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The Forum > Article Comments > Abbott will soon look like a genius for refusing to drag Australia to yet another climate fiasco > Comments

Abbott will soon look like a genius for refusing to drag Australia to yet another climate fiasco : Comments

By Tom Switzer, published 19/11/2014

Defensive, embarrassing, insular, cringeworthy – this is just a sampler of media comment on Abbott's performance at the G20.

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Tony Abbott is going to look like a genius after he has called on the world to set "strong, binding emissions reductions targets in Paris".

Or is he? Because everyone knows that all those who suggest taking action to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are frauds.

Or something.
Posted by Agronomist, Thursday, 20 November 2014 12:03:33 PM
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Robert le Page:“I suppose I can just answer all of your attacks by just saying, "troll".”
That is straight out of the fraud- backer’s manual, Robert; where you are cornered by the truth, make an ad hominem attack on the person propagating the truth.
You were not asked for a scientific answer, but for a reference to science which justifies your support of the assertion that human emissions cause catastrophic global warming. You are aware that this is what you support, are you, with no science to justify it?
Abbott has done a good job in setting up the dunces for the Paris talks. He wants every country to commit itself, and meet its targets. He wants nothing to be agreed which will cost jobs. The talks will, of course, fail, but Abbott’s conduct will be beyond reproach. And Agronomist might one day understand Abbott’s capacity for politics.
Posted by Leo Lane, Thursday, 20 November 2014 5:16:05 PM
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Dear Leo Lane,

Bob Carter is not a climate scientist because he has no formal qualifications in the field.

Bob Carter is directly funded by the Heartland Institute which relies on donations from fossil fuel tycoons like the Koch brothers.

Bob carter has published no papers on climate science in any Climate Science journals, in fact he hasn't published any in any reputable scientific journal at all, except perhaps co-authoring with two others in the Journal of Geophysical Research which is a story in itself.

Yet you again asserted he was a climate scientist. Why are you doing this? It is so obviously wrong but you stand by it. What is the psychology involved? I am genuinely interested.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 20 November 2014 11:16:42 PM
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So, Leo lane (and others),

Can you explain to me when Abbott comes out with things like this:

"Emerging with Hollande he declared it was he who raised the subject in their talks. "Yes, we discussed climate change. I raised climate change," he volunteered even before a question was asked.

"It's very important that we get strong and effective outcomes from the conference in Paris next year.

"It is a subject that the world needs to tackle as a whole.

"We all are doing what we can, Australia as well, and we need a strong and effective agreement from Paris next year."

And he went on.

"I think it's very important that we don't have another disaster like Copenhagen and it's vital that the Paris Conference be a success, unlike Copenhagen."

Explaining the G20 communique, Abbott said it was an important subject that was always going to be in there because Australia had circulated the first draft expressly mentioning climate."

Is he merely attempting to make up lost ground, having been wrong-footed by the rest of the industrial world - and left looking like a dill?

Or is it his diabolical genius at work again...merely giving lip-service to the subject....which of course would be dishonest.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 21 November 2014 6:53:26 AM
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Here's another bunch of whackos who can't see Abbott's a genius.

"UK Tories slam Tony Abbott on climate policy"

"The attitude of Prime Minister Tony Abbott to the global challenges of climate change is "eccentric", "baffling" and "flat earther", according to a group of senior British Conservatives.

The group, including Prime Minister David Cameron's Minister for Energy and a former Thatcher Minister and chairman of the Conservative Party, says Mr Abbot's position on climate change represents a betrayal of the fundamental ideals of Conservatism and those of his political heroine, Margaret Thatcher."

"According to Lord Deben, chairman of the independent Climate Change Commission and a minister in both the Thatcher and Major governments, Australia will come under increasing market pressure to respond to the global shift toward renewable energy.

A former chairman of the British Conservative Party, Lord Deben said Mr Abbott has betrayed the fundamental tenets of conservatism itself.

"I have no doubt that people like David Cameron will be saying to Tony Abbott 'look conservatives are supposed to conserve, they are supposed to hand on to the next generation something better than they received themselves'."

Tim Yeo, chairman of the UK's parliamentary select committee on energy and climate change and a former environment minister under John Major, likened those who question the existence and the science of climate change as "the flat earthers of the 16th century".

"Some of us are very perplexed. I was last in Australia at the beginning of last year, before the election and had conversations with people on both sides of the political divide. I was amazed at some of the views."

Geniuses are always misunderstood.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 21 November 2014 8:06:16 AM
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Steele, Robert Carter has spent 40 years studying, researching, teaching and working in the field of paleoclimatology.
Paleoclimatology is the study of climate change on the scale of the entire history of the Earth. Since you are “genuinely interested” you might watch the video where emeritus professor Carter deals with the assertion that he is not a climate scientist.

Your pretence that you are stupid enough to believe that Carter is not a climate scientist is a standard ploy of fraud-backers whereby they consider that the lies they tell can be designated as emanating from stupidity and not dishonesty.

“Bob Carter has acted as an expert witness on climate change before the U.S. Senate Committee of Environment & Public Works, the Australian and N.Z. parliamentary Select Committees into emissions trading and in a meeting in parliament house, Stockholm. He was also a primary science witness in the U.K. High Court case of Dimmock v. H.M.'s Secretary of State for Education, the 2007 judgment which identified nine major scientific errors in Mr. Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth".
Professor Carter has a personal research publication record of more than 100 papers in international science journals on taxonomic palaeontology, palaeoecology, the growth and form of the molluscan shell, New Zealand and Pacific geology, stratigraphic classification, sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, the Great Barrier Reef, Quaternary geology, and sea-level and climate change. His current research on climate change, sea-level change and stratigraphy is based on field studies of Cenozoic sediments (last 65 million years) from the Southwest Pacific region, especially the Great Barrier Reef and New Zealand.”
The fraud-backer Michael Mann, of "hockey stick" infamy is a paleoclimatoligist. Is he a "climate scientist, Steele?
Posted by Leo Lane, Friday, 21 November 2014 1:41:35 PM
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