The Forum > Article Comments > It’s official: democracy has failed so why not try logicracy? > Comments
It’s official: democracy has failed so why not try logicracy? : Comments
By Mark Manolopoulos, published 24/8/2018The latest wrangle over the Prime-Ministership once again proves that democracy is failing – indeed, that it’s a failure. It needs to be replaced with a better political system, and logicracy - the rule of reason - appears to be a better one.
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Posted by ttbn, Friday, 24 August 2018 9:26:10 AM
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Didn't Plato canvass this notion of rule by a knowledgeable elite, in his fascist Utopian Republic ? So who would be that knowledgeable elite ? Who would choose them ? Presumably, you would be amongst them, of course:) And who would be your executioners ? Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 24 August 2018 10:26:46 AM
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Logic!? In our parliament!?
If logic's rites prevailed we would be building MSR thorium power plants and using them and cooperative capitalism to bring power prices to just 2 cents per KwH. And from them make as much miracle cancer cure bismuth 213 as we could. And in so doing create huge medical tourism of at least 60,000 persons a year, from just the USA alone. given that's the number of people left to die by big pharma, just, I believe, to boost profit margins with less effective nanoparticle or peptide cancer cures? Albeit, need to get past the blood-brain barrier to be effective as alpha particle isotope, bismuth 213, which is attached to an appropriate antibody and goes like a sniper's bullet directly to the cancer/brain tumour and kills it without harming the adjacent healthy cells, as many trials in the last fifty years have demonstrated! FIFTY YEARS! As some trials on stage four ovarian cancer trials in some European clinics did back in 2006! 2006 is over two decades ago, yet our own ovarian cancer organisation runs annual donation drives and sends people who have invariably relapsed, home to die, with their stage four cancers allowed to spread! And where radioisotope medicine is erroneously labelled by them? As complimentary or alternative and consequently summarily dismissed? And to repeat, WTF has logic got to do with any of this when all that matters is the rich get richer the sick get sicker? And pollies retire on great big fat pensions and for F'ing the joint as they jockey exclusively for power and prestige, and the devil take the hindmost and the country. Which we could drought proof if we had leadership, with courage of conviction and good scientific knowledge. And where the current mob fall flat on their faces, because they don't share a logical brain between them? And their scientific advice is so last century or the one proceeding that? And evidenced by the results they as alleged leaders, create!? LOGIC!? WTF HAS LOGIC GOT TO DO WITH IT, DO WITH IT!? OR EVEN GENUINE DEMOCRACY!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 24 August 2018 11:00:12 AM
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Most people don't even comprehend the meaning of Democracy, let alone live by it's values.
Democracy, as it is being shoved down our throat by the minority groups is the worst kind of Dictatorship because of its hypocrisy. Posted by individual, Friday, 24 August 2018 11:07:57 AM
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This is the system we have:
"kakistocracy.... a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. The word was coined as early as the seventeenth century.It also was used by English author Thomas Love Peacock in 1829, but gained significant use in the first decades of the twenty-first century to criticize populist governments emerging in different democracies around the world." Posted by ttbn, Friday, 24 August 2018 11:39:31 AM
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Though unfettered democracy would be problematic, that's not what we have - we have the rule of law, and our constitution limits what can be done. So our problem isn't the democratic system; it's those with vested interests keeping the people ignorant.
The case for "logicracy" assumes that reason would solve our problems. But it wouldn't - for a start, reason will still give perverse results when you start with false assumptions. Posted by Aidan, Friday, 24 August 2018 11:44:45 AM
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"Logic" is a false idol.
Only half our brain is logical. A logical society is only half-intelligent, and therefore effectively unintelligent. "'the people' are often uneducated, undereducated, or miseducated" Then (a) don't compel them by law to enrol/vote, (b) limit all political activity to people with IQ of 100+ and (c) replace representative democracy with direct democracy. "that the ruler of society should be Reason rather than megalomaniacal individuals and elites" No, the ruler would still be people, fallible humans, not an ideal abstraction. Logic alone could produce highly immoral and unethical outcomes. We need heart and soul as "checks and balances" and we need our whole brain, not half of it. Posted by Shockadelic, Friday, 24 August 2018 12:10:33 PM
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Carrying on from yesterday, today potential for further instability in the Australian Government remains high.
1. Centrist Treasurer Scott Morrison has now been voted Leader of the Liberal Party meaning he is the Prime Minister designate. His job will be confirmed today. But Morrison only barely beat Peter Dutton (45 to 40) in the replace-Turnbull leadership vote today. Dutton leads the conservative faction that lobbied to unseat Prime Minister Turnbull but Dutton hasn't won Turnbull's job. This means it is likely a frustrated Dutton will destabilise new Prime Minister Morrison until Dutton gets his job in a leadership vote in the next few weeks or months. If Morrison or Dutton appoint Tony Abbott as the new Defence Minister this may conceivably cause the Japanese Soryu submarine to be the preferred Australian future submarine type. 2. Meanwhile if Turnbull resigns his seat of Wentworth in the House of Reps this month the Liberal-National Coalition may not win a subsequent By Election in Wentworth. The Coalition Government therefore may not retain its 1 seat (76 vs 75) majority in the House of Reps. This means a General Election may need to be called to occur by October 2018. see more here Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 24 August 2018 4:12:46 PM
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God could you imagine it.
As if a parliament full of lawyers & economists is not bad enough, this bloke wants totally impractical academics running things. A quick look at the mess they have made of education should be enough to guarantee that won't happen, but then we did elect K Rudd & Turnbull. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 24 August 2018 5:24:51 PM
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Morrison is a sensible pick for the stability of the LNP, Turnbull gone is the next. Two wins. A bonus is his personal stability and practicing Christian ethic.
Dutton is a destabilising influence with too many unknowns. One near future challenge would inevitably end in the high court for determination. There is no patience or tolerance for this possibility in a disgruntled electorate. Maybe later. Posted by diver dan, Friday, 24 August 2018 6:52:48 PM
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I gave you a pass last year, but I will not be doing so this year.
Here's why: "Perhaps, then, what might be required is that the logicratic movement use the democratic process in order to undo it in order to replace it." You crossed over into terrorist mentality. 'Ends justify the means'. Did you ever consider that the reason democracy is failing is because people like yourself have already been busy weaponising its flaws in order to bring in their own New World order agenda already? Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 24 August 2018 7:41:41 PM
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Well said,
Armchair Critic. It seems to me, and perhaps I’m wrong, that it was the highly divisive energy vote that split the government and caused the leadership spill. Some politicians see providing reliable cheap energy as a duty of the leaders of the country, and the others see it as the duty of the political leaders to shut down as much reliable energy as possible in the shortest time possible in the interests of anti pollution. The public at large is as vehemently divided on this as the parliament. Strange how the politicians remain quiet about this conflict over energy policy causing this leadership crisis. Probably the reason for the political silence is they are dammed to lose a huge block of votes on whichever side they take on the issue, and they won’t risk that. But in private the issue had enough disagreement amongst them to cause a challenge for rhe leadership. Or was it just really nothing more than the Liberals wanting another leader to win next election with seeing as Turnbull was not garnering more votes. Perhaps they used the issue as an excuse. Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 24 August 2018 10:09:54 PM
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looks like the politicians can't win either way.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 25 August 2018 10:03:21 AM
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Have to more or less agree with AC.
This bloke has said much the same before and probably for the same reasons AC. And a nonsense of horse feathers, birds fur and outright humbug that is self-evident by the complete lack of any semblance of logic. And a marriage of convenience for the conservative liberals, (an oxymoron) given they can't win from the far right, with the nonsense they spout like demented fools from an era that was long long ago! And should mean, but only if logic's rites prevail, a breakaway by the moderate liberal liberals into a new organisation formed by like-minded individuals rather than with those they are at completely ideological odds with? A new Liberal, liberal party could differentiate itself by, #1 embracing nuclear power for our sustainable energy future, and #2 cooperative capitalism as a way forward that eradicates and eliminates unions and the need for them in any shape way or form, but not necessarily professional association or contract labour hire, which unions should the want to survive in the 21st century? Need to morph into or become. President Obama showed the way with crowdfunding that also eliminated the rich and the powerful political string pullers from imposing too much undue influence via deep pockets and media influence. Those who participated in the train wreck as wreckers ought not be rewarded with ministerial positions or endorsement as candidates! Nor should the politically poisoned, name Abbott be seen as a possible candidate in Wentworth, which could send its own message by electing a labor candidate and businessman? As their judgement on the reason, their member was assassinated by the far right conservative element hiding like a pernicious disease inside a once great party!? As they attempt to change it and the country from Parliament. And continue to see their role as born to rule rulers rather than servants who serve. the real role of democratically appointed governments, who instead, govern! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 25 August 2018 10:48:49 AM
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Have you ever thought of coming down from whatever planet you inhabit, or cloud you fly around on Alan, & looking around?
It is only the conservatives who might consider nuclear power. Labor are controlled by their need of green preferences & Morison is almost as stupidly wedded to alternate power & the UN as is Turnbull. All we will get from this new pair is the same crap as Turnbull was pushing, but perhaps a bit more honestly. With Morrison we are no further advanced, although it is nice to have a little less slime around the place. The slime that oozes out of Rudd & Turnbull makes my skin crawl. If they don't give cabinet posts to a fair number of the right conservatives they are out the door just as badly as they would have been with Turnbull, & we have to go through it all again after Morrison loses the election. There has never been a time where I more wish to be wrong in my assessment, but I'm not going to hold my breath in hope. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 25 August 2018 12:30:45 PM
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There is not much to add after the good contributions by Ttbn, Joe (Loudmouth), Sockadelic, Hasbeen and Armchair Critic.
Democracy is far from ideal, but isn't it time that we at least TRY it?! Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 25 August 2018 8:45:08 PM
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Whoever believes that democracy has failed has yet to see the results of other forms of government. Unelected leaders tend to hold onto power long after their uselessness is apparent to all.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Sunday, 26 August 2018 4:57:42 AM
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To Mark Manolopoulos,
Logic is fine, but it would need to be better then the logic that dismisses the people because they are "uneducated" or for any other excuse. With that kind of logic the potential to be a monster is great. To be better, wisdom and logic would need to be paired with what every leader should have. Concern for the people they lead. I would even say that is the more important attribute. To be fair there are many attributes that would make a leader great. •To be fair and just would be a great thing so perhaps a leader who searched as a judge in courts is just as good or better then a scholar. •A peace keeper would also be good, so perhaps someone familiar with the fights of the world and both how they operate and how to avoid their skermishes would be a practical approach for the future. So a military leader or at least a leader with military experience would be beneficial. Both in peace time, and times when a fight is needed. •Experience in the government could be useful if they haven't already become corrupted by it, therefore having an experienced bureaucrat would be better then a young adult full of ideas but no experience implementing them into the system. •Conversely political experience might be too high in corruption to be of use to the people they are suppose to serve. So choosing a person with other expertise outside of government would be better to distance from the corruption. All of these could make a good leader, but only if they are paired with the attribute to care for the people they lead. Which needs to more then logic, or at least better logic that is committed to serving the people. (Continued) Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Sunday, 26 August 2018 5:14:52 AM
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To be honest though (as opposed to fair), history shows that there can be great things done by leaders who have unlimited power within their country to do them, but there are also leaders that with such an amount of power they brought more ruin and horrors to the people, the country or the world as a whole. With that in mind the burden of checks and balances is a worth while one so that an evil tyrant can't do as much harm. It's a system to be wiser in the future and not repeat the same lessons of the past when an imperfect leader, or an evil one comes into power. These are just some thoughts for you to consider before drafting the next step of a logicracy in a future article. But one more thought to add is the burden of the people. Although there is a mix of educated and uneducated people, a mix of experienced and inexperienced, and a mix of wealthy and poor, there is one thing I see among all of them. The ability to criticize our leaders at a moment's notice for less then trivial matters, and to be a wall against our leaders to fight if we deem then as failures. With that in mind, an issue of any system is the criticism and restraint of the people to hold back the leader from doing their job well. Even if the perfect leader with wisdom and logic that you envision comes about, their success falls on whether the people will back their man, even through some mistakes and hard lessons. Overcoming a growing culture to be a critic of anything might also be a consideration for your next article. Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Sunday, 26 August 2018 5:16:59 AM
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Gawd, fancy giving the power to the logic academics.
Already they are suppressing free speach in the universities and trying to impose it on the general public, via political incorrectness. For all its disadvantages, at least when they find they have an out of touch would be CEO of Australia then they can turf him out and choose one of their number. They can correct the direction of government which they believe is heading of track. After all those cabinet members would have a good idea which way the PM is pushing and if the majority of them can see that he has gone of track then a majority of them can bring the government back on track. Isn't that why we elect them ? Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 26 August 2018 12:11:17 PM
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What makes some people believe that by engaging the same type of experts who caused us to be in this mess, things will improve ?
Posted by individual, Sunday, 26 August 2018 12:30:10 PM
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Well if you are right Has and I suspect you are?
Then the only way forward while serving logic's rites is for a divided party to divide and become the real conservative party and the real liberals, who almost to a generic man? Consider most of what the real conservatives advocate as being, idiotic ideology? And if we would destroy Labor and or the unions who decide their policy position for them? Then the way to do just that is to embrace cooperative capitalism! And just too easy! Albeit, for many conservatives, unpalatable poison! Who are wedded to an illogical notion we have to have foreign ownership, to also have foreign investment? Even when we own a 2.5 trillion dollar super fund! And should be smart enough to create a suitable government guaranteed, investment vehicle to not only get it back and working here. But leverage another 2 trillion lazy money just looking for suitable long-term guaranteed returns, safe investment! When instead, cooperative capitalism is the most efficient and productive form of free-market private enterprise. And has the added benefit of restoring the country to we Australians, rather than a patent plethora of tax-avoiding, price gouging, profit repatriating foreigners? And with that done, just get on with the big stuff we need to build a robust 21st-century economy! And in so doing, drought-proof this wide brown land! And restore/reinvigorate our sacrificed manufacturing sector! As union free, profitable private enterprise! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 26 August 2018 1:05:12 PM
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Dear Logicade,
It has come to the attention of the State Logicariat that you have been thinking illogically. Our source has observed you commenting that things were never as bad under capitalism. As you are aware, the logical framework established by our Supreme and Ever Irrefutable Logician, Number One Thinker, advises that for the ideal function of Our Wonderful Society it is essential that all citizens think logically. Mere mention of capitalism, aside from the scurrilous and illogical nature of your comment, is in breach of this logical standard, makes you unfit as a citizen and necessitates your removal. Fortunately, the infinite mercy of Number One Thinker will give you the opportunity to correct yourself at our state of the art error correction facility. Here you experience the logically proven corrective methods of extreme exertion, calorie restriction and thermal therapy. It is a hard road ahead, but should you succeed you will have great honour of having your citizenship of this great nation restored to you. Warm Regards Posted by Fester, Sunday, 26 August 2018 3:52:14 PM
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How about we try the Chance System?
Every election day, all the tax file numbers are drawn from a lottery barrel and the first 100 or so become the next government? If a bye election is needed the barrel is spun again. Would save time and money and all of those elected would be presumed to be productive. We'd have to be ahead, and it would take care of gender issues into the bargain. Another chance system, the country runs a National Lottery and all registered electors get a free ticket every week, the only prize is 'X' million dollars and after three years all the winners are required to become the next Parliament, unless they have previously opted out of the lottery. They do not get a salary as their winnings are invested for their lifetime in Government bonds that give them a decent income; at the end of their life/that of their wife, the money reverts to the lottery fund. Now this system would not ensure that we get the brightest members, nor the most honest, best looking, charismatic, etc, but it would mean that we get the lucky ones and it'd save a hell of a lot of money. If, by chance, any of the lucky ones were re-drawn then they would have the option of not serving or serving with no increase in income. We'd have to be ahead because we sure don't get even the lucky ones now. Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 26 August 2018 5:26:57 PM
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Not a bad idea Is Mise.
Ike was heard to say, just before the allies went into Normandy, that he did not want "good" generals, but lucky ones, & he was a winner. Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 26 August 2018 5:44:09 PM
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This has echoes of the faith people have that artificial intelligence will solve everything... when it doesn't become a Hitler-loving pervert. Posted by Shockadelic, Sunday, 26 August 2018 5:49:58 PM
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"The ideal State or Republic would be governed by those who think the best, i.e., by the most thoughtful thinkers"
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Mark - your efforts to put me in charge of Australia and possibly the world are deeply flattering. I promise I will be aware of other peoples thoughts and opinions and take them into account before I decide what the problems are and make my decisions on the solutions. Posted by speedy, Monday, 27 August 2018 3:10:33 PM
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Getting rid of totally brainwashing ideology such as evolution and its daughter gw would be a good start to teaching people to think. Unfortunately the Marxist feminist swamp is filled with people who have many letters after their names but not an ounce of commonsense. I mean a baby with a penis is no longer a boy in their eyes. Yep biology has been trashed by the educated swamps across universities and tax funded Government bodies. So ironic that those who pushed the meetoo hashtags are among the abusers. Yep teach people they have a moral conscience. That might be a unique idea for the swamp who spend 7 years studying how to be a victim or virtue signal. Oh how the severely flawed Trump is a breath of fresh air.
Posted by runner, Monday, 27 August 2018 3:19:56 PM
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What if a society based on logic were illogical?
How so you ask? Answer - If a society based on logic was compared to something better than a society based on logic. What could be better? - A society based on merit and ethics. Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 27 August 2018 5:53:10 PM
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A society based on merit and ethics.
Armchair Critic, That would be too logical. Posted by individual, Monday, 27 August 2018 11:00:09 PM
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//A society based on merit and ethics.//
How about a society based on motherhood statements? Posted by Toni Lavis, Monday, 27 August 2018 11:16:00 PM
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Less people less problems.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 28 August 2018 6:31:17 PM
This bloke is talking rubbish. And he doesn't like democracy: even our pathetic version of it. Anyone as ignorant as he is doesn't deserve to be read.