The Forum > Article Comments > Are we winning or losing the war on terror? > Comments
Are we winning or losing the war on terror? : Comments
By Keith Suter, published 3/10/2014In short, the west is engaged in a 'long war' of low intensity conflict. But politicians and media just bounce along from one event to another without seeing the big picture.
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Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 3 October 2014 12:03:30 PM
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Dear OLO Brothers and Sista
Are your lives dull, leftwing and way too peaceloving? Well on the occasion of this better than average, thought leading, article I hereby dedicate this little ditty to John "where are them young boys" Wayne. See fine acting and not a little touchy feely . BALLAD OF THE GREEN BERETS Fighting soldiers from the sky Fearless men who jump and die Men who mean just what they say The brave men of the Green Beret Silver wings upon their chest These are men, America's best One hundred men will test today But only three win the Green Beret Trained to live off nature's land Trained in combat, hand-to-hand Men who fight by night and day Courage peak from the Green Berets Silver wings upon their chest These are men, America's best One hundred men will test today But only three win the Green Beret Back at home a young wife waits Her Green Beret has met his fate He has died for those oppressed Leaving her his last request Put silver wings on my son's chest Make him one of America's best He'll be a man they'll test one day Have him win the Green Beret. Enjoy Pete Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 3 October 2014 12:10:36 PM
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Poirot; what can I say except, yes, hear, hear.
And arguably because most young folk, [40% of voters,] just couldn't be bothered getting out and voting, then bitching/bellyaching all the way to the next election, and a repeat performance by them! A 40% voting age demographic, if organized/single minded and cooperating, (occupy wall street) in their voting intentions; could control/decide each and every election. And clean out the rubbish, just by continuing to put the incumbent last in every ballot, (several single term parliaments) until we get a class of HONEST POLLIES; [now there's a patent oxymoron,] and a citizens' initiated referendum! Which as a first order of business, would enable enough disaffected voters, to SACK THE GOVERNMENT; [a bloodless revolution/coup] if we were duped or deceived into voting for this or that party, on a body of disingenuous, mendacious duplicity (barefaced porkies and fibs). And a bill of irrefutable rights wouldn't hurt any of us either, albeit, trim the claws of some control freak pollies! Cheers, Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Friday, 3 October 2014 12:33:43 PM
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Answer: Losing. We are losing.
Who is the enemy? Islam. Yes, it should be obvious that an ideology that teaches discrimination and subjugation and advocates hate and death is our enemy. The outcome? We all lose. Islam and Muslims will drag us down to their level. This whole thing started when our elites decided, particularly after the 1973 oil crisis, to bring millions of Muslims to our lands, to inflict upon us the joys of their brutal ideology. This stupidity, plus political correctness, modern technology, and the moral breakdown of much of Western society, is a witch’s caldron that will boil over and bring an endless torrent of sorrow and death. The military campaign against ISIS is silly when millions of Muslims live among us. One is a quick burning fire, the other a slow ember – the result will be the same. They may win battles but the war will not be over just because group A or group B is defeated or exterminated. Yes, governments and media are playing the Islamicist game, but it is worse, they are complicit in the hate and violence done by Muslims by refusing to be honest about Islam and its detrimental effect on society and human dignity. The “ISIS is not Islamic” mentality is not only logically incoherent, but a clear indication that our elites – the media, academia, the clergy, and government – have no clue what they are dealing with. Prepare yourselves for war without end. Even if Muslims win, they lose. They will still kill -- themselves and us -- because that is what Islam does. Look at what happened to Mohammad and his companions. They went to war, killed a bunch of infidels and then killed even more Muslims as they fought among themselves. Sound familiar? What we see today is a return to the pure, brutal Islam of Mohammed. Just for the record, I have never met a Muslim that will repudiate or condemn the hate and violence in the Quran or the evil deeds of their dear prophet -- So much for the moderate Muslim. Posted by kactuz, Friday, 3 October 2014 1:12:33 PM
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Abbott & Shorten have decided we are really not at war, but at war with Syria & Iraq (Isis) we must all remember that war costs an awful lot of extra money to come. From somewhere, but as per usual we will screw the most vulnerable in society to pay for our war games, so social spending cutbacks, we still have Dictator Abbott calling the shots followed by Mouse Shorten who will most certainly agree to screw the poor, screw the rich first like Gina Reinhardt, a billion or two out of her purse would make no difference to her lavish lifestyle, but we will not do that, let the rich keep living their luxurious lifestyles, if ever WW3 ever breaks out one only hopes that the top echelon end up the same as the poor, and not protected as in past wars with safe countries at their disposal.
Once again when the first causality comes home dead then Abbott will as per usual shed crocodile tears, look mournful and perhaps hopefully think I helped cause his or her death , just like Howard helped to kill thousands in the first Iraq invasion by joining the invasion of the killing (willing), but then who cares a toss about ordinary men, women and children, of course they are very dispensable, but as long as it is not me, I am very indispensable. Posted by Ojnab, Friday, 3 October 2014 9:00:25 PM
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Keith, thanks for your fine article. It's a shame the 'ferals' discovered it and ran it off the rails.
It's also a shame the Rhrosty, the resident bore, wrote a defamatory comment directed at me, one which should have been deleted. And it's a shame that the four comments per day embargo (as employed by Young the Publisher), stopped me from replying and defending myself. P.S. Then our Rhrosty seems to have unlimited license to heap insults upon certain people as well as to use 500 words to say something that most people could say in five. Posted by David G, Saturday, 4 October 2014 2:01:50 PM
And proactively looking.
Our principle weapons are education/micro loans, and progressive self sufficiency.
There has to be a better way to enable capitalist endevour.
And not by handing over the very pillars that support every western style economy; essential cash cow service, energy and capital, to private players!
One only has to look at the latter as unavoidable business costs, to understand those costs need to be contained, and based on the historical evidence, that's as publicly supplied essential service! There's plenty of scope and more than enough opportunity for genuine entrepreneurs to get their teeth into!
They just need to use the brain they were born with, so we don't yet again find ourselves supporting another class of unproductive profit demanding do nothing middlemen!
Whose only real claim to fame, is a virtual doubling of the cost of living, wherever they get their grubby paws on the very levers of the economy!
Simply put; that's just not how you wind down endemic widespread poverty!
And if we're serious in our endevour to win hearts and minds, we have to just bite the bullet, and start as we intend to finish!
Nothing wrong with liberalism and private endeavor, just that it needs to be genuinely productive, and off of the very levers of the economy; preferred by the LAZY investor!?
We just can't keep concentrating more and more wealth in fewer and fewer hands, and expect to be able to address poverty!
Besides, that model shows how to shrink an economy, whereas addressing poverty, actually grows it!
Look to the Chinese example, for irrefutable evidence!
And we need to selectively prosper cooperative capitalism on any number of grounds.
It passes the inherent fairness test and rarely if ever gets to big to fail!
And it's the only free market model that survived the great depression largely intact!