The Forum > Article Comments > In Palestine every Palestinian is a suspect > Comments
In Palestine every Palestinian is a suspect : Comments
By Raffaele Piccolo, published 15/7/2014Put simply, to be a Palestinian in Palestine makes you a suspect for any and every past, present and future crime. It is an inescapable status.
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Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 18 July 2014 6:11:24 AM
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LEGO..<<..So no, I can't consider ethnic cleansing as an absolute evil.>>
well said israel out now go dont look back just go bye BYE ISRAEL THE LAW IS WRITTEN NOW GO AWAY[ISRAEL]..THE SCUM FLOATS AWAY have a nice day i knew it would be easy; the end good riddence..secular gods people confused were them jews? oh but thats not going too well SO THEY OPEN UP THE NORTHERn front isrEal is all front;..but you can duck and eave..but ya works reveal if gods people trust god;if satans people keep revealing your vile works[by your works will we eventually know who your..serving..war=satan..blind freddy can tell anyhow how long can Zrael spend quarter a million shooting down \ bomb made from left over plumbing supplies from israel air raids on one of the gulags with the acces to the gas[no where near the excuses these godless seclarists used to blow gaza To pieces shalom is a mockery..shalom indeed its rote rot said like a child parrOTING A WORD WITHOUT MEANING..SODOM Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 July 2014 6:22:38 AM
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Thats true Nutter
It would be great if UOG reproduced such good arguments in proper paragraph form - even block quotes. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 18 July 2014 12:24:42 PM
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Your last post did not make any sense, IMJN. Nobody "inserted" the Muslims in order to separate the Croats and the Serbs. The Balkans used to be the front line of Europe against the invading Muslims and the scale of massacres committed by the "Turks" on the Balkan people to subdue them was impressive. That is why the Croats and Serbs hate the Muslims, and any Balkan resident who converted to Islam they considered a traitor.
The United States is not doing well at all. It is now 2 trillion dollars in dept and it's idiot President has now added a new health care system which the yanks can't afford, to make it a lot worse. As the productive white people are being supplanted by incoming waves of Hispanics, we are seeing the same thing that we are seeing in Australia. White flight, and the creation of immigrant ghettoes with incredibly high rates of violent criminal behaviour and welfare dependency. What happens when socialist governments who pander to unproductive and crime prone immigrant groups in order to buy their votes can be seen on any Youtube video about Detroit, USA. The most spectacular terrorist incident in history involving Muslims occurred in the USA, and you think that everything is just swell. You even have a Muslim US Army officer shooting his own men, and a Muslim US Army paratrooper "fragging" his own HQ, and you can't see any problem. Just in case you haven't noticed, patriotic and racist organisations in Europe are going from strength to strength in the polls. The problem with racial tolerance, is that it is easy to convince people who have no contact with problem prone minorities that they are just like us. But when they meet them, they know they were lied to. President Kennedy once gave a speech about he universal brotherhood of the human race, saying "we all breath the same air, and we all want what is best for our children." Cut to the Muslim parents putting toy suicide belts on their toddlers, and you know that he was wrong. Posted by LEGO, Friday, 18 July 2014 4:51:02 PM
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let-it/go..<<..Cut to the Muslim parents putting toy suicide belts on their toddlers, and you know that he was wrong.->>\\
cut to four dead kids sitting on the beach? POT is one from israel kiddies heres a photo [SHe ;would be old enough now to fight? she is writing;though its tried being refuted it proves what mr letitgo? HEReS A VIDIO demon adults..;raise demonic kids..[yids] i've been thinking for the last two days about this photo and the storm of reaction it set off. I worry about the climate of hate that would lead people to look at it and automatically assume the absolute worst - and then use the photo to dehumanize and victimize. I wonder why so many people seem to take satisfaction in believing that little Israeli girls with felt markers in their hands - not weapons, but felt markers - are evil, or spawned by an evil society. I wonder how those people would feel if Israelis were to look at a photo of a Palestinian child wearing a mock suicide belt in a Hamas demonstration and conclude that all Palestinians - nay, all Arabs - are evil. And I wonder why it is so difficult to think a little, to get it into our heads that television news and photojournalism manipulate our thoughts and emotions. Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 July 2014 5:28:21 PM
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the itle hints at divide and conqueer
anyhow;quote..<..It would be great if UOG reproduced such good arguments in proper paragraph form - even block quotes.>> we live in an age where clarity;..gets one locked away..BESIDES ALl WE CAN SAY IS THE THINGS BOUGHT INTO OUR AWArness;..usualy from a narrow field of peers or limited media..[here is the second most trusted man;i know/but if hes wrong..;he dares say so. like alex jones goes to great lengths..[usualy] protect israel..[IE SEE-THURSADYS] so much so many think he is about disinfo..i agree and disagree with alex[but he has sources/he has audience..he has passion;;to seek a peace..he is usualLy pointing in the true course[but as human has feet of clay..;go figure why god made human ;;that way..we al rise up from the cccc rap/some sunk deeper..;thats all it seems in satans realm..we are tempted to dig our own graves[so to speak]..and even better ..WE ALONE..chose how deep. BREVITY OF POST/means\ TO LISTEN/NOt read its more honorable to die at home...with your loved ones than run Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 July 2014 7:42:55 AM
Because UOG copied it does not make the substance wrong.