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The Forum > Article Comments > Archaic obstacles: Australia, parliament and dual citizenship > Comments

Archaic obstacles: Australia, parliament and dual citizenship : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 21/7/2017

It is a provision that nabs the unsuspecting member of Parliament who discovers, by self-pursuit or otherwise, that he or she is, in fact, seized of the loyalty of another state.

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Yutsie: I can well understand your lack of concern for Americans (who do not renounce their American citizenship),

It was not a lack of concern. I was trying to draw out those who want Dual Citizenship recognized as OK, especially if they are Green etc, to agree that it would be OK for Americans with Dual Citizenship. Those people, of course, normally despise everything American. But I see that my ruse was spotted, by the lack of replies to that point. You, as an exception but you understood it wrongly.

Still, waiting for a reply from that group. 😉

Yutsie: Candidates/Members must remember that they are only the servants of those who elected them.

It sounds good & it as it should be. Tell them that mate. They are only in servitude to their Party after they get elected.

Yutsie: nor have I any allegiance to any country/nation whatsoever. This is just a matter of cold/cynical convenience.

WHOA! You don’t sound like the type of person wanted or needed in Australia. Suggest you & your “Family” use your passports to Vamoose.

Foxy: unless a significant number of Australians were to vote to be represented by these Yanks.

I should imagine that the voting Public would not know that they had not renounced American Citizenship. If elected then it would become a concern once it was realized that they were dual citizens & have to remove themselves from Parliament.

AC: Take Jewish-Australians as an example, in all likeliness their real loyalty will be to Israel first.

Is Jewish-Australians anything like mahommadist-Australian? Judaism & mahommadism being Religions. Australian & Israeli being a Nationalities.

Did you mean Israeli-Australian? In that case would they hold dual Passport? If so, that would be a concern. Are you asserting that an Australian whose religion is Judaism first loyality would be to Israel?

The same assertion would be also true for an Australian whose Religion is mahommadism. Their first Loyalty would be for their Religion & it’s Sharia Law. A logical conclusion I would think.
AC: a person who’s loyalties and interests only involve Australia.

Posted by Jayb, Sunday, 23 July 2017 9:33:52 PM
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Dear Leoj,

«That the desire should also be expressed and confirmed in nominations for the highest positions of trust and responsibility in Australia is quite reasonable and expected too»

If indeed anyone of foreign allegiance and loyalty wished to subvert Australia through parliament, then surely they would have renounced their foreign citizenship the same day they obtained Australian citizenship, then appear to be model citizens and proceed covertly.

All that s44(i) does is to disrupt the lives of benign citizens who happen to have contacts overseas. As I explained above, national loyalty is the least reason for anyone to retain a foreign citizenship. Actual reasons include:

* Being able to freely visit relatives in one's country of origin.
* Being able to do business there.
* Being allowed to hold property there.
* Avoid upsetting family-members.
* Being able to travel to and through countries which are at odds with Australia.
* Maintaining an alternate place of refuge in case of a disaster in Australia (natural disaster, nuclear disaster, war, dictatorship, Chinese invasion, etc.)
* Family matters (marriage, divorce, adoption, alimony, etc.)
* Keeping alternate licenses (driver's, medical, professional).
* Receiving a foreign pension.


Dear Jay,

«WHOA! You don’t sound like the type of person wanted or needed in Australia.»

But this is not how the Australian government feels - they're just in love with my tax-money; and there are plenty of other Australians who love what I do here. Now tell me how many Australian-born citizens are actually wanted or needed here, who prove their deep allegiance by sucking on Nanny's Centerlink/Medicare teats?

Seems that in British/Australian culture, honesty is the biggest of vices. Like it or not, admit it or not, patriotism is now a vestige of bygone centuries and claiming that you are a patriot does not make you one.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 23 July 2017 10:13:43 PM
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I think all this stuff and nonsense is just that!

Why we've had pollies born all over the place including super competent NZ'ers as have they, with some Aussies in their past political line up. With one notable Aussie expat given credit for pulling our Kiwi cousins out of the Great Depression?

It shouldn't matter where you were born if you're prepared to put your head up and be chosen on merit and the strength and lucidity of your argument! And could come from Tamworth, Toowoomba, Tipperary, Timbuktu or Alpha Centaurius, for all that it matters or improves shared outcomes?

J.B. Petersen, one of our more successful Q'ld Premiers, came from Norway via NZ.

Simply put, we are all boat people who came originally from somewhere else. And where you were born has little to do with your capability or intelligence, but maybe your genetic code, early inculcation and diet!?

Finally, the phrase, you weren't born under my heart but in it, resonates the loudest with reference to chosen homeland! Native born never ever choose where they'd live or swear allegiance to, as a place and or her people!

The Coral sea is a huge war grave filled with foreigners, who gave everything there is to give, for this wide brown land and her people! East Timor and the fuzzy wuzzy angels of PNG!

Should we discriminate against them for example, because they weren't born here?

Even if one or two proved to be the most capable and bothered to put their hands up for some of the most thankless positions, that native born just won't bother with, when there's some other more committed stranger, that can be blamed, pilloried and or thrown under a bus? Is willing to bother!

And given the reception? Why would they?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 24 July 2017 11:26:41 AM
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Dear Alan B.,

I think I'm developing a great big crush on you!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 24 July 2017 1:07:56 PM
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Alan B.

However it is facts not the theatrical emoting that are relevant. The conditions were always plain and spelled out to all comers. Others seem to have no difficulty. The two 'Showboat' Greens, Ludlam and Waters, have admitted fault and resigned.

They were slack. Sometimes, slack sinks ships, have you noticed? There are many examples. -Where those who were personally responsible did not have due care and regard for carrying out that responsibility. Fortunately in the subject case the consequence was only political embarrassment and a couple of superficial types departed the field. -To be replaced hopefully by more responsible people.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale admits governance deficiencies. Apparently and unfortunately for the Greens leader, politicians unlike ordinary citizens must have others to look out for them :(
-The last mentioned might be useful for later blame-shifting, which is not unknown where politicians are concerned either.

Past Greens leader, Bob Brown, as in, 'I got what I wanted and got out while the going was good', confirms the poor administration by the national Greens (framing his replacement, a bit of jealousy there, Bob?).
Posted by leoj, Monday, 24 July 2017 3:08:55 PM
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You are Either Australian or you are not.

I never liked the idea of dual passports.
You have people living in other countries for 6 months of the year.

A lot of the Greeks were living and working in Greece for 6months or more,
then they all raced back to Australia to claim welfare when Greece collapsed and they bought in austerity.

Economically, having dual passports can be used to take advantage of Australia.
Likewise, dual passports allow people to easily move between hostile countries and Australia.
I remember the dual passport pressure that was bought to bear on the Australian government by ethnic groups. It was always probably not a good idea,
Why not just have an ordinary passport like other Australians.
Globalism is a bad idea, as we are now witnessing.

Globalism just means people can take advantage of countries. We need to go back to
nationalism and pride in our own country and respect for its culture and values.
Posted by CHERFUL, Tuesday, 25 July 2017 10:16:47 PM
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