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European Union declares diplomatic war on Israel : Comments

By David Singer, published 13/4/2017

The function erupted into an explosive EU protest against Israel's plans to evict Arab squatters from 42 structures that had been illegally erected.

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Nothing new. The EU has been working hand in glove with the Arab world and Islam since the 1970s. The EAD (European Arab Dialogue) is an anti-Isreal, anti-America cabal that's all about fear and greed on the part of the Europeans.

For the full horrors of European dhimmitude to Islam read, “Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis”, by Bat Ye'or.

Next time there is an Islamic terror atrocity in Europe, particularly in France, Belgium and Germany – the main offenders in sucking up to Islam – you might reflect on just how sympathetic you should be.

When it comes to the war against Islam, Eurabia is a dead loss to the West: an enemy, in fact.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 13 April 2017 10:48:11 AM
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The only illegal structures on palestinian territory are those built with Israel's tacit permission! But what the hell, what does it matter what law is being broken by Israel, Israel courts will find that everything she does on occupied territory is legal! Including evicting traditional owners!

One doesn't have to search far for a president, Why not all that long ago German courts, gave tacit approval to the confiscation of the property of millions of similarly, "legally" dispossessed Jews! To the victor goes the spoils!
Jawohl mein herr?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 13 April 2017 1:43:11 PM
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I don't thing you meant 'presidents', Alan, and remember, the land the Arabs are moaning about was stolen by them from the Jews a long time ago.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 13 April 2017 8:00:34 PM
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Hilarious to see singer whining about "facts on the ground".
Playing you at your own game are they? hahahaha
Posted by mikk, Friday, 14 April 2017 1:57:06 AM
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And I suppose those same Oslo Accords give Israel carte blanche to build settlements on what is legally Palestinians' land.

Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 14 April 2017 11:07:39 AM
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I am not whinging - far from it.

I certainly don't think you should consider it a laughing matter that the European Union (EU) has intruded itself illegally into Area C of the West Bank in breach of the Oslo Accords to create "facts on the ground" in favour of the PLO over Israel for the following reasons:

(i) The EU's supposed legal high ground has been swept from under its feet. The EU has now become an organisation that can be indisputably identified with carrying out illegal practices designed to favour one side of the conflict over the other.

(ii) The EU has disqualified itself as being utterly conflicted and has effectively signed its death warrant as a member of the Quartet. If the remaining members do not kick the EU out and rebrand themselves the Trio - then the Quartet itself will forfeit its assigned role in bringing about any chance of saving the rapidly sinking two-state solution envisaged by the Bush Roadmap

(iii) The EU must watch on in ignominy as its illegal Arab structures are demolished and the hundreds of thousands of Euros spent on them disappear in the rubble.

(iv) The EU only makes itself more irrelevant and the object of ridicule when it tries to justify its illegal conduct as illustrated by the boorish behaviour of its 28 Ambassadors as detailed in my article.

(v) Such EU actions only provide the basis for an Israeli response and make any hopes of a resolution of the 100 years old conflict between Jews and Arabs far more harder to achieve.

(vi) Such EU actions embolden the PLO to believe the EU can do for them what they cannot achieve by negotiations - the removal of 600000 Jews from their current homes.

If the EU is playing Israel at its own game they have just lost the match by a huge margin.

Being the acknowledged Jew-hater you are - this result is hardly one you should be laughing about. I thought you would be crying your eyes out.
Posted by david singer, Friday, 14 April 2017 1:17:10 PM
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1. The West Bank is not "legally Palestinians' land". You made the claim - now substantiate it with some facts.

2. The Jewish settlements have been built on 2% of the West Bank territory. Do you agree?

3. No new Jewish settlements have been built for 20 years. Do you agree?

4. The Oslo Accords give Israel 100% complete administrative and security control over Area C and those who live within its agreed boundaries. Do you agree?.

Put up or shut up.
Posted by david singer, Friday, 14 April 2017 1:31:45 PM
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Oh davey boy you are funny.
You think you have won?
Bet you dont think that when israels major markets in the EU go down the toilet. You think the EU will just sit back "ignominiously" and watch while israel destroys their donations? I dont think so. They WILL retaliate. Bye bye exports.
The worlds pushback against israels apartheid colonialism is only just beginning.
Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and land theft are not acceptable in the modern world and israel WILL be brought to heel
Posted by mikk, Friday, 14 April 2017 10:13:54 PM
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Undeniably the outpourings of a real Jew hater.

Predicting the future as you attempt to do is indeed a fools game.

Wallow in your foul speculation of what is going to befall the Jews.

The events of the last 95 years in the Middle East prove how wrong the Arabs have been in rejecting offer after offer made by the Jews and the international community to resolve the Jewish-Arab conflict.

Such offers would have ended the Arab-Jewish conflict in 1922, 1937, 1947, anytime between 1948 to 1967, 2000/1 and 2008.

The Arabs - already sovereign in 22 States - are assuredly the architects of their own continuing disaster.
Posted by david singer, Saturday, 15 April 2017 8:50:57 AM
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"The Arabs - already sovereign in 22 States - are assuredly the architects of their own continuing disaster."

Now that is something on which I will have to agree with.

Posted by VK3AUU, Saturday, 15 April 2017 3:36:52 PM
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Call me what you like singer it wont change the fact that the world is sick of israel and their apartheid state and israel is being given its last chances to change before it is shunned completely.
You can wish it not to be all you like singer but the trajectory is clear. Israel is on its way out.
Pity really.
It could have been so different.
Posted by mikk, Saturday, 15 April 2017 4:03:19 PM
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Dear Mikk,

Other than not liking what it does (and I also don't like some of the things that Israel does), what makes you believe that Israel is on the way out?
I mean, it would help me if you can provide such solid arguments that I can use to warn my family to leave. So far, they think that I'm under greater danger in Australia with all those bushfires and cyclones.

Also, even if this is the case, why would you be so happy about it? Who is to gain from Israel's demise? Certainly not the Palestinians who would suffer even more under the rule and terror of their own corrupt and/or fanatic leaders!

And appealing to your occult prophesying powers, I wonder if you can tell us when North Korea will finally be out?


Dear David and David,

So as the Arabs already have 22 sovereign states (I think it's more by now), why can't the Jews have two? Why burden Israel and its good people with all the crap of Jewish desires? If certain Jews have territorial ambitions, then let them own it and do the fighting themselves, also absorb all the ire of the world themselves, rather than expect Israel to do all the dirty work for them!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 16 April 2017 12:48:32 AM
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"and remember, the land the Arabs are moaning about was stolen by them from the Jews a long time ago.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 13 April 2017 8:00:34 PM"

So tell us when it was stolen?
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Sunday, 16 April 2017 1:01:13 AM
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November 7, 1918
The object aimed at by France and Great Britain in prosecuting in the East the War let loose by the ambition of Germany is the complete and definite emancipation of the peoples so long oppressed by the Turks and THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NATIONAL GOVERNMENTS AND ADMINISTRATIONS DERIVING THEIR AUTHORITY FROM THE INITIATIVE AND FREE CHOICE OF THE INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS.
In order to carry out these intentions France and Great Britain are at one in encouraging and assisting the establishment of indigenous Governments and administrations in Syria and, Mesopotamia, now liberated by the Allies, and in the territories the liberation of which they are engaged in securing and recognising these as soon as they are actually established.
FAR FROM WISHING TO IMPOSE ON THE POPULATIONS OF THESE REGIONS ANY PARTICULAR INSTITUTIONS THEY ARE ONLY CONCERNED TO ENSURE BY THEIR SUPPORT AND BY ADEQUATE ASSISTANCE THE REGULAR WORKING OF GOVERNMENTS AND ADMINISTRATIONS FREELY CHOSEN BY THE POPULATIONS THEMSELVES. To secure impartial and equal justice for all, to facilitate the economic development of the country by inspiring and encouraging local initiative, to favour the diffusion of education, to put an end to dissensions that have too long been taken advantage of by Turkish policy, such is the policy which the two Allied Governments uphold in the liberated territories.

Yeah right! The Palestine mandate imposed an alien Zionist organisation on the indigenous population. Year on, year on, protestations from all sections of that indigenous community, including the Jewish community, about enforcing a Jewish state were ignored. Then in 1937 when it became clear that the original aim of the nefarious collusion between the colonial triad could never eventuate, did they call it quits? No. The Zionists, showing none of the wisdom of Solomon, chopped the baby in half.

The 122 year old Zionist-Arab conflict could have been settled all the way up until 1948 if the Zionists had accepted a place in a new nation. Instead they turned Palestine into a basket case and cast a shadow of Zionist suspicion over every Jew in Arabia.
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Monday, 17 April 2017 12:02:36 AM
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“The Arabs - already sovereign in 22 States - are assuredly the architects of their own continuing disaster.”

If you want proof of the gob-smacking absurdity of Zionism, the above sentence says it all.

The Scandinavians - already sovereign in 7 States - are assuredly the architects of their own continuing disaster.

The Slavs - already sovereign in 15-20 States - are assuredly the architects of their own continuing disaster.

The Bantu - already sovereign in lots of States - are assuredly the architects of their own continuing disaster.

Getting the picture David.

Just to rub it in how gob-smackingly absurd it is. The Arabs are native to the Arab region. The Scandinavians are native to Scandinavia The Slavs are native to the Slavic countries. The Bantu are native to Africa. European Jews were not native to Palestine.

Ever heard of the Nazis. They used racist stereotyping like yours to slaughter millions. Now who was it they slaughtered? The Nazis claimed also Austria and the Sudetenland as part of a “Greater Germany”. And you wonder why the whole of Arabia doesn't believe for a single moment that the Zionists wouldn't make a grab for a slice of “Greater Israel” the moment they think they can get away with it. \

Keep posting David, cause nobody exposes the absurdity of Zionism better than you.
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Monday, 17 April 2017 12:04:20 AM
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Anti Colonial."So tell us when it was stolen?"

Don't you realise that God gave Palestine to the Jews way back literally when Adam was a boy. That is their story, and by God, they are sticking to it. Just ask people like Yuyutsu and Runner, they will vouch for the story. Unfortunately for Israel, the Christian world is slowly coming to the belief that it is all a fairy story. After WW2 they capitalised on the collective grief of the world about the holocaust, but that capital is rapidly running and even the POTUS is having second thoughts about supporting them.
Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 17 April 2017 9:58:58 AM
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#Anti Colonial

You seem to have trouble reading and comprehending:

I posted the following on:

"You have now published 6 posts without justifying your comment that there is no difference between a Palestinian Jew and a Palestinian Moslem.

Do I take it that by your continuing silence you now admit there is a big difference? Start your next three posts off with answering this question first."

You have now posted a further two posts on this unrelated site without justifying your amazing comment.

If you are trying to be smart then I think you are downright dumb.

Pretty pathetic might I say
Posted by david singer, Monday, 17 April 2017 10:10:37 AM
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Mad mikk,

Israel is not an “apartheid state”; Jews, Arab (both Christian and Muslim) and Christians live in harmony there. They all cop the Hamas rockets, and are stabbed and run down on their own streets by maniacal Muslims. Israel is not “on its way out”.


Arabs stole the land in the 7th century, during the general invasion and colonising period that saw them into Europe. Undoubtedly, your name derives from a smug anti-British and European colonisation that actually helped the colonies. In your Lefty ignorance, you are not aware that the Arabs were colonising and enslaving Christian and Jewish lands well before the Europeans got a start. You are clearly repeating tainted history written by people with your own bias.

Stop making a fool of yourself with your half-knowledge. And, never pick on people like David Singer, who know what they are talking about.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 April 2017 10:33:45 AM
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Dear David (VK3AUU),

«Just ask people like Yuyutsu and Runner, they will vouch for the story»

Please don't implicate me in this. I believe nothing of that kind.

Now even according to the book that says so, that gift of land is not unconditional, but subject to observing certain commandments.
As the Jews mostly fail to follow their side of the deal, why would you expect God to keep His side?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 17 April 2017 2:24:37 PM
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Thanks for clearing that Up.

Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 17 April 2017 8:53:57 PM
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"And, never pick on people like David Singer, who know what they are talking about................ttbn"

Does he?

When I stated that Zionism was a late 19th century movement, David responded that Zionism was thousands of years old and used a thrice daily prayer as evidence. I countered that with the scholarly acceptance of Herzl as the founder of modern Zionism, the paucity of Jews in Palestine prior to modern Zionism and that many followers of Judaism would dispute his use of that prayer as proof of Judaism supporting Zionism. You only have to look a few posts back at what Yuyutsu posted to find one of the arguments those Jews use against Zionism. David's response to me was a perfidious deflection, I'm a Jew hater. Despite numerous requests, David has refused to respond to answer a call to define Jews who refute the assertion that Judaism supports Zionism.

David, like a lot of Zionists, randomly raids the Torah for literal interpretations to support their Zionist aims. I challenged the literal interpretations, so another perfidious deflection and now I'm a Christian hater and a Moslem hater too. The "big bang" theory and the theory of evolution have long shattered any literary acceptance of Genesis. Advances in the natural sciences and increased knowledge of ancient artefacts have led archaeologists to understand that the physical evidence contradicts the grand narratives of Moses, David and Solomon. So if I'm a hater of all followers of the Abrahammic religions because I question their literal value, what does that make all those archaeologists, all the mainstream Christians, Jews and Moslems that don't believe in these literal interpretations too.

So do your own research on Zionism and literal interpretations of the holy works and tell me why David is not an intellectual lightweight who can respond only with infantile dummy spits. While your at it, research the Roman Empire. You'll find they obliterated the Jewish kingdoms centuries before your so called theft.
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Tuesday, 18 April 2017 12:27:39 AM
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"You have now posted a further two posts on this unrelated site without justifying your amazing comment.

Posted by david singer, Monday, 17 April 2017 10:10:37 AM"

You and your take on Zionism have been hiding behind the Torah for ten days. And you have the nerve to question why I have not responded to you! I'll do you a deal. You tell us why the Jewish responses to literal translations of the Torah are valid support for Zionism given the paucity of Jews in Palestine prior to the emergence of the modern Zionism movement. Also why the Jews who say that Judaism does not equate to Zionism are wrong? In return I'll give you five rock solid reasons why a Palestinian Moslem is the same as a Palestinian Jew and I'll throw in another three reasons that can be argued either way.
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Tuesday, 18 April 2017 12:28:59 AM
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"The events of the last 95 years in the Middle East prove how wrong the Arabs have been in rejecting offer after offer made by the Jews and the international community to resolve the Jewish-Arab conflict.

Such offers would have ended the Arab-Jewish conflict in 1922, 1937, 1947, anytime between 1948 to 1967, 2000/1 and 2008.

Posted by david singer, Saturday, 15 April 2017 8:50:57 AM"

Tell us David what precisely did the Zionists and the international community offer the Arabs in 1922 and 1937? How and to whom did they make a formal offer and who was it that rejected this formal offer? In 1922 the Jews were outnumbered 8 to 1. So tell us how they could run a democratic state? In 1937 even the Zionists rejected the partition proposal, they accepted it simply as a basis for further negotiation. In 1938 the Brits then rejected the idea of partition outright and said it was impractical. The White Paper of 1939 called for a unified Palestine and limitations on Jewish immigration. Whilst accepting Palestine as a Jewish homeland, it rejected a Jewish state. The Arabs accepted this proposal but then along came World War II and the Nazis help deliver a Jewish State!

Irony of ironies!
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Tuesday, 18 April 2017 1:16:04 AM
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Great to see how the demonstrated isolation of racist Israel has the ultra-racist David Singer spitting. The whole concept of a so-called Jewish homeland is racist. Jews are equals with everyone else (but not colonial overlords) in dozens of homelands, Australia being one of them. Only racists (including Zionsts) give a damn which Australians are Jews and which are not.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 18 April 2017 3:27:51 PM
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Israel was originally the Jewish homeland, (hence the Jewish names for most areas) and Zionism has existed since the diaspora when the Arabs began their ethnic cleansing and the Jews dispersed into Europe.

The anti semitism in Germany, Russia and Poland, etc lead to the holocaust and pogroms and millions of Jews fleeing back to their original homeland, which was exacerbated later by a second round of ethnic cleansing by the Arabs which boosted the Israeli population further.

By far the greatest racism has been demonstrated by the Arabs.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 2:15:37 PM
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Some here should read some real history.
The Jews had been expelled to Babylon for a time but after the
fall of Nebuchadnezzar’s empire they returned to Jerusalem.
A long time later Rome invaded and some 30 years after the death of
Christ the Romans expelled the Jews.

After the collapse of the Roman Empire they returned again.
The next invaders on the scene were the Arabs about three hundred years
later. It was the Arab invasion and the usual Islamic offer of submit
or die that caused the Crusades to be mounted to free the Christians
and the Jews from Islamic oppression.

Sound familiar ?

In fact the whole of Mesopotamia suffered the oppression of the
Islamists. Where are the Assyrians these days ?
Where are the Phoneticians ?
The Jews seem to be the only ones who remained intact.

No, it is the Arabs that are the occupiers and now that Islam is
taking over Europe they are changing the European foreign policy.

Now do you understand Brexit ? Britain wants no part of Eurabia.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 2:28:37 PM
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the leftist Jew haters are dumb enough to believe that if Israel was to be conquered by Isalm then they would not be next in line. Talk about blind ignorance.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 4:05:01 PM
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Dear SM and Bazz,

The facts are different. Jews were never re-expelled from Israel after the Babylonian exile. Also, most of the Jews chose not to return from Babylon, even when they could: only a minority did. In fact, the Babylonian Talmud is considered of a higher-quality than the Jerusalem Talmud because most and the best Jewish scholars remained in the Babylon area.

Yes, the Romans expelled the Jews from Jerusalem, but not from the rest of the country.

Unlike the Assyrians (a few of them still exist, including in Australia: and the Phoneticians (who are they?), the Jews were considered "people of the book" and so they got away with just paying a tax (which was not that bad because it replaced conscription). They were never expelled and never dispersed into Europe, but eventually, one by one or family by family, most of them didn't want to continue paying the tax, so they converted to Islam. Some did not convert and remained in Israel all along, as Jews and some even fought the crusaders alongside the Muslims, while remaining Jews.

Genetic testing shows that many (though by no means all) of the current Arab inhabitants of Israel are ex-Jews who never left their land.

Most of the European Jews, or what remains of them, are descendants of converts to Judaism.

Where does it leave Zionism?

Zionism should fare better without silly and incorrect ethnic excuses and Israel's continued existence should not depend on false myths.
The Jews who settled Israel during the 20th century produced a place that is much more liveable, thriving, safer and just than it ever was before. The ex-Jews who already lived there were invited to join them, but instead chose to fight them and take many innocent lives, which forced the Zionists to change their plan and defend themselves. Israel should remain open as a great place for all those who wish to live in the Jewish way, but also for all those who live or used to live in the area and do not wish to destroy it.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 19 April 2017 5:11:33 PM
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Thank you for correcting SM and Bazz. Whilst your historical snapshot is questionable, it's light years ahead of SM and Bazz. Unfortunately your mini paragraph on 20th century Israel is pure Zionist propaganda.

“Genetic testing shows that many (though by no means all) of the current Arab inhabitants of Israel are ex-Jews who never left their land.”

That's pseudo-science Yuyutsu, akin to what the Nazis did. All that genetic testing proves is that you have a shared ancestral genetic history. There is no gene test for religion or nationality. If you know the myths of your ancestral region, you should know that multiple cultures influenced your culture and its development. Combining that sentence with your paragraph on 20th century Israel gives an impression of a cultural supremacist. That's what fascism is Yuyutsu. I've seen other posts of yours and I doubt very much that you are a fascist. Would you have us believe that every single inhabitant had an ancestor that practiced Judaism? Would you have us believe that the culture of Judea was superior to every culture that preceded it and every culture that came after it? Palestine has been a volatile region throughout human history. The Jewish diaspora had no more a claim to an ancestral right than an exiled Canaanite or an exiled Byzantine Christian. That land was a major route out of Africa for the earliest humans, it has ancestral roots for many of us. The Jews could have accepted a homeland, instead they stole a state. There is at least two sides to every story, lose your naivety and walk in the shoes of a Palestinian.
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Thursday, 20 April 2017 7:18:22 AM
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//In fact the whole of Mesopotamia suffered the oppression of the
Islamists. Where are the Assyrians these days ?
Where are the Phoneticians ?//

Conquered by the Macedonians, then subsequently by the Romans. I did not know Alexander the Great was an Islamist. Are you sure this wasn't an episode of Dr. Who or something, Bazz?
Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 20 April 2017 8:37:02 AM
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Yuyutsu, I agree many stayed in Babylon, but in more recent times they
returned to Jerusalem. Not sure when but I suspect it was in the last 100 years.
No matter how you grind it up, the Islamist offer is convert or die.

You could be right Toni, I do not make a log of everything I read.
So I have to work from memory.
But did Alexander ethnically cleanse the Phoneticians ?

Just yesterday I saw a comment that the Lebanese claim they are the Phoneticians.
Certainly Phoneticia was on the coast of the Levant.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 20 April 2017 9:18:03 AM
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“Not sure when.......

I have to work from memory.......

No matter how you grind it up, the Islamist offer is convert or die.”

Islamophobia is a bit like Alzheimer’s Bazz, it impacts on cognitive areas of the brain. There is a least a dozen religions that are alive and well and have been living with Islam for over a thousand years. They did not convert and obviously they did not die. You'll be pleased to here though that there is cure for Islamophobia. It's called academic journals. They filter out the bs that can collect on your cognitive areas and impair your thinking. Before you know it you'll be so freed up that you'll be able to think for yourself. That will be good for you and good for the rest of us, as we won't have to read mindless repetitions of Islamophobic bs.
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Thursday, 20 April 2017 11:45:02 AM
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Thanks for correcting Anti colonial.

I never claimed that there was a second diaspora. The second ethnic cleansing to which I referred occurred in the 1940s and 50s when all Arabs expelled their Jewish citizens who often had ancestry in that country dating back many centuries.

That they moved to Israel was because they had no where else to go, and roughly doubled the Jewish population. So the Arabs in other countries are largely responsible for the new settlements that need to be built as a consequence of Arab racism.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 20 April 2017 12:18:23 PM
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The current events in Indonesia - our enemy to the north pandered to by the Jakarta Lobby - show that Islamophobia is as starkly valid as Naziphobia.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 20 April 2017 12:37:35 PM
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"David Goldstein, a Duke University geneticist and director of the Duke Center for Human Genome Variation, has said that the work of the Technion and Ramban team served only to confirm that genetic drift played a major role in shaping Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is inherited in a matrilineal manner. Goldstein argues that the Technion and Ramban mtDNA studies fail to actually establish a statistically significant link between modern Jews and historic Middle Eastern populations. This differs from the patrilineal case, where Goldstein said there is no doubt of a Middle Eastern origin. In June 2010, Behar et al. "shows that most Jewish samples form a remarkably tight subcluster with common genetic origin, that overlies Druze and Cypriot samples but not samples from other Levantine populations or paired Diaspora host populations.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 20 April 2017 12:52:05 PM
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Well Anti-colonial, Islamaphobia, an unreasonable fear of Islam.
Well I maintain that I have a reasonable fear of Islam.
So I do not have Islamaphobia.

I suggest that you examine what is going on in Europe and the Middle East.
Would you say that the French are suffering Islamaphobia ?
Would you say the remaining Christians in ME have Islamaphobia ?
Would you say the Copts in Egypt are suffering Islamaphobia ?
Would you say the children in Rotherham are suffering Islamaphobia.
Would you say the customers in the Lindt Cafe were suffering from Islamaphobia.
Would you say the workers in the Trade Centre were suffering Islamaphobia.
etc etc etc etc.

I suspect you would.
The moslems have a name for you, "Useful Idiots".
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 20 April 2017 10:25:34 PM
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Yuyutsu did not correct me. The Romans did all but obliterate the Jews, first as the Roman Empire then again as the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire. The Cypriot DNA sample complements that historical record. As does the overall DNA findings complement the historical records that expose the Moses, David and Solomon narratives as myths.

Thanks for confirming that the supposed slaughtering of Jews by Moslems dating back many centuries is total Islamophobic bs.

So the Arabs are more racist than all those European nations that actively aided and abetted the Nazis in shipping Jews off in cattle wagons to the death camps. You really must have to work very hard at being stupendously inane. It would explain your etymological and 2000 year Zionism beliefs too.


“I suspect you would”

No I've heard it all before, over and over and over again.

Yellow peril; Reds under the bed; Asian invasion; Mabo backyard grab; blah, blah,blah.

Islamophobia; just the latest piece of fear-mongering bs smeared over our flag by needy little fake patriots with the collective intellect of a mob of sheep. Apologies to those who think I'm being hard on the sheep.
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Friday, 21 April 2017 3:00:49 PM
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Incredible Anti-;
What do you think is going on ?
Almost every day, something like yesterday is happening.
Are we all imagining it ?
Do you think it is all shot in a Hollywood studio ?

There is a campaign to promote Islamaphobia, very steadily pressed
forward and it has been quite effective as can be seen by your opinion
that it is all in peoples imagination.
You would still believe it if they cut your throat.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 21 April 2017 3:47:37 PM
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Yes he did, just read his comments.

The Romans didn't obliterate the Jews, they exported them as useful slaves all over their empire, and others fled.

As I didn't discuss the slaughter of the jews by Muslims, your assertion that I confirmed that it didn't happen is at least intellectually bankrupt and at worst dishonest.

Finally, as the Nazis etc have long passed into history, the Arabs now exist at the zenith of racism.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 21 April 2017 6:55:17 PM
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Anti-Colonial, do you have answers to the list of questions that Bazz asked yesterday, or to simply hope to get away with ducking them?
Posted by EmperorJulian, Friday, 21 April 2017 7:14:45 PM
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Emperor, he won't answer. He is a diversionist.
Bring up other people who have done similar things at either the same
time or at some time in the recent or distant past.
His belief appears to be that two wrongs do make a right.
It is extraordinary that he can just ignore what is going on, even on
the same day that he writes it !
While he writes it two Paris policemen are lying in the street dying.

This attitude is a world wide phenomena which appears to have been
started by the Islamist sympathising left.

I know it is politically incorrect to say it but there, I have said it.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 21 April 2017 11:17:18 PM
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Baa baa Baaazzz and the other sheep

In the 60's, 70's, 80's we lived through the IRA, PLO, PLFP, JRA, and RAF.
We didn't extrapolate an Irish or Catholic phobia from the IRA.
We didn't extrapolate an Arab or Palestinian phobia from the PLO or PLFP.
We didn't extrapolate an Internationalist Socialist or Japanese or German phobia from the JRA or RAF.

When I see Islamophobia extrapolated from ISIS and Al Qaeda I see racism.
When I see questions that omit any mention of the people who have been way, way, way more adversely impacted than anyone else, I see racism.
When I see people trying to re-write the history of 100, 1000, 2000 years ago to justify their inane beliefs, I see racism.
When I see a bunch of Pontius Pilates washing their hands of any responsibility for our role in the carnage of the ME, I see racism.

When I see stupendously inane remarks, I see racism.
Tell me how many Jews were massacred when they were expelled from the Arab countries?
Now tell me how many Moslems were massacred at Srebrenica?

But by far and away the worst things about the current bunch of needy little fake patriots, is that probably they radicalise more young Aussie Moslems in a day than ISIS could in a year.

ISIS, Al Qaeda and fake patriots, the unholy trinity banging on and on and on about how pure they are and how impure the rest of us are.
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Saturday, 22 April 2017 12:56:32 AM
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See, exactly as I said, diversionism.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 22 April 2017 8:17:41 AM
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Typical of left whingers you happily label everyone else as islamophobes and racists with only a tenuous understanding of the words, while displaying a thinly veiled anti semetic racism.

All this while blustering drivel based on a superficial understanding of the topic. I don't believe you would recognise a genuine academic paper if it hit you between the eyes, and guess that your BS is supported only by the thin gruel of polemics by fashionably left whinge anti Israel so called "academics".
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 22 April 2017 4:42:19 PM
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Dear Anti,

The information I provided, including the bit about genetics, was from the book "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Shlomo Sand, which shatters the idea of Jews being an ethnic group, hence any claim for "ancestral rights" falls.

Moreover, Judaism as we know it today is completely different than the version of Judaism that was practised before the destruction of the Jerusalem-temple by the Romans. In fact, the current "Palestinians" live closer to the old Judaic ways.

I still think that Israel should continue to exist albeit on different, non-racist, grounds. Notwithstanding, it should withdraw from the lands it took in 1967 and correct some of its unhealthy attitudes towards the native/Arab population.

I am happy to do the walk in the shoes of a Palestinian, but not of a Palestinian leader, all being corrupt, only of an ordinary Palestinian and especially in the shoes of an ordinary Palestinian before s/he was incited by the recent Palestinian national movement, no earlier than in the 1970's. Surveys show again and again that most Palestinians prefer to live in Israel - both those who are fortunate enough to already live there as citizens and those who live under occupation (which doesn't at all imply that Israel should continue its occupation). Ordinary Palestinians have less of a problem living in a state that follows the Jewish way of life than in a state that follows the Muslim way of life - while the option of living within a Canaanite or Byzantine culture is bizarre and not really on the table. If any Arab village or town in Israel prefers to separate and have its own independence or to join a neighbouring state, then let them, but I suspect that none would want to.

Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 22 April 2017 11:57:17 PM
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Ordinary people in the West Bank and Gaza who are now called "Palestinians" were happy people between 1967 and 1975, before the PLO burdened them with ideas of national identity. They travelled and worked freely in Israel, they were welcomed there and Israelis were welcomed in their places. From then on it gradually went downhill, due to a combination of ill-will by both the PLO and the Israeli government.


Dear Bazz,

«Yuyutsu, I agree many stayed in Babylon, but in more recent times they returned to Jerusalem.»

Essentially so, although after losing their possessions in the Arab countries, only a few of those could afford to return to Jerusalem and instead they settled in cheaper and less prestigious towns around Israel. Though this occurred mostly after the formation of Israel, retrospectively it indeed forms one valid justification for Israel's continued existence (as opposed to the false ethnic/biblical claim).


Dear SM,

«That they moved to Israel was because they had no where else to go, and roughly doubled the Jewish population. So the Arabs in other countries are largely responsible for the new settlements that need to be built as a consequence of Arab racism.»

Spot on.

That all happened of course before 1967, within Israel's proper borders - it doesn't justify what happened after.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 22 April 2017 11:57:21 PM
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Terrorism is nothing new. It's been ongoing around the world for thousands of years. It's basic mode of operation has remained the same throughout; terrorise and polarise. Increase fear to an exaggerated level that bears no relationship to the reality of the threat. Polarise friend and foe alike into taking extreme positions, thereby removing the centre where negotiations between moderates might resolve the situation peacefully.

What's the reality of the threat in Australia?

2011 census 2.2% identified as Moslems.

Factor in police arrests in last five years and you'll find a fraction of 1% of the 2.2% to have known interface with potential terrorist sources. For the sake of argument round that fraction of 1% up to 1% of the Moslem population. That equates to a worst case scenario of 0.022% of the Australian population.

Factor in a homicide rate of the last five years averaging approximately 250 per year. For the sake of argument we'll say 1 terrorist homicide per year. That equates to a worst case scenario of .004% of homicides per year.

Yes there is a terrorist threat in Australia.

Yes we need to be vigilant.

But following needy little fake patriots that whip up Islamophobia is doing the bidding of ISIS and Al Qaeda. All the Western nations know there will be an increased likelihood of a terrorist incident during election periods, as this is the time when the nation is most naturally polarised. All the Western nations currently know that there is increased likelihood of terrorist activity as ISIS is defeated in both Iraq and Syria. Conflating every single ISIS attack around the globe exaggerates the threat and polarises our communities. It not only insults our intelligence, it questions our fortitude. Do these needy little fake patriots seriously think that 99.978% of Australians haven't got what it takes to crush a potential extremist threat from a maximum of 0.022%?
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Monday, 24 April 2017 8:25:18 AM
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“I don't believe you would recognise a genuine academic paper if it hit you between the eyes..”

This coming from the clown that dumps a cut & paste relating to the human genome into a post with absolutely zero commentary of his own to go with it. But what's even more hilarious is that he is totally clueless as to how it complements the history and the archaeology of my previous posts. From elibraries to academic websites, it has never been easier to access scholarly journals. Which is why it is so easy to trash the Zionist bs you keep posting.
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Monday, 24 April 2017 8:26:06 AM
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You have yet to refute anything I have posted. There is also no sign of any academic rigour in your posts, nor reference to research, and most of what you say is unrelated waffle. If you had done your research you would have picked up that the proposed partition plan was accepted by the Jews and rejected out of hand by the Arabs, not the other way around as you claim.

With respect to my "dump", your over inflated ego may struggle to believe that the thread is not all about you, but the proof that most European Jews are direct descendants of those forced out of Israel destroys any argument that they have no Israeli heritage.

Similarly, you couldn't comprehend Singer's point that none of the 22 Arab states are democracies and are amongst the very worst with respect to human rights whereas Israel is a democracy with the best human rights record in the whole middle east.


You are right. This did not justify the massed attempts by Israel's neighbours at genocide in 67 and 73.

It also neglects the millions of Jews that fled the repression of the old soviet union when communism collapsed in 1990.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 24 April 2017 12:20:00 PM
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“If you had done your research you would have picked up that the proposed partition plan was accepted by the Jews and rejected out of hand by the Arabs, not the other way around as you claim.”

“In 1937 even the Zionists rejected the partition proposal, they accepted it simply as a basis for further negotiation. In 1938 the Brits then rejected the idea of partition outright and said it was impractical. The White Paper of 1939 called for a unified Palestine and limitations on Jewish immigration. Whilst accepting Palestine as a Jewish homeland, it rejected a Jewish state. The Arabs accepted this proposal but then along came World War II and the Nazis help deliver a Jewish State!

Posted by Anti-Colonial, Tuesday, 18 April 2017 1:16:04 AM”


As I said before, you must work really hard to be so stupendously inane. So let me baby step it for you -

1. The Peel Commission set up in 1936
2. The Peel Commission draw up a partition plan, with borders, in 1937.
3. The partition was rejected outright by the Arabs.
4. The partition borders were rejected by the Zionists. They saw them as a starting point for further negotiations.
5. The Woodhead Commission of 1938 tried to draw down on three different scenarios of partition. The British Government rejected its conclusions and scrapped the idea of partition completely as it would be too difficult.
6. The 1939 White Paper stated that the mandate had been met by providing a Jewish homeland to over 450,000 Jews. It now called for an independent Palestine governed jointly by Jews and Arabs.
7. In 1939 the Zionists reject the White Paper.
8. In 1940 the Arabs signed off on this proposal.
9. In 1942 the Zionists for the first time, officially reject the British Jewish Homeland proposal and demand a Jewish state.
10. The White Paper remained government policy until the end of the League of Nations.

I'll trash the rest of your inane post later David.
Posted by Anti-Colonial, Monday, 24 April 2017 4:03:27 PM
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Now you are just being dishonest. No matter how you try and spin it:

Every single proposal was rejected by the Arabs. The 1937 paper was rejected outright by the Arabs (Not by the Jews who stated that they accepted the principles but not the proposal in its entirety, but given that it was a white paper it was not necessarily final) . The 1939 proposal was soundly rejected by the Arabs and Jews, with the Arabs only expressing interest long after the proposal was off the table.

But the elephant in the room is the 1947 proposal which the Jews accepted but the Arabs rejected completely and then en mass made the first of 3 attempted genocides.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 24 April 2017 8:31:11 PM
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Have just come across this comment and one other immediately following by you:
"I'll do you a deal. You tell us why the Jewish responses to literal translations of the Torah are valid support for Zionism given the paucity of Jews in Palestine prior to the emergence of the modern Zionism movement. Also why the Jews who say that Judaism does not equate to Zionism are wrong? In return I'll give you five rock solid reasons why a Palestinian Moslem is the same as a Palestinian Jew and I'll throw in another three reasons that can be argued either way."

You need to give me your five rock solid reasons first and then I will respond to your above requests and the ones you raised in your comment posted on Tuesday, 18 April 2017 1:16:04 AM
Posted by david singer, Wednesday, 26 April 2017 10:47:16 AM
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