15/11/2018

Firstly, 'extremist' and 'Islam' are two diametrically opposed concepts. To conflate these terms is an affront to the great world faith of Islam.

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Diver Dan.

I don't see an issue with any of those examples. If your community had a gang problem, wouldn't you support programs that tried to keep kids out of gangs? It's the same idea regardless if your black, white, Chinese, Italian, Christian, Muslim, Taoist or even atheist. If something is wrong, to clean up your neighborhood, your community, or your culture. If you are a leader in a community to do so even more.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Saturday, 17 November 2018 2:33:03 AM
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To nicknamenick.

If I remember correctly, I previously attempted to have a logical debate with you, only to have you resort to the unintelligible drivel that you seem to think is clever. So I told myself that I would not bother with you again. But since you appear to have dropped the Monty Python act in your last post, and appear to be asking halfway intelligent questions, I will try again. Not that I hold any hope that you really are capable of rational thinking.

If you had ever bothered to pick up a history book, you would find that Hitler despised Christianity because the philosophies expounded by the man that the Christians call "Jesus Christ" was entirely pacific. Hitler received a delegation of Muslim clerics in 1938 in Berlin, and he praised Islam as a "warriors religion."

Your example that Islam today and medieval Christianity were a good match is completely true. Your inference is that Christianity and Islam are therefore equal. That is complete balderdash. Christianity and Islam are entirely different religions. Christianity is based upon pacifism, while Islam is based upon unapologetically expanding Islam through violence and terror.

Christianity went bad because it became so powerful that nothing else mattered except the self aggrandizement of it's clergy. They imposed the strictest censorship in order to prevent ordinary people, and even the nobility, from understanding the basic pacifist tenets of their own religion.

Islam is completely different. It's God and His prophet make no bones about expanding Islam through violence and terrorism. It is right there in the Koran and the Hadiths for all to see. Ordinary Muslims are encouraged to read them and act upon the holy scriptures.

The most incredible thing is, that we have western people like yourself who are so ignorant that you refuse to accept that when a religion says it wants to either kill or enslave you, it really means it. You actually try to defend your self declared enemies, because you have been programmed by the pseudo intellectual caste you admire, to think it is the "intelligent" thing to do.

Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 17 November 2018 4:59:09 AM
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I wrote "..Christian culture of Hitler's Europeans. Medieval Islam and Medieval Church were a good match ."

The Catholic altar-boy Adolf copied the swastika from his child-hood church . "Hitler's Europeans" are not himself , they are the people of the military culture of 1600 years and who agreed with Hitler. "Church" is not the same as "Christianity" which is why I chose words carefully.

Anzacs killed thousands of Turks in their Islamic country (and Beersheba etc) compared with how many terrorist attacks in Oz , and church-people murdering in Oz? That is not defending Islam , it's showing how the 2 are matched.
Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 17 November 2018 6:03:59 AM
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//It's the same idea regardless if your black, white, Chinese, Italian, Christian, Muslim, Taoist or even atheist. If something is wrong, to clean up your neighborhood, your community, or your culture.//

I would advise people not to engage in reckless vigilantism; the police certainly don't appreciate it as much as you'd think they might, but more to the point, the road to intensive care is paved with good intentions.

Wandering into the clubhouse of an outlaw motorcycle gang and telling to jolly well pull their socks up and smarten their act up is likely not to have the desire effect, unless the desired effect is having seven kinds of crap kicked out of you. These are dangerous people we're talking about. Let the police deal with criminals; that's why we have police.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 17 November 2018 6:38:33 AM
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To insanenickname

Once again, a rambling and almost unintelligible post by you, simply making disjointed inferences. Try writing sentences with a subject and a predicate, that form paragraphs which comprise a logical train of thought.

Hitler may have copied the swastika from some Christian church symbol, who in turn copied it from Buddhism, so what point are you trying to make? If you are trying to say that National Socialism was therefore Christian, then you don't have a single, solitary clue about history at all. Please keep displaying your ignorance. There are probably some young lefties reading this, and it is people like yourself who make my job much easier when it comes to deprogramming them. They compare your mindless, disjointed blather with somebody like myself who can submit a reasoned argument, and they soon figure out which side is crazy, and which side is smart.

ANZACS may have killed thousands of Turks in their Islamic country. Your inference is that therefore Australians are terrorists more than Muslims. Rubbish. For 1500 years, Islam has did it's best to conquer Europe, and the Ottoman Empire was the last Islamic civilisation to try it. Islam was once a force only in what we call today Saudi Arabia, and it invaded and conquered the entire Middle East, which were mostly Christian countries. The Crusades and even the invasion of Turkey by Allied forces in WW1 can be seen as the pushback by Christendom against a civilisation which just happens to be it's self declared mortal enemy.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall and International Socialism, as well as it's close cousin, National Socialism, the world looked set to a new Age of Aquarius. But western leaders, comprised of the Woodstock generation, forgot that Islam was a civilisation that did not want peace with the West (or anybody not a Muslim) at all. Most Muslims believe that the reason why their civilisation is failing, is because they are not doing what their God instructs them to do. And that is of course, using violence and terrorism to make the whole world Muslim.
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 17 November 2018 7:17:24 AM
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You argue against words that you put in my mouth and can't read what I write. So be it.

On police handling criminals : there are examples where an imam himself is the focus. This would clean up an Islamic community and in fact mosques seem to be assisting police.
"A firebrand Islamic leader who urged young Muslims to become holy warriors and labelled Jews as pigs could face charges of incitement to violence.

Australian Federal Police are looking into DVDs featuring Sheik Feiz Mohammed, the leader of the Global Islamic Youth Centre in Liverpool, in Sydney's west.

NSW Premier Morris Iemma today accused the sheik of inciting terrorism in the collection of DVDs, called the Death Series."
Posted by nicknamenick, Saturday, 17 November 2018 7:30:31 AM
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