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A primer on Islam and Islamism : Comments
By Babette Francis, published 30/11/2016It is not only a religion but a totalitarian political ideology which encompasses every detail of life including how one washes oneself.
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Posted by Abraham Lewik, Saturday, 24 December 2016 8:16:28 AM
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Grateful, the problem with your argument is that what you yourself believe about your religion may be OK, but the demonstrated fact, confirmed by events in Melbourne in recent days, is that there are also men who also profess to belong to the Muslim faith, who take a contrary point of view. Now, one might ask, from whence does that point of view have its source. Also, one might also ask, what are the mullars in Australia doing to dispel these ideas. Those of us outside your faith need to have some public assurances and we do not seem to be getting them.
Can you give us some assurance. We need more than quotations from your Holy book. Have a Merry Christmas. David Posted by VK3AUU, Saturday, 24 December 2016 10:46:03 AM
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grateful:At a time when the French were mutilating Arab prisoners,
No doubt that the French were bad masters, but let's look at the Hierarchy of bad Colonial Masters. Starting with the Worst to the least worst; Belgian, Dutch, German, French... English. It was the times they lived in, last Century & beyond. The Upper Class even treated their own people with distain. At least they had eliminated Slavery... Which Islamic Countries have yet to do. I make no excuses for what happened 150 years ago. grateful: What are their names? What makes them "esteemed"? Well they are the Grand Mufti's of Saudi Arabia, Iran & various other Islamic Countries who are held up to the world as the foremost Authority on Islam. I have given you their names quite a few times & you purposely ignore them. Khomeini brought Iran under the Islamic Lash leading the race for the most esteemed. Have you read his book yet, very interesting. " Khomeini's book "Tahrir- al-Vasyleh". Surah Yasin (Yaseen) Surah Ar-Rahman Surah Al Mulk |Ayat Al-Kursi from the Noble Quran Site. "" grateful: Three verses from the Quar'an: ( Your site. “O you who believe! Fear God, and be with those who are true (in word and deeds).” (Quran 9:119) or "And, do not cloak (and confuse) the truth with falsehood. Do not suppress the truth knowingly. (The Noble Quran, 2:42)" "A woman may be likened to a sheep, a Cow or a Camel... for all are to be ridden." Salih Muslim, Quran 4:1039. These are quotes you gave me. I quote that particular site & you tell me it's not good enough. I got the Site from you. Thank you. AL: Why did you post Saudi Arabia is secular? My apologies. the failed governments of Syria and Iraq were secular and the governments of Saudi Arabia and Iran are not Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 24 December 2016 11:25:14 AM
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I assert the Qurannic Challenge has been met and the Islamic faith is false upon it's own foundation. My position is as follows. The original bhudda, an unlettered man, created an equivalent social movement. Mr. Duetsch's book, The Beginning of Infinity, is of greater value scientifically as well as better in terms of social dogma. The entire discography of the Golden Era record label, particularly the Hilltop Hoods, is again superior, morally as well as rhythmically. I eagerly await your response and wish ask the commenters (except the bastards) a joyous Christmas. Posted by Abraham Lewik, Saturday, 24 December 2016 6:59:42 PM
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Weeeeeeee! AL, what ever it is it must be good stuff. Merry Christmas. Don't drive.
Grateful you haven't got back to me on weather or not you mind your husband screwing his mates Slave Girl. Seems to be allowed by Sharia Law. Merry Christmas luv. XXXOOOXXX Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 24 December 2016 8:31:55 PM
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I'm not interested in the interpretations of ideologues, murderers or misogynists. I'm interested in the traditional teachings of Islam. Your plagiarised posts included the following: <<The Qur’an (Sura 2:225, 3:28, 3:54, 9:3, 16:106, 40:28, and 66:2) establishes the religious legitimacy of breaking oaths, lying, unilaterally violating treaties, and generally scheming against non-Muslims. Allah Himself is described as “the best of schemers” (3:54, 8:30, 10:21), and Muhammad declared, as a justification for murdering unarmed prisoners after offering them safe passage, “war is deceit” (see the Hadith collection of Bukhari, vol. 4, book 52, nos. 268-271). The Qur’an and later sources command the obedient Muslim to be engaged in eternal war, jihad, with the non-Muslim world until the supremacy of Islam over the entire world is complete. More than 120 times ((2:193, 4:89-90, 8:12, 8:39, 9:5, 9:11, 9:25, 9:29, 9:39, inter alia; and see here for detailed discussion) the Qur’an calls Muslims to jihad until Islam is the only or dominant religion in the world.>> Now offer me Tafsir that supports these conclusions. As I've said you will find a Tafsir from Mufti Muhammad Shafi Usmani one of the most eminent scholars of the 20th Century. These were originally broadcast in Urdu to a Pakistani radio audience in the 1960s (maybe 1970s). So they represent Islamic teachings. they come from Vol. 1 of Maariful Quran, pp482-485; (or PDF pages: pp498-501) which can be downloaded from Posted by grateful, Monday, 26 December 2016 8:10:03 AM
Attempted bombing in Melbourne was horrible. The assassination of the Russian diplomat was horrible. I'm not burying my head in the sand, Islam was one of the causes of the Sydney siege, the Sultan of Brunei banned Christmas and so on. It fits into a hierarchy of problems. How many gangland killings or DV or rape happened here without Islam? How many people die overseas by diarrhea each year?
I fully accept Muslims deserve certain police scrutiny; interaction with radicals or online activity and such like. Realistically crimes will come from that community that won't come from elsewhere. Too much fervour and the Dr. Haneef case will be repeated.
Leviticus 20:13 is crystal clear. How is the Ugandan legislative effort to kill homosexual men & women about taking power from the gay & lesbian tribe? I would agree a certain culture is required for it to supercede common decency, a culture which is irreconcilable with multi-culturalism. That strand of culture must be ended the same as the Hindi practice of sati has already been.
Why did you post Saudi Arabia is secular?
I reckon you have fixated blame on Islam. You see reality as there to support your attitude, not to test how good your explanation was, terribly unscientific. Analogies abound, but I will rise above Godwin's Law.