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European Union declares diplomatic war on Israel : Comments

By David Singer, published 13/4/2017

The function erupted into an explosive EU protest against Israel's plans to evict Arab squatters from 42 structures that had been illegally erected.

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Nothing new. The EU has been working hand in glove with the Arab world and Islam since the 1970s. The EAD (European Arab Dialogue) is an anti-Isreal, anti-America cabal that's all about fear and greed on the part of the Europeans.

For the full horrors of European dhimmitude to Islam read, “Eurabia: The Euro-Arab Axis”, by Bat Ye'or.

Next time there is an Islamic terror atrocity in Europe, particularly in France, Belgium and Germany – the main offenders in sucking up to Islam – you might reflect on just how sympathetic you should be.

When it comes to the war against Islam, Eurabia is a dead loss to the West: an enemy, in fact.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 13 April 2017 10:48:11 AM
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The only illegal structures on palestinian territory are those built with Israel's tacit permission! But what the hell, what does it matter what law is being broken by Israel, Israel courts will find that everything she does on occupied territory is legal! Including evicting traditional owners!

One doesn't have to search far for a president, Why not all that long ago German courts, gave tacit approval to the confiscation of the property of millions of similarly, "legally" dispossessed Jews! To the victor goes the spoils!
Jawohl mein herr?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 13 April 2017 1:43:11 PM
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I don't thing you meant 'presidents', Alan, and remember, the land the Arabs are moaning about was stolen by them from the Jews a long time ago.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 13 April 2017 8:00:34 PM
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Hilarious to see singer whining about "facts on the ground".
Playing you at your own game are they? hahahaha
Posted by mikk, Friday, 14 April 2017 1:57:06 AM
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And I suppose those same Oslo Accords give Israel carte blanche to build settlements on what is legally Palestinians' land.

Posted by VK3AUU, Friday, 14 April 2017 11:07:39 AM
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I am not whinging - far from it.

I certainly don't think you should consider it a laughing matter that the European Union (EU) has intruded itself illegally into Area C of the West Bank in breach of the Oslo Accords to create "facts on the ground" in favour of the PLO over Israel for the following reasons:

(i) The EU's supposed legal high ground has been swept from under its feet. The EU has now become an organisation that can be indisputably identified with carrying out illegal practices designed to favour one side of the conflict over the other.

(ii) The EU has disqualified itself as being utterly conflicted and has effectively signed its death warrant as a member of the Quartet. If the remaining members do not kick the EU out and rebrand themselves the Trio - then the Quartet itself will forfeit its assigned role in bringing about any chance of saving the rapidly sinking two-state solution envisaged by the Bush Roadmap

(iii) The EU must watch on in ignominy as its illegal Arab structures are demolished and the hundreds of thousands of Euros spent on them disappear in the rubble.

(iv) The EU only makes itself more irrelevant and the object of ridicule when it tries to justify its illegal conduct as illustrated by the boorish behaviour of its 28 Ambassadors as detailed in my article.

(v) Such EU actions only provide the basis for an Israeli response and make any hopes of a resolution of the 100 years old conflict between Jews and Arabs far more harder to achieve.

(vi) Such EU actions embolden the PLO to believe the EU can do for them what they cannot achieve by negotiations - the removal of 600000 Jews from their current homes.

If the EU is playing Israel at its own game they have just lost the match by a huge margin.

Being the acknowledged Jew-hater you are - this result is hardly one you should be laughing about. I thought you would be crying your eyes out.
Posted by david singer, Friday, 14 April 2017 1:17:10 PM
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