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The Forum > Article Comments > Are we winning or losing the war on terror? > Comments

Are we winning or losing the war on terror? : Comments

By Keith Suter, published 3/10/2014

In short, the west is engaged in a 'long war' of low intensity conflict. But politicians and media just bounce along from one event to another without seeing the big picture.

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Flappy Goose,

You mean the terrorists firing rockets at random into Israel ? provoking retaliation ? And that once the rockets stopped, the retaliation stopped ?

So what's your point ? Where is the US singling out and beheading children ? Where is the US identifying non-believer women, raping them and enslaving them ? Where are he US lining up prisoners and blowing their brains out, one by one ?

But thanks anyway for that Useful comment. I'm sure that HuT will find it encouraging and inciteful :)

Sometimes I think the only Left left are ex-Left.

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 10 October 2014 3:18:24 PM
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What's your point, Loudy?

You are a particularly puerile debater.

No-one is denying the IS are rabid marauding extremists.

That doesn't let other countries off the hook for their own actions down through the years.

How many thousands of innocents died because of the sanctions and the Iraqi invasion?
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 10 October 2014 5:56:57 PM
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Loudy Goose,

"So what's your point ? Where is the US singling out and beheading children ? Where is the US identifying non-believer women, raping them and enslaving them ? Where are he US lining up prisoners and blowing their brains out, one by one ?"

No...but their military aid is paying for this...

"The seasoned surgeons were shocked by the footage of the emergency room of the Shifa Hospital - Gaza's busiest - on 31 July, when more than 200 injured Palestinians were brought through its doors.

They were part of a team of British doctors from London's King's College Hospital who travelled to Gaza to set up a programme for advanced limb reconstruction for victims of war injuries."

"The human cost of the summer conflict with Israel was brutal: 2,104 Palestinians were killed and more than 10,000 people were injured in the small territory, and the chronically under-resourced Shifa was stretched to the brink in its response."

It's fascinating how you can rightfully point out the diabolical actions of IS...then totally dismiss the equally brutal actions carried out by Israel - against civilians herded into a ghetto.

And further to that you dismiss Israel's culpability in undermining peace agreements and continuing its dispossession of Palestinians.
Posted by Poirot, Friday, 10 October 2014 6:17:32 PM
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"One of the big things that distinguishes Switzerland from the United States is its foreign policy. Unlike the U.S. government, the Swiss government does not maintain military bases in foreign countries. It doesn’t meddle in or intervene in the internal affairs of other countries. It doesn’t engage in bombing campaigns against foreigners. It doesn’t commit kidnappings, coups, torture, assassinations, and indefinite military detention of foreigners. It doesn’t partner with brutal foreign dictatorships. It doesn’t get involved in civil wars or conflicts between nations."

Poirot, this paragraph came from an article written by Jacob Hornberger and was published by ICH today.

I know Joe Motormouth won't be swayed by the intellectual argument but what can you do?
Posted by David G, Saturday, 11 October 2014 8:02:26 AM
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Flappedy Flap,

The rockets stop, the Israeli retaliation stops. End of.

" .... the equally brutal actions carried out by Israel" ?!

How many kids have the Israelis beheaded lately ? How many women raped and enslaved ? Thousands of prisoners lined up and shot ? Get a grip.


Switzerland. You're kidding, right ? Why not try Iceland ? Costa Rica ? Swaziland ?

So what's your point ?

Slightly off-topic, but not really: Malala Yousafzai has been jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. A seventeen-year-old girl has more decency and courage in her little toe than some of you apologists for fascism have in your entire bodies.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 11 October 2014 9:59:35 AM
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Joe, the link is above. Read the article for yourself.

You should visit ICH each day. It will help you to become informed about the world you live in, perhaps change some of your strange views.
Posted by David G, Saturday, 11 October 2014 10:10:42 AM
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