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On Iran would you believe 340 rabbis or 200 generals? : Comments

By David Singer, published 7/9/2015

The considered opinion of 200 retired generals and admirals cannot be brushed off with a deafening silence from President Obama – nor can those 340 rabbis.

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Im not sure I can articulate all my thoughts in the right way, but I'll try.

Firstly I want to make the point that even though I am critical of Israel, that doesn't mean I'd support the persecution of Jewish people.

I'm sorry if my criticism invokes a fear of persecution, I assure you this is not my intention.

I think that the Pro-Israel people need to see things realistically, and I'm yet to truly see any real evidence of it.

If a Pro-Israel person makes a point that I think is reasonable, I'll accept and acknowledge it, but I don't see any of the same from the other side, ever.

I think that the Pro Israel tactics of demanding evidence, answering questions with more questions, attacking the person making the comments, attempting to discredit them or the poison the well tactics are really not going to help you win respect with non-Jews in the long run.

It just makes you look more guilty, and you're only going to make things worse for yourselves.
You should consider this.

Now you can fool a lot of uninformed idiots, but I think its a lot harder for you to ever be able to fool people like me or Geoff for example who have taken the time to look into things a least a little bit deeper.

The only way you are truly going to earn the respect of others is to come clean with your mistakes, answer the criticisms you all constantly avoid and turn over a new leaf and try to act like reasonable moral (and non-manipulative) people.

My mum taught me if you always do as you always done then you'll always get what you always got.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 11 September 2015 3:45:01 PM
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I could repond to at least some of your criticisms, but its a waste of time on some level because people like yourself would never acknowledge it anyway.

You can hold the position that the author from the link I posted earlier only amounts to opinions and conjecture..
But let me ask you if every non-Jew on the planet read that story would they all hold the opinon that its simply opinions and conjecture??

There lies your real problem.
Your position is unrealistic, people will untimately judge you anyway.

Level of hatred spewed towards Israel from Arab countries...
Yep, you make a valid point, I'm sure there 2 sides to that story.

Israel aspires to be a "Jewish" state.
It has a right to rule its nation however it chooses but being a Jewish state kind of realistically means that it can't really be a democatic state at the same time.
(forget the ban on intermarriage - for the point of democracy I just went with a different angle)

As for what happened in Russia do you deny it happened or just don't like that I know about it??

I'm sorry I'm not aware of the Prague cemetary incident.

Really let me ask How do you expect non-Jews to react to this kind of stuff:
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel. That is why gentiles were created.”

Combine that with all the power and influence over money, media and politics and you can't realistically say we are the unreasonable ones.

Our criticism and questions are valid enough.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 11 September 2015 3:46:13 PM
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Armchair Critic:

"You can hold the position that the author from the link I posted earlier only amounts to opinions and conjecture..
But let me ask you if every non-Jew on the planet read that story would they all hold the opin[i]on that it[']s simply opinions and conjecture??"

Ok just to be clear, my previous comments about the external link and its author were addressed to Geoff and the link he provided, not your link. This is why I started that post with "Geoff", rather than "Armchair Critic". Feel free to address my comments now that you have the correct context.

"...being a Jewish state kind of realistically means that it can't really be a democ[r]atic state at the same time."

Why? Do they prevent non-Jews from celebrating their faith?

"As for what happened in Russia do you deny it happened or just don't like that I know about it??"

I must be missing something. Previously we were talking about Jews in Iraq. Why have we switched to Russia now?

"...let me ask How do you expect non-Jews to react to this kind of stuff:
"Goyim were born only to serve us..."

In the same way that I react to it: dismiss it as ramblings of a religious fanatic. You see, just because there are some religious fanatics in Judaism, does not mean that all Jews hold the same opinions. Many of the crusaders were religious fanatics, does that make you a fanatic too if you're a Christian? Irish Catholics murdered repeatedly in the name of religion. Does this mean all Catholics are fanatics? We all know of the deeds of Islamic fanatics, are all Muslims the same? There are plenty of examples of fanatic Buddhists and Hindus as well. Does this make the whole world fanatic?

"Combine that with all the power and influence [that Jews have] over money, media and politics..."

Ok here you go into your "I hate all those evil Jews" mode again. I'll leave you to it.
Posted by Avw, Saturday, 12 September 2015 12:50:40 AM
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There are different definitions of democracy. The definitions vary with time and the condition of society. In current terms the Athenian democracy would not be called a democracy by today's standards as no women and only a small proportion of the men had the right to participate in public decisions. In my opinion a democracy must have separation of religion and state. I do not consider Australia to be fully democratic with chaplains in the public schools and state subsidies to religious schools. In Israel there are few schools in which Jews and non-Jews go to school together. The Haredim or ultra-orthodox do not even go to school with other Jews. Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Buddhist states make distinctions between Jews and non-Jews, Christians and non-Christians, Muslims and non-Muslims, Hindus and non-Hindus and Buddhist and non-Buddhists. IMHO a democratic state does not make distinctions among its citizens on the basis of ethnicity or religion and has separation of religion and state. Israel has an independent judiciary, a free press and other democratic features. However, it cannot be a full democracy as long as it is a Jewish state.
Posted by david f, Saturday, 12 September 2015 3:24:59 AM
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Armchair Critic and Geoff, I salute you.
Posted by ybgirp, Saturday, 12 September 2015 8:35:35 AM
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//Combine that with all the power and influence over money, media and politics and you can't realistically say we are the unreasonable ones.//

We can when you make stupid unreasonable comments like that. Everybody knows that it isn't some shadowy Jewish conspiracy secret controlling money, media and politics.

It's the Freemasons. Well, why not? Makes about as much sense as loony conspiracy theories about Jews controlling the world. Pull your head in, you clown. People are laughing at you.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 12 September 2015 9:04:00 AM
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