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The clock is ticking. Time to wear the burqa. : Comments

By Najla Turk, published 24/8/2017

An open letter to Pauline Hanson on the wearing of the burka.

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'The right to tell you to go and get stuffed.'
- It's an Aussie thing, and if you don't get it then you're not really Aussie.

So you got your stats wrong, but I'm not going to nitpick.
All I want to say is that I belong to the group that don't identify as immigrants, who's familys have been here forever, further back than ANZAC...

Even when I was growing up things were a lot different.
We'd make fun of everyone and everything, and it didn't seem as serious as everyone takes it today, no more so than if you bought a stupid looking Tshirt or a stupid pair of shoes, you'd get humiliated and made fun of for it.

But one thing for me about Australian culture was the right to be free from everybody elses culture, the right to tell yours or anybody else's culture that sought to impose on my right to be free from others cultures - to go and get stuffed.

I think foreigners / immigrants saw Australia as having no culture, and saw it as a fresh canvas, an easy target to move their own cultures into, but you missed the whole point of what Australia was.
(I'd say is but I'm not sure anymore)
In many ways it's been open slather on our way of life; the one in which we we're free from being imposed upon.

...And so things have changed and Australia's a lot more multicultural now.
And you guys the 'immigrant Aussies' want the equality to be able to freely express your own cultures.

Now I'm not sure if we're going to be able to all get along, but one thing that you really have to learn about being an Aussie, something that even comes before religion; is that everyone has the upspoken right to tell everybody else that they can go and get stuffed.

Accept and understand that, and we might be able to learn to live together.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 24 August 2017 11:15:21 AM
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Why, a Burqa is very handy when you want to drive a car with more passengers than seat-belts...

Everyone should be able to wear whatever they like, if any - including when riding a bicycle!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 24 August 2017 11:39:16 AM
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Quote: about "rule of law and equality is to give people a 'fair' go." So what does a Muslim know or believe about law and equality? Wow, a Muslim lecturing those evil infidels on morality!

Law, at least that understood in the West, is totally different from the barbaric, vague, and unequal thing called sharia that her religion teaches. Even the use of the word "equality" is a travesty. In Islam, according to the Quran, Muslims are the "best of peoples" and non-Muslims are "lower than animals". How cute. In Islam, Non-muslims are never equal to Muslims. Period.

Putting semantics and dogma aside, a simple look at Islamic societies tells one all that is needed about her religion. Muslims have ruined their countries with their hate, discrimination and violence, and they come to the West with Allah ("I will cast Terror") and Mohammad ("I am made victorious with terror") in their hearts. What could go wrong?

Has Ms Turk been to Egypt recently? Maybe she would notice far more burqas now. Does she ask why? Of course not, she is Muslim and Muslims are unable to reflect on their religion. If there is a problem, it must be the fault of those horrible nonbelievers.

Lady, your hijab sends a clear signal that you accept without question the hate and violence promoted in the Quran. It tells everyone that you support and accept the vile deeds of Mohammad in the sunnah, including attacking others, plunder, murder, rape, torture and enslavement of men, women and children. You must be so proud.

PS: in your previous article you didn't reply about what passages you referred to when saying "The Prophet Muhammad taught Muslims that no-one can be a person of faith if his neighbour does not feel safe from him or her." Would what be Quran 7:4? Ha ha. And where exactly does Islam teach "good conduct, social interaction, justice and kindnes"?
Posted by kactuz, Thursday, 24 August 2017 1:00:00 PM
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Pete Smith (Quadrant Online today) believes that the burka should be “mercilessly parodied”, and “holding it up to continual ridicule is entirely appropriate.” But the burka is really a peripheral issue, the real threat being being Islam itself which is a “real, present and growing threat to our way of life.”

I don't know what he would make of the title of this piece: “The clock is ticking. Time to wear the burqa”, which sounds more than just a little threatening.

Islam's values are not our values, and those who do hold its values, “  however intrinsically peaceful they happen to be, are part of the problem”. Also “Apologists and appeasers”, our politicians, churches and large parts of the general population are part of the problem These people have no will to fight.

And, what's the best these snowflakes can do against Muslim terrorism? Mutter something about standing shoulder to shoulder, and putting up ugly bollards as though terrorism should be accepted in the West as part of our every day existence.

There has never been a logical, sane reason for Muslim immigration.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 24 August 2017 1:23:15 PM
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Ref the bollards where ever crowds are likely to gather.

Be it known that a way through the bollards must be left for trucks, especially the ones called Fire Engines!!
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 24 August 2017 1:33:01 PM
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Thanks, Is Mise. It certainly gets more ridiculous – and dangerous – every day.

I have just been listening, on an ABC podcast, to an interview with an Islamic scholar, Prof. Elham Manea (female) from the university of Zurich. This lady says that the burka is NOT an Islamic garment. It is “anti-human” and “totalitarian”

Brandis and Wong, she said, were 'naive”, “even racist” to suggest that the burka is a religious garment. It is a tribal tradition of the Salifis and tribes in rural Saudi Arabia, where the women are brainwashed into thinking that they must cover up.

Nothing to with Islam – as the saying goes.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 24 August 2017 2:38:58 PM
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