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The Forum > Article Comments > Why has the state government ignored key recommendation from own DV taskforce? > Comments

Why has the state government ignored key recommendation from own DV taskforce? : Comments

By Cassandra Pullos, published 17/2/2017

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk's reported remarks urging parties demanding new measures for DV offenders to first discuss the issue, seems to ignore her Government's own DV taskforce recommendations of 2015.

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"DV need not be physical abuse, it can be verbal and emotional abuse. "

If that were true it would be Domestic Abuse not Domestic Violence.

Switching to verbal and emotional abuse neatly ducks the question of domestic violence.

I notice a Moslem "community leader" has just sounded off on domestic violence saying is't OK if the partner is stubbornly disobedient. We need laws to make it quite clear that our culture has advanced 1400 years beyond Moslem culture and that Moslem culture is a blot on our landscape along with all violent domestic tyranny (in the accepted English meaning of violence).
Posted by EmperorJulian, Thursday, 23 February 2017 12:28:54 PM
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Hi EJ,

"Stubbornly disobedient". Isn't that the usual excuse for DV anyway ? Can Muslim women beat their husbands for being "stubbornly disobedient", Yasmeen ? Would it even make any sense to many (but of course not all) Muslims ?


Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 23 February 2017 12:38:31 PM
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I want to make a point regarding what I said earlier; I'm not in any way defending domestic violence.
There can never be a situation where abusive behavior can be considered acceptable.
What I'm saying to the woman is essentially this:

'If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.'
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 23 February 2017 4:24:16 PM
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Emperor Julian

‘I notice a Moslem "community leader" has just sounded off on domestic violence saying is't OK if the partner is stubbornly disobedient.‘

But this is not confined to Muslim cultures. From many of the comments here, the Christian West is still mired in this thinking, despite its claims to have progressed on this issue.

English Common Law, the basis of Australian law, stated as late as the early twentieth century that: 'The husband is prohibited from using any violence to his wife other than that which lawfully and reasonably belongs to the husband for the due government and correction of his wife.'

There are many more proverbial equivalents in England and in other countries. 'If he beats you, it means he loves you' (Russia), 'Women and chops - the more you beat them the better they'll be' (German), 'Clubbing produces virtuous wives' (Chinese) and 'Women, like gongs, should be beaten regularly' (US and England).

Then, of course, there is the 'rule of thumb' proverb which supposedly relates to the width of a rod that was legally allowed in beating one's wife. Although this interpretation is disputed, the very fact that it HAS been largely interpreted as a legal basis for wife-beating indicates the strength of the traditional belief that a man is entitled to physically ‘discipline’ his wife.

The issue of domestic violence is still deeply embedded within this traditional thinking. This is why the law continues to drag its heels in recognising DV as a crime like any other crime, and that its victims are victims of a crime like any other victims of a crime.
Posted by Killarney, Thursday, 23 February 2017 11:51:28 PM
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‘Palaszczuk did move to ban some young backpackers' cheap vans though. That was fake virtue signalling to the feminist old bangers who resent vulgarity they are not responsible for themselves.’

Off topic, but an issue that needs addressing. Fake virtue signalling to feminist old bangers?? ('Bangers' - OMG ... you mean some middle-aged feminists might actually have sex?!)

I quote:

‘Life sucks if your girlfriend doesn’t’

‘In every princess, there is a little slut who wants to try it just once.’

‘Fate chicks are harder to kidnap.’ (Whoah! Sinister!)

‘A wife: An attachment you screw on the bed to get the housework done.’

‘I wouldn’t trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn’t die.’

Imagine if ‘feminist old bangers’ launched a fleet of campervans with slogans like this (just devil’s advocate arguments, Graham, so please don’t delete me):

‘Life sucks if your boyfriend doesn’t.’

‘In every charming prince, there is a rapist who wants to try it just once.’

‘Fat guys are harder to knee in the balls.’

‘A husband: An attachment you screw on the bed to get the mortgage paid.’

‘I wouldn’t trust anything that leaves a wet patch in my bed, and expects me to wash the sheets.’

Nasty. Horrible. Vulgar. Man-hating. Yes, absolutely! Men would be rightly up in arms about this. The slogans would go viral as living proof that feminists are the man-hating scum of the earth. The law would crack down on this campervan filth with such speed, it would make the male ego spin.

But when this campervan filth is directed at women, it’s normalised as traditional laddish humour. Nothing to get upset about, folks. Boys will be boys.

Rubbish. This is the sick double standard that allows men to say and think whatever filthy crap they like about women. But if women do not treat men with the utmost reverence and respect, they are sluts, ball breakers and man-hating feminists – or a combination of all.

Is it any wonder that, in this skewed gender-political universe, DV is still considered a semi-justifiable crime of entitled-male wifely discipline?
Posted by Killarney, Friday, 24 February 2017 1:12:08 AM
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Killarney stop being an apologist for Islam and pushing the 'evil white male' BS, I'm so sick of hearing it.

You know why I decry your stupid feminism attitude?
Because I save my outrage for genuine issues of inequality of women not the fictional ideals and attitude that you have which only serves to divide.
Try this:

You know what, I think western white males have probably given women more freedoms and liberty than any other group in history.
You want a Feminist world go live in Sweden, the government are Feminists.
They're also idiots because their country is now considered the rape capital of Eastern Europe.
Did you hear about the liberal left girls who went to the Stockholm Festival to welcome the migrants; and were gang raped for hours by migrants while police and security looked on?

You dare talk up a non-existant western rape culture but support and welcome Islam (as the left does) whilst playing down its culture of rape?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 24 February 2017 1:15:20 AM
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