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When is a woman a woman? : Comments
By Russell Grenning, published 29/5/2018David is only a transwoman on Wednesdays so there is no point his meeting Jeremy on any other day of the week, is there?
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We should stop giving gender nutters oxygen. Ignore the idiots. They will either withdraw from society in a funk, or they will grow up. I prefer the first option. Out of sight out of mind.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 9:06:04 AM
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Could be any greater evidence of the collapse of western civilisation, than to have these nut cases taken seriously.
To allow these nut cases to prance around on the national stage, their rubbish to be taken seriously, & be reported in the national press of a major western nation shows how far from reality we have drifted. The only questions now are, is the UK saveable, & is it worth the bother? The invasion of Europe by Muslim hordes, without a shot being fired is simply another manifestation of the moral collapse of a once great civilisation. Perhaps WW11 was the peak of that civilisation, when men fought & died for that civilisation. I wonder how many would have refused to make that sacrifice, if they could have seen how quickly it would rot away to a stinking cesspit. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 9:48:15 AM
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When is a woman a woman?
When she hasn't got a penis! Or testosterone factory testicles! If David was competing in an Olympic sport, he would have to pass a clinical sex test to ensure the other athletes, wouldn't be disadvantaged by his superior testosterone levels? And visible penis and testicles, would one assume, automatically rule him out, as it should here? Don't have a problem with love and SSM. But a line needs to be drawn somewhere, that passes the pub test and fair-minded fair-play! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 29 May 2018 11:35:38 AM
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I love it when the left whinge parties eat themselves over their own absurdity.
Roughly 99.4% of the population identify as the sex they were born with, the other 0.6% is the most fashionably protected identity group (or non-identity group) for the left whingers today. That 1/200 people can set the agenda is ridiculous. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 1:41:14 PM
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the hilarous part is that the left claim to believe in science. Obviously only when it fits their sick narrative.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 1:54:36 PM
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I'm assuming that David is someone who cares for the British Labour Party and is concerned about the direction it's gone in by embracing the excesses of identity politics. If so a brilliant piss take on the absurdities that kind of politics can take. She has taken their nonsense and turned it back on them.
Reminds me a little bit of Lauren Southern who is I think legally a man in Canada despite no obvious interest in actually identifying as a man. For the record my impression is that Lauren is not alt-right in the way the phrase has been used recently. More I think more in the Libertarian camp whereas the alt-right in my view are more aligned with the authoritarian side of right wing politics and rather fond of their own version of identity politics. I don't follow her closely though so could be missing something. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 2:17:04 PM
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in the right post
Maybe Harvey Weinstein should identify as a woman. According to the abc feminist they can do no wrong. Certainly Weinstein was a strong supporter of Hillary along with Bill. No wonder she took up the 'feminist' cause. No wonder the youth are totally confused. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 2:34:06 PM
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When the person does't have an SRY gene on a 'Y' chromosome.
Yes I know there are a few minor exceptions to that rule but for the vast majority of mankind, this holds true. ie biology determines sex, not society. Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 3:09:57 PM
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When is a woman a woman?
I would have thought when she has official documentation confirming that she is. Some people claim to be Jesus, Napoleon, or anything else they can think of - but that doesn't make it to be true at least not legally. I can't believe that any political party would just accept someone's word to be what they claim they want to be. I remember reading "Carlotta's" story years ago. "He did it Her Way - Carlotta - Legend of Les Girls" and what she went through. She was one of the first sex-change operations performed in Australia. She was made to go through a two-year period of psychological testing before they even approved the operation. It was quite an ordeal. She even had to attend a series of consultations with a clergyman, a couple of doctors, and a social worker. However she got to finally be legally classified as a female. Perhaps the same should apply in the UK? Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 4:53:42 PM
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cont'd ...
I'm not sure whether former Lieutenant Colonel Cate McGregor has had re-assignment surgery or not. But she is a transgender woman who felt she was a full-time woman - and not only on Wednesdays as the person in the UK. Who really can't be taken seriously. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 5:15:08 PM
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Sigh - so what!
Posted by Daffy Duck, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 5:19:01 PM
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Foxy I think the bigger issue is that the progressive left has opposed any checks and balances instead preferring to label any who don't like their agenda as transphobic bigots. The point you make does not account for the gender fluid.
Part of the concern with the public toilet issue in the US (last year I think) was a push for people to be able to use gender assigned facilities based on how they identified at the time. Clearly there were some nasty people on the other side but my impression was others just taking a stand and saying enough with the nonsense. The compelled speech laws in Canada that Jordan Petersen rose to prominence based on his opposition too referenced guidelines that included I believe subjective gender identification. Not just the issue of needing to know if someone regarded themself as male or female and being required by law to address them by their preferred pronoun but also a large number of other made up terms - one of the lists is at R0bert Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 6:20:32 PM
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so what?
So that we can change the world. Or if we can't change the world, at least we can embarrass the guilty. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 6:22:01 PM
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Fox in the henhouse again....
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 8:32:25 PM
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//Part of the concern with the public toilet issue in the US (last year I think) was a push for people to be able to use gender assigned facilities based on how they identified at the time.//
Ahh, those crazy yanks. I travelled to Europe (France & Belgium) many moons ago, and there were unisex water closets all over the joint. It was a bit odd and confronting to an Aussie who was used to segregated dunnies, but the locals were used to it and didn't bat an eyelid. Apparently men and women sharing the same toilet isn't necessarily weird and creepy. Mind you, some of them had bidets... disgusting. Isn't it funny how hung up people can get over shite-holes? Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 8:52:42 PM
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Tony hard to see any valid reasons for segregated toilets based on the debate in the US but it appeared they wanted to keep them in the midst of that.
A nonsense debate in my view with extremists on both sides. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 9:00:25 PM
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What about toilets for the disabled?
I don't think they're designated by gender. So we've advanced a little - right? Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 29 May 2018 11:23:37 PM
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Meanwhile the toxic orange haired monster whose natural habitat IS the swamp and who looks like a cane toad holds the future of Earthkind in his tiny pussy-grabbing hands.
At the human level it has no positive human or moral attributes. It makes the legendary shifty outhouse rat look like a paragon of virtue. As such it embodies all of the worst human aspects. It also appeals to and empowers all of the worst aspects of the American character including the most toxic aspects of its intrinsically hypocritical double-minded religiosity. Posted by Daffy Duck, Wednesday, 30 May 2018 9:16:52 AM
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Foxy the disability toilets that are not gender specific are generally single occupant. When I say single occupant I'm not referring to the actual cubicle but the space it's within. A different thing I think to mixed groups sharing a larger room with toilet cubicles inside the space. Odd thing is when there are single occupant toilets that are gender specific, some of the local parks, some national park facilities etc.
Mostly does not matter much other than in the context of the narrow filters people tend to apply to debates around gender etc. R0bert Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 30 May 2018 6:16:22 PM
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When is a woman a woman?
When she acts & looks like one (with less than a kilo of make-up). Females who try to act like women are getter broader in the shoulders, narrower in their hips & fuller around the waist ? I recall a few years ago talking with an ex-olympian female who was so muscular that I simply could not imagine her as a woman. Posted by individual, Wednesday, 30 May 2018 7:31:59 PM
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The corner that the left whinge ideologues have painted themselves into is that they have defined gender as whatever the individual is feeling or claims to feel at that particular instant. That a bloke claims to be a woman on Thursdays is ironclad proof that this is clearly unworkable.
I would say that anyone that has male wedding tackle swinging between their legs can't be called a woman. Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 31 May 2018 11:51:46 AM
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Modern woman-not ! Posted by individual, Thursday, 31 May 2018 12:05:19 PM
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and the point of that Individual? Proves that women are just as corrupt as men. Normally though they are more refined than men. Feminisn has created a very ugly side. Just look at Hillary's biggest supporters (Bill and Harvey). And she called others deplorables.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 31 May 2018 12:47:28 PM
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no particular point, only to show that slobs are encountered on a minute to minute base. Those who can think would not disagree that feminism via the hippie movement has definitely derailed western society & because of lacking foresight has given the superstitious the platform to justify what they do & have on the drawing board Posted by individual, Thursday, 31 May 2018 4:38:37 PM
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The whole thing is a giggle !
Can you imagine anyone wanting to run the government treating this absolute nonsense seriously ? Now Jeremy Corbin's fitness to be a MP let alone a PM is in doubt. His sanity or his grip on reality MUST be in question. The twisting convolutions of the lefty trendies to cope with this will be very entertaining. The mind boggles when you think of all the other unrealities get mixed up with this one, maternity leave comes to mind. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 31 May 2018 10:04:27 PM
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Al slight move to the right would would ease the Left's pain & suffering.
Posted by individual, Friday, 1 June 2018 7:13:57 AM
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What about these women ? What do the leftists think about them ? I mean, how could you tell if they even are women ? Posted by individual, Friday, 1 June 2018 9:54:35 AM
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My kind of topic at last.
'When is a woman a woman'? Well that's just too easy a question to answer. The answer is; When the person has, first and foremost, a vagina, and secondly, breasts. I don't care about any physical qualities or quantities, that is a woman. (how fat she is. Skinny is a nono) SHE has to be a warm, loving and understanding person, displaying feminine qualities. As opposed to the opposite, mostly displayed by the feminist and those who reject the role and virtues of being a woman. Another further example of what is not a woman and I in fact categorise these people as females is; Someone with a vagina and NO breasts. Typically seen in the sporting fraternity or other areas where women have attempted to relate more to the male than the female. These are cases when a woman is not a woman, but a 'female'. To further add to the description of a woman, I would even go so far as to suggest that she not try to lose weight and get too skinny. This is an absolute no no for health reasons. Although this is a general statement which applies to both genders. For those women who are 'looks' conscious, I prefer they carried a little weight than not. Too much information I hear you say, well I think when describing anything, the more info, the better the message. So it is that a 'full bodied' woman is much more attractive and I believe healthier than a skinny, muscle bound, breastless female. Or the 'Anti-Woman'. Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 2 June 2018 7:01:54 AM
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It's so speculative question as for me. Women may be so different but they all the same biological organism with certain features.
Posted by Fighting Poverty, Wednesday, 6 June 2018 12:11:45 AM