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The Forum > Article Comments > David Hicks and the death of a legal system > Comments

David Hicks and the death of a legal system : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 20/2/2015

Australians tend to demonise or sanctify their legal villains, casting a social net around them that either protects, or asphyxiates them.

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Obviously what we need is some nice sharp scimitars, so we can dispatch our enemies in the way they want to dispatch us.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 21 February 2015 10:24:39 AM
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YEBIGA "Did you know john Howard is being charged as we speak for war crimes at the international criminal court?"
Do you have a link to show where John Howard is being charged?

I found material about a complaint being lodged with the ICC in so called "Independent media", but nothing on the ICC site about it that I've been able to find.

What was the source for the claim that John Howard is being charged at the ICC?

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 21 February 2015 10:48:27 AM
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YEBIGA: It is said the art of propaganda is to tell a lie so enormous people will believe nobody would tell such a monstrous lie; and so believe it!

When it comes right down to it, you make someone as expert as Herr Goebbels look like your student; and you his master!

What's next? A claim that Hicks never left these shores? That he was misrepresented by a doppelganger in those damming pictures/photographs?

Trouble with your defense of Hicks is those damming evidential pictures!

And whether you like it or not, an untouched unedited picture (intended as propaganda by the Taliban) is still worth a thousand words!

And I disagree the west attacked a third world country, when in fact it was a stone age community, that even tried to ban music (food for the soul) and impossible to refute video broadcasts, for heavens sake!

As I said, a picture is worth a thousand words!

And don't we need to shine the light of truth into some of those dark and evil corners, sometimes referred to as fundamental Islam; or what passes for justice in some of them?

Yeah sure The US is not perfect, but if I had just two choices; the US (Christian) or the Egyptian (Muslim) justice system, I know which I'd prefer!
Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 21 February 2015 10:59:03 AM
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To Yebiga

I would really like to thank you and the people who think like you (eg Arjay) for bringing me to my senses.

As a former trendy lefty who aspired to be considered part of the educated elites who knew everything, could I say that what completely changed my mind about the left wing worldview, was listening to and reading wackos like yourself with your fantastic conspiracy theories.

The US created Al Qaida?
The US stage managed 9/11?
The Pentagon was hit by a US missile?

Yeah, sure mate. You can't push that sort of crap on people with brains. My advice to you, is to tone it down a bit. Enthusiastically advocating premises which everybody knows is loony tune stuff will not do your cause any good. Educated people can be very naive, but they are rarely outright stupid. So pushing forth propaganda which even a 12 year old would look askance at you for is doing nothing more than aiding your opponents. Perhaps I am giving too much away?

Hang on, I take it all back.

I think that Arjay and yourself are doing a fantastic service to your country by displaying to every impartial reader just how weird the people with your mindsets really are. Please keep it up.
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 21 February 2015 11:32:38 AM
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The problem is Lego that even conservative Governments have funded the left wing loony academics thinking that somehow it is harmless and they would keep their grubby little theories to themselves. They also fund the abc/sbs who are full of fools who subscribes to the idiotic conspiracy garbage and try and make it mainstream. That is why now the West is blamed for the death cult of Islam. It is however a bedfellow to feminism/secularism.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 21 February 2015 12:24:53 PM
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Runner, you wouldn't know a left wing loony academic if you fell over one in your rush to run away from whatever the latest thing that scares you stupid might be.

I'll bet you're one of those brave souls who hides behind the pews whenever pastor asks for help with the latest fundraiser and always makes sure he has lots of 10c pieces to toss into the plate.

Another whiny, whinging loudmouth without the intestinal fortitude to even use your own name to stand behind the nasty hate-filled bilge you pump out.

A fine example of how not to act.
Posted by Craig Minns, Saturday, 21 February 2015 12:41:09 PM
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