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On Iran would you believe 340 rabbis or 200 generals? : Comments

By David Singer, published 7/9/2015

The considered opinion of 200 retired generals and admirals cannot be brushed off with a deafening silence from President Obama – nor can those 340 rabbis.

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Like I said earlier.. everything Israel accuses anyone else of its been guilty of itself.

It accuses others of covertly making nuclear bombs.
But thats what it did in Dimona 55yrs ago.

It accuses other countries leaders of killing their own people.
But thats what they did to the Sephardic Jews in Iraq in 1950.

It accuses others of racism,
But thats also how they themselves treat Arab Jews.

It reminds everyone constantly of the Holocaust, even though all the Nazi's are dead,
(and no-one is responsible for anything that happened before they were born)
But has been committing atrocities on the Palestinian people for generations.

They claim to be democratic, but had a single government radio and tv station spewing hate towards Arabs for 30years.
- And they aren't even capable of real democracy, with a ban on intermarriage.

They promote immigration in other countries, but allow none in their own.

They've been responsible for covertly murdering royal families and killing millions of people, slave trading, organised crime, manipulation of governments, and money markets.

And in recent times held a covert foreign policy that sought to destabilise nations and displace millions.
And they succeeded.

What exactly is the price that Israel wants the world to pay for it's belief that it should rule over mankind?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 10 September 2015 10:36:03 PM
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You're right Avw

There's nothing like the smell of fallout in the morning. See Israel's own nuclear toymaking

Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 10 September 2015 11:38:53 PM
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Thank you for finally providing some background to your assertions.
I have read the link you provided, twice. Predictably, it tells half the story, with a deliberate intent to portray the narrative you favour.

Let’s look at some of the items:

- The writer asserts that Israel designed to bomb and invade Lebanon back in 2006. The fact that the war broke out as a direct response to an attack by Hezbollah on Israel is not mentioned even once

- He further writes that Israel dispossessed three quarter of a million Arabs with trucks and gunshots over their heads, completely ignoring the fact that a large number of those who left did so voluntarily as advised by their leaders, in the hope of returning with a conquering army. He also ignores the fact that three quarter of a million Jews were also dispossessed from Arab countries around the same period, and fled to Israel. While the Jewish refugees were welcome in Israel and became citizens, Arab refugees were shunned by their Arab neighbours and remained refugees

- He then claims that the Arabs left behind (in Israel presumably) are suffering a rigid apartheid state. No evidence is provided for this claim, and the fact that repeated surveys find that large numbers of Israeli Arabs prefer staying residents of Israel to becoming residents of a Palestinian state is not cited

- The 1967 “war of aggression” in which Israel conquered the rest of formerly-British Palestine is referred to, without mentioning that it was Jordan who fired the first shots. Also ignored is the fact that some 80% of the original British Palestine was (and still is) in Jordanian hands

Cont -->
Posted by Avw, Friday, 11 September 2015 12:02:18 AM
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--> Cont

- The writer suggests that the “tragedy” of 1967 drove the Palestinians to radicalisation (carefully avoiding the word terrorism), again failing to mention that Palestinian radicalisation and terrorism actually started many years earlier (Arafat started Fatah in the late 1950s)

I’m not an expert on the politics of the Middle East . But if I can find so many issues with this article, I’m sure there are plenty more. The writer is very skilful in presenting half-truths and one-sided stories to build the desired narrative.

Of course, nothing in this article addresses the questions I asked you in my previous post. Let me repeat them here for you:

- Why do you claim that Israel is an apartheid state?
- How is Israel facilitating genocide on the Palestinians in Gaza, especially considering that their numbers are increasing exponentially?
- How did the Zionists orchestrate the Iranian coup in the 1950s?
- Why do you say Israel is illegitimate?
- What is so special about that date that makes it illegitimate? (this one really bugs me)

Feel free to provide more links.
Posted by Avw, Friday, 11 September 2015 12:10:22 AM
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Armchair Critic:

I’m sorry that you are unable to make any logical sense when reading my posts. I am not really sure how I can make it any easier for you.

As for not responding to concerns or arguments, I am still struggling to get any response from either you or Geoff to the questions I posed.

Regarding your latest post:

Would you care to elaborate about what Israel did to Sephardic Jews in Iraq in 1950? Facts would be nice, rather than opinions and conjecture.

As for all that hatred that was allegedly spewing via state radio and tv to the Arabs, do you have any idea about the level of hatred and intimidation spewed from Arab radio and tv stations towards Israel during those same 30 years? Do you have any idea about the hatred and intimidation still being spewed by some of those Arab radio and tv stations towards Israel to this day? Yes, it’s convenient to look at one only side of the story to justify your argument.

The restriction of inter-racial marriage is indeed a law left over from the dark ages, but what does it have to do with being a democracy? Australia does not allow same-sex marriage, does this mean we are not a democracy? At any rate, inter-racial unions done overseas are recognised in Israel.

“They’ve been responsible for covertly murdering…millions…manipulation of governments and money markets”

Finally you are showing your true colours again. The only thing missing here is that Prague cemetery. I won’t bother responding to this.
Posted by Avw, Friday, 11 September 2015 12:39:07 AM
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//no matter how logical or reasonable the concerns put forward are.//

It's not the logical or reasonable concerns that we object to. What people find objectionable are the ludicrous concerns: the paranoid conspiracy theories. And the fact that you only make these hyperbolic and absurd statements about Israel rather than Palestine and Israel suggests that you aren't just the sort of gullible person easily taken in by any old conspiracy theory, just the ones that confirm your out-dated prejudices about Jews.

For example, we all know that Israel has nukes. This is a reasonable concern. Nukes concern me regardless of their nationality, and we should be dismantling all the damn things post haste. I note, however, that you only seem to be worried about Israeli nukes. Lots of countries have nukes. The scariest ones are the North Koreans, who are properly mental.

On the other hand, we all know that Israel doesn't engage in slave trading. Demonstrably false propaganda like that make it obvious that you're less interested in opposing questionable Israeli policy than you are in simply trying to demonise them. Here's a tip: you might have more success in convincing people it's not all about the Jews if you throw in a few ludicrous claims about Palestine. Here are some examples:

Hamas use sonic weapons even though they're banned.
Hamas assassinated John Lennon.
Palestine are secretly attempting to take over the world by controlling international banking cartels, and the Illuminati are helping them.

Comments like these will just make you seem like one of the many loony conspiracy theorists on the forum, instead of a loony anti-Semite.

//What exactly is the price that Israel wants the world to pay for it's belief that it should rule over mankind?//

Oh, and you should avoid spouting nonsense like that.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 11 September 2015 6:10:02 AM
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