The Forum > Article Comments > Like it or not, Islam is a problem > Comments
Like it or not, Islam is a problem : Comments
By Gary Johns, published 6/6/2017As a consequence, like it or not, Muslims are more susceptible to Islamisation than non-Muslims.
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Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 10:10:10 AM
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There is absolutely no veracity in this statement or racial/religious profiling! Simply put, it is the song not the singer that's the problem!
A Godless discipline giving itself permission to kill in God's name! And not all Muslims are the most susceptible, but all intolerant ideologies! Those that have allowed dogma and ideology, Gary, to replace reason and logic! Anyone can be brainwashed by the application of indoctrination, particularly, where that occurs during formative years and given oxygen by our own dog eat dog, survival of the fittest behavior? Thus we have to a large extent abandoned the fair go philosophy, as a few of us try to amass all the wealth there is! And by whatever means needed, just as long as they are legal if highly immoral, like those whose greedy grasping hands that take unearned wealth from those who've actually earned or created it! This is the real problem and inherent in extreme capitalism and the huge monolithic monopolies and captive slave like markets created to serve this new fossil fueled Godles idol! Mr Trump went bankrupt some six reported times leaving in his wake countless family firms dispossessed of almost everything they'd worked diligently for, for years. Others show up front and centre in so called Christian churches every sunday, religiously, then come monday, out there relieving little folk of their very modest nest eggs, as they squirrel as much as they can in various tax havens etc! Like it or not, these inherently immoral ratbags are a problem and fuel on the fire for radicalized individuals everywhere! Moreover impossible to defeat, when all they have left to live for is a big fat zero! Created I believe, by the excesses of the greed ruled, elitist ruling class. Take a good long hard cynical look in the mirror if you truly want to know WTFing problem really is? You could try embracing cooperative capitalism? Except that is too inherently fair, like it or not, I believe, for indoctrinated in extreme capitalism, recalcitrant troglytes? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 6 June 2017 11:36:09 AM
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Labour/Greens and Liberals have sold out our security in order to be buddies with the corrupt UN. Future generations will not be able to believe our stupidity. Even Theresa May watched as her Government allowed mass Islamic immigration. Now people are still dumb enough to ask why. Maybe if they understood the truth (Jesus Christ) they might have a little understanding of a lie (secularism/islam). What don't people understand that when a Christian celebrates they give out presents but when Ramadan comes around! Yep the secularist dogma is putried and very quickly destroying what made the West great.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 11:36:41 AM
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Hi Runner,
I'm trying to join the dots between an unquestioning religion and an ideology which is likely to try to question everything - and all as an alternative to yet another 'unquestioning religion', yours :) What is evil about Islam ? Its book refuses to allow any questioning; it claims to be the exact words of their god (is he/she the same god, Runner, as yours ?), never to be changed; it brutally punishes anybody who steps out of line; it brutally oppresses women (but don't tell a feminist that, they'll get dreadfully upset); it brutally oppresses homosexuals (ditto the 'left'); it doesn't allow anybody to drop out; it glorifies people who murder in its name, and it opposes any human progress as ungodly, and death as commendable, which raises the question: does it hate humans ? In fact, does every religion which pushes the dream of an everlasting life, hate humans ? Does their 'god' hate humans, in their understanding ? [Christ, so much of this sounds like the old socialism that I used to be in love with: shame job. No wonder the 'left' sucks up to Islam.] If you can help me, Runner, by pointing out the similarities between this and secularism, or atheism, I'd be ever so grateful. But you would need to be careful, because some idiot might point out some of the similarities - some, only, I'm suggesting - between your religion and Islam. Sorry :( Cheers, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 12:12:18 PM
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A comment from a Republican Senator questions whether a strand of Christians can be thought of as terrorists should his comments inflame people to take action:
"Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins (R) responded to an attack in downtown London over the weekend by calling for a mass extrajudicial killing of people suspected of adhering to radicalized” Islam." And: "Notably, Higgins advocated for the killing of anyone even suspected of having links to terrorism, and gave no definition of how that should be determined. He described the fight as a “war” between Christendom and “Islamic horror,” echoing a rallying cry of the far-right." Clearly, terrorists are the barbaric scum of the planet; but, it is not helpful to counter barbarism with further barbarism. Posted by ant, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 12:24:49 PM
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Thanks Loudmouth
To call Christianity as an unquestionable religion is a tad dishonest. I guarantee if secularism had 1/100th of the analaysis that Christianity has had then it would be seen for the absolute irrational nonsense it is. What is evil about Islam ? (just look at the example of Mohammed assuming you have a moral conscience) Its book refuses to allow any questioning; (Even God in the old testament invites people to come and reason together Isaiah 1:18 hence usually the greatest minds have come from Christians/Jews) it claims to be the exact words of their god (is he/she the same god, Runner, as yours ?), never to be changed; (allah derives from pagan gods and has nothing to do with the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ). The Koran even teaches that Jesus did not die on the cross leaving them no hope of forgiveness. it brutally punishes anybody who steps out of line; (nations founded on Christian principles have always been the kindest in the world unlike Stalin and god denying communist) it brutally oppresses women (but don't tell a feminist that, they'll get dreadfully upset); the teachings of the new testament gave women more status and worth than any other people group had ever done. Secularism has produced nasty feminist who deny nature and often hate men. The Christian model of the family is a million times better for society than the fluid/diversity invented by sick minds. it brutally oppresses homosexuals (ditto the 'left'); (Scripture teaches all are sinners and corrupt. That is why all need forgiveness and grace. Islam like securalism produces self righteousness. Sorry but we have no righteousness of our own). it doesn't allow anybody to drop out; (The Christian God gives all an invitation. Refuse the invitation and you choose your own destiny.) it glorifies people who murder in its name, (Christianity teaches that no murderer will inherit the kindgdom of God. Killing the unborn is as repulsive as jihad,) hopefully this explains my worldview a little clearer. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 12:36:18 PM
Are we sure of that? Terrorism is part of Islam, and Islam has certainly defeated democracy over the ages. Given the gutlessness of our politicians, Islam, with help of terrorism, is intent on defeating democracy again.