The Forum > Article Comments > Like it or not, Islam is a problem > Comments
Like it or not, Islam is a problem : Comments
By Gary Johns, published 6/6/2017As a consequence, like it or not, Muslims are more susceptible to Islamisation than non-Muslims.
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Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 9:04:32 AM
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Islam is the problem, along with our so-called elites, who would rather destroy us than question their pet dogmas (Multiculturalism, socialism, diversity, etc...)
Now a link to a related item: So somebody puts up a billboard that does not mention Islam or Mohammad, but for some reason Muslims say it is "offensive and untrue". If so, then it must not be about them, or maybe it is.. Having read the hadith and all early Islamic histories, I can say that all statements on the billboard are taken from those sources. Therefore, the words are honest and true. Islam's prophet, the so-called "perfect man", did all of those vile things, according to all, ALL, Islamic sources. The fact that local Muslims, as with Muslims everywhere, including Downunder, deny these simple facts, shows how evil and dishonest they are, all of them. Then our elites tell us that is is only some Muslims (who are not real Muslims, of course) doing those things and that Islam is really really wonderful, but maybe misunderstood. And the murder and terror continues..... Posted by kactuz, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 10:33:06 AM
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Ok Joe,
Lets see if you are true to your word. Violent religious extremism in the name of Buddhism is well documented. For example the following article Buddhist Extremism and the Hypocrisy of 'Religious Violence' by Jarni Blakkarly[1] who is a Melbourne-based journalist and a Theravada Buddhist. Buhdists are committing genocide against Rahingya people in Burma.You can explore the numerous documentation here [1]: --A full report detailing the case for genocide under international law [2] This quote from George Soros highlights the magnitude of the crimes currently taking place [3]: "Philanthropist George Soros drew a parallel between his childhood memories of life in a Jewish ghetto under the Nazi occupation in Hungary and the plight of the Rohingya after visiting a Rohingya area in Sittwe, Myanmar. “In 1944, as a Jew in Budapest, I, too was a Rohingya…The parallels to the Nazi genocide are alarming,” he said, in a pre-recorded address to the Oslo conference." So lets see if you are true to your word. In the meantime, perhaps you can answer the following question posed by Blakkarly, the author of the article first mentioned above, "And indeed, many white atheists who are implacably opposed to religion speak approvingly of Buddhism and are increasingly willing to attend Vipassana meditation retreats. So why are we prepared to dissociate some religions from acts of violence, and not others?" In addition, I note you make no mention of Christians. Can you explain why? [1] [2] Burma Task force: [3] PERSECUTION OF THE ROHINGYA MUSLIMS:IS GENOCIDE OCCURRING IN MYANMAR’S RAKHINE STATE [4] Press Release - 7 Nobel Peace Laureates Call Rohingya Persecution a Genocide. Posted by grateful, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 11:07:19 AM
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"Having read the hadith and all early Islamic histories, I can say that all statements on the billboard are taken from those sources. Therefore, the words are honest and true. Islam's prophet, the so-called "perfect man", did all of those vile things, according to all, ALL, Islamic sources." Claiming some authority on Islam, you will have no problems offering evidence from hadith scholars which support your interpretation. Ready when you are. Posted by grateful, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 11:41:12 AM
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Before you start kactus, you can tell us who you studied hadith under or at least what school did you attended. If not, then can you offer evidence based on the teachings of those who are experts in hadith and the qu'ran?
The point I'm making is its very easy to read something, apply your own interpretation and come away with the wrong interpretation and mislead others. For example, the billboard states "beheaded 600 Jews in one day". What was this all about? Was it evidence of religious intolerance, the sort of thing we have seen suffered by the Yazidi and other Muslims (e.g., Sufis) for their beliefs at the hands of ISIS? Or was there some other reason. Were they men, women and children? Was it a massacre? Or the marriage to Ayesha. What were the circumstances? How did the rest of the community respond? How did the Prophets enemies respond? The billboard also claims he was a rapists! Your the expert kactus: Where does this come from? Similarly for torture. Or the killing of unbelievers: was their crime unbelief? Afterall, there were battles so did this killing take place in the course of war or otherwise? Were they the aggressors or otherwise? And his wives. When did he marry more than one? What was the motivation? How old were they? Were they widowed? Was it lust or some other reason? How did he treat his wives? How did he teach other men to treat their wives? Over to you kactus. Posted by grateful, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 12:08:07 PM
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No, the atrocities committed against the Rohingya by ultra-nationalist and fascist Burmese gangs are not carried out in the name of Buddha, as you well know, surely. Religion for most of those ultra-nationalists is incidental, not central, to their brutality, while as we well know, Islam IS central to the brutality of ISIS supporters: the shehada is what they chant while carrying out their vile acts. I don't think the Burmese ultra-nationalists chant "Om," while they burn and rape with the same enthusiasm. Similarly, the violence between Irish groups in northern Ireland has/had more to do with those seeking to join northern Ireland to Ireland proper (who happened mostly, but by no means exclusively, Catholic Christians) against those who sought to keep northern Ireland within the United Kingdom (who happened, mostly, to be Protestant Christians). Again, as far as the first group were concerned, the issue was reunification of Ireland, and had nothing to do with being Catholic: I very much doubt that the IRA said prayers before lunching any attacks, or sent off a message to the Pope. Both of those conflicts have far more to do with nationalism than with religion, and you know it. No, you know very well, as we all do, that the Islamist-fascists carry out their vile atrocities in the name of Allah. Do you unreservedly condemn them for that ? Can you point to sections of the Koran which forbid such atrocities ? No, of course not. If you can, I'll respond further to you. But I don't expect to have to. Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 7 June 2017 4:13:05 PM
[Grateful for what ? Being allowed to say what you like in Australia ? ]
When I see Yazidis marching down the street, with one of their kids holding up a sign saying "Behead those who insult our prophet",
- when a Buddhist murders an innocent person in a block of flats, yelling "Long live the Gautama",
- when a Taoist or Confucian drives a van into innocent people and then stabs whoever he can find,
I'll take notice of whatever you write, and assume that Islam is not the only problem. Otherwise, I'll assume you're an agent, or a member, of the fascist terrorist organisation, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, and look forward to your exposure. Save you prattle for the madrassas.