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The ABC needs to know its place and time : Comments
By Gary Johns, published 10/5/2017As for the ABC's Yassmin Abdel-Magied's offensive Anzac Day tweet, and her eulogy to Islamic feminism, Ayaan Hirsi Ali was right to regard her as a 'hypocrite', dripping phony indignation.
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Posted by Cobber the hound, Wednesday, 10 May 2017 11:58:01 AM
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Is that the truth, or did you read about it in a Murdoch "news"-paper!
Never mind that you will never ever find the truth about anything in the commercial media, especially that published by Murdoch - as this essay points out: Nor will you ever find anything remotely true about religion in the Australian - especially about the Process involved in the practice of esoteric Spiritual religion. Meanwhile three inter-related references on the very tangible reality of the felt-perception of the Earth-world as Gaia in which we are completely entangled at many levels both visible and invisible, and upon which we are completely depednent, even for our next breath As distinct from the power-and-control chop everything down world-view pictured in this stark image Posted by Daffy Duck, Wednesday, 10 May 2017 12:54:00 PM
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Yassmin Abdel-Magied is a 26 year old naif who just might cringe with embarrassment when she looks back in her mature years. Then again, she might not; but the real idiots are those in the ABC who gave her her own program, and all the others who put her on the multicultural gravy train. If a few Muslms are needed – in proportion to their very slight presence in the country – then surely there are some with a brain and some mature outlooks on life! This kid is barely out of nappies.
As far and the ABC itself goes, who needs it? The last time I looked, audience numbers were about 22% of the population. I personally watch it only on weekends where there is SOMETIMES good British drama that I have a weakness for; as for the rest of the week – nah! Predicable Left-wing bias and gross, unfunny humour of the sort that 26 year olds and under might find funny because of the over-use of the eff word. Actually, Cobber has a point about shifiting it all to the bush. They do provide a service that the commercials do not, and they could employ locals instead of inner city dropkicks. Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 10 May 2017 1:26:43 PM
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Cobber has a very good point about shifting it to the bush.
However, that should also be accompanied by allocating a large share of the ABC budget to funding local community DIGITAL education and services. The ABC could also do more for its forgotten rapidly growing cohort of older Australians by bringing them up to date and supporting their use of digital communication. It is most unfair that older people are being left out of the boat in the digital revolution. Yet their access to and confident use of digital technology is crucial to their wellbeing and to saving the taxpayer dollars through their continued independence, better health, better social contact and continued interest and learning and so on. The ABC must not be allowed to continue to sit on all of those eggs, jealously reserving the lion's share for its favourites. -That is, after the ABC's large management overheads are catered for. Posted by leoj, Wednesday, 10 May 2017 1:57:15 PM
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What a very strange article indeed. It combines ABC bashing, a whine because of the decline of Christianity ( long overdue), another whine because of the decline of the coal industry (also long overdue) and an attack on free speech.
Abdel Magied's rants are typical of religiots of any religion, we regularly hear such drivel from Christians. Without the ABC Australia would be left with Murdoch's parrots and a much diminished democracy. Posted by mac, Wednesday, 10 May 2017 3:28:33 PM
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Care to tell us when a Christian made made the same disparaging remarks on Anzac Day that the Muslim female made? Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 10 May 2017 3:33:02 PM
as a result of which they are increasingly out of touch with Australia and increasingly believing they are above review.
How about a move to a few regional centers like Wagga Wagga, Port Pirie and Albany should clear out some of the skivvy wearer's. .