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The Forum > Article Comments > David Hicks and the death of a legal system > Comments

David Hicks and the death of a legal system : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 20/2/2015

Australians tend to demonise or sanctify their legal villains, casting a social net around them that either protects, or asphyxiates them.

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It's not our legal system that produced this stuff up.

Without question Hicks was an illegal enemy combatant, and without a leg to stand on to say otherwise!

Yes he spent six years in a hell hole, that gave him regular exercise and three squares a day! And a right to confer with legal counsel!

I'd like to see how he'd fared on the Burma railway. Where water boarding would have been seen as light refreshment and a break from the cruel workload!

Personally I think he got off light, and from my perspective ought to remain a person of interest as long as his proverbial points at the ground.

Let's not forget he pleaded guilty as charged, as part of a plea bargain that got him some time off.

For mine illegal enemy combatants, traitors and quislings should share just one fate, or statute 303, that Breaker Merrant was so fond of quoting during the Boer campaign!

And eventually became a recipient of it!

And technically all the justice an illegal enemy combatant deserves.

The US finding didn't make him innocent, just that he wasn't properly processed according to their highly convoluted system!

A picture is worth a thousand words, and those thousand words describe a man who is guilty as charged M'Lord!
Posted by Rhrosty, Saturday, 21 February 2015 1:15:47 AM
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Dear RObert.

US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt operated very much outside of the law when he violated the Neutrality Act, ignored Congress, and gave military equipment to Britain. Had he not done so, Britain would have lost WW2. Interestingly, the US had it's own 1940 version of Edward Snowden, a cypher clerk named Tyler Kent, who released secret telegrams to the press showing how Roosevelt was breaking US law. Kent admired Nazi Germany and he wanted to keep the USA out of the war.

The USA's sainted President Abraham Lincoln operated very much outside the law when he refused to recognise the Confederacy's Constitutional right to withdraw from the Union. He abolished the habeas corpus and jailed critics who opposed his intent to keep the Union intact at all costs. He declared "more scoundrels than honest men have been inconvenienced by habeas corpus." When his own Attorney General objected, Lincoln threatened to jail him. Had Lincoln not violated the US Constitution, what we call the USA would have become two separate states with human slavery probably surviving in the South well into the 20th Century. The South may even have become an ally of Nazi Germany which would have completely changed history, with Nazi Germany being totally in control of all of Europe, and with dire consequences for Australia in the Pacific War.

Grow a brain.

The civilisation in which you choose to live is now for the third time in 100 years at war with an ideology which seeks it's total destruction. And all you can do is to support your civilisations enemies who want destroy everything you believe in, because you think that opposing the status quo is what rooly intelligent young social progressives habitually do. It is a fashion choice. A act of personnel vanity. You support your own people's enemies just to preen your own self image.

David Hicks is a traitor just like Philby, Burgess, Mclean, and Blunt, and because of the distorting view of your perverted and fashionable ideology, you and Foxy can only see him as a poor victim of the USA
Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 21 February 2015 5:04:13 AM
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Stezza stezza stezza
I was so excited, I thought great I can give up my beliefs about 9/11
For here would be proof of a plane hitting the pentagon

Your link didn't work
But I patiently copied it on my iPad
And then I watched the video on you tube of a military rocket hitting the pentagon
Poor stezza
Anyone remotely interested in the subject of 9/11 has seen that pathetic excuse for evidence a 100 times
There is a car, a boom gate, and a building and no plane
Of the hundreds of cameras on the building and in the vicinity that was the video released
It should alone be enough for you to join the dark side
2000 architects and engineers, 1000s of pilots, numerous high level officials
Molten steel
But if Foxnews, channel 9 and there like don't say its so then it ain't so
Posted by YEBIGA, Saturday, 21 February 2015 8:46:10 AM
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I think your trying to be sincere and smart
Fashionable eeh?
Political correctness maybe fashionable, intellectuals love to stump dumber folk with their moral superiority.
Recognizing that your countries entire foreign policy is a complete fraud is not
And never has been and particularly in times where basic civil right become compromised
Those traitors you cited Philby had power and operated in secret
We are in a public forum
You have been betrayed as we all have by a long line of weak Lilly livered egos - our politicians
Are you able to doubt the veracity of a single news item given to you on your tv
You have now doubt Jesus resurrected from the dead and that Santa delivers you a present every Xmas
That is such a nice matrix to live in - wish I could be there with you- sadly I took the red pill.
Posted by YEBIGA, Saturday, 21 February 2015 9:01:48 AM
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We invaded a 3 world country with 1st world hardware and training
There were no enemy combatants
Alqueida was a CIA sponsored organisation
We went to Afghanistan to save the heroin production and trade
The Taliban even offered to give up Osama if the USA could provide any evidence of his involvement with 9/11
Then we invade Iraq because they had oil oooops sorry they had WMDs oops Sadam was a bad guy
We destroyed two countries displaced 10 million from their homes, killed a million foreigners and introduced torture as a method of recreation for our troops

In the interim we Bomber yehmen, Libya and who the hell knows where else

Now what exactly did hicks do?

Did you know john Howard is being charged as we speak for war crimes at the international criminal court? That won't be reported on channel 9
Don't worry it's in absentia he will be fine
Posted by YEBIGA, Saturday, 21 February 2015 9:30:33 AM
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"Grow a brain."
"David Hicks is a traitor just like Philby, Burgess, Mclean, and Blunt, and because of the distorting view of your perverted and fashionable ideology, you and Foxy can only see him as a poor victim of the USA"

If you had actually comprehended my post then you might have noticed my pointing out that I don't think Hicks deserves sympathy.

There is a big difference between an interest in ensuring the powers that be don't use the war on terror as an excuse to seize more and more power with real potential to impact on those who are not terrorists and having sympathy for those who chose to fight on the side of evil. Not that hard to understand really.

Perhaps you should take your own advice.

Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 21 February 2015 9:35:06 AM
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