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The Forum > Article Comments > Are we winning or losing the war on terror? > Comments

Are we winning or losing the war on terror? : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 3/10/2014

In short, the west is engaged in a 'long war' of low intensity conflict. But politicians and media just bounce along from one event to another without seeing the big picture.

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Loudy Goose,

"How many kids have the Israelis beheaded lately ?.."

That is a very good question.

I do recall during the recent slaughter, a photo on twitter of a doctor in Gaza holding up the body of a tot - minus its head.

I also recall the story of the father approaching a journalist with a plastic bag full of meat - the remains of his two year-old son.

If you cared to look at the thousands of deaths and injuries inflicted on Gazans in just this latest round of indiscriminate butchery, you'd find just as many appalling stories as the ones you throw up at us from IS.

But you don't appear to give a hoot about the people in Gaza who have just undergone this horrendous torment.

What's the difference - save that one group employs medieval methods and the other, 21st century advanced weaponry?

(You're the one who needs to get a grip)
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 11 October 2014 10:52:47 AM
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Remember when the true horror of Rwandan genocide
was revealed to the world?

Many knew it was going to happen - including the
top level of the United Nations. - They knew that
the extermination of the Tutsis had been ordered and was
about to proceed. Politically moderate Hutu were also killed.

The world did not intervene, and since that dark day
any discussion about the role and responsibility if the
international community when one country sets about killing its
own people has become a vexed and faithless one.

Vexed becaue of the failure of some well-intentioned
interventions, and faithless because many simply do not
understand the point of the United Nations' existence if
it's not to uphold the important and still resonant
post World War II cry of "Never again."
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 11 October 2014 10:57:34 AM
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'Strange views' ? I read that Hornberger article, as you suggested, and I found it appalling, disgusting. So the US is to blame for beheadings ?

Despicable bullsh!t.


It's always dreadful when any innocent person is killed. The deaths of people in Gaza are as important and tragic as the deaths of people in Syria or Iraq. But intent does come into it: the Israeli tactic of responding to random rocket attacks by bombarding and bombing parts of Gaza where they believe Hamas is hiding may not include the intent to blow children apart.

But to deliberately intend, and then to behead children, one by one, who are not of your group, to rape and enslave women, to massacre prisoners by the thousands, is really beyond comparison. You need to get a sense of proportion and the significance of intent.

I look forward to the time, Goose, when you have the decency and courage to come out and say:

ISIS is a fascist movement that must be eventually destroyed.

Can you bring yourself to type that ? And when Hamas joins ISIS, what will you say then ?

Or can I categorise you and your tag-team as members of SFF ?


Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 11 October 2014 11:34:00 AM
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Loudy Goose,

Israel deliberately targeted schools, hospitals and designated UN compounds...even after being given coordinates of those compounds, in one case 17 times - and in another 33 times.

They targeted "ambulances".

They "chased" men women and children up and down some areas of Gaza - slaughtering indiscriminately.

Stop making excuses for wanton slaughter depending on which point you are trying to make.... I would never mitigate IS's actions the way you mitigate Israel's.

"Intent" you say?

With pics streaming on twitter of tots blown to bits - still the rampage ensued.

Don't talk to me about "intent".
Posted by Poirot, Saturday, 11 October 2014 12:26:02 PM
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Don't be too hard on Joe. He is a throwback to medieval times when humans did not pretend to be civilized.

Since those dark times, human have been evolving backwards. Soon, we will be back in the trees and fighting each other with clubs and pointed bones.

I no longer have much faith in humans. To me, in the main, they are garbage.

And the worst humans are the ones who pretend to be civilized and intelligent while they commit the most hideous crimes against humanity (Isil, Yanks, Sharia-Muslims, Christian-Capitalists, Oligarchs, Clerics, Fascists, Warmongers, Politicians, Military Boffins, etc).

Let he who is without guilt, cast the first stone!
Posted by David G, Saturday, 11 October 2014 1:02:41 PM
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So, you can't bring yourself to say "ISIS is a fascist movement" ?

Okay, what about "Socialists for Fascism" then ?

Not a word of condemnation (okay, David, that little gesture listing ISIS alongside the inevitable Yanks, and others) about what is going on at this moment, the extermination of Kurds in Kobane, for instance ?

All in good time. When Hamas declares itself for ISIS, you may want to reconsider.

Nah, they'll still be anti-American, therefore good, no matter what they do. Still your besties.

SFFs indeed.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 11 October 2014 2:42:51 PM
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