The Forum > Article Comments > In Palestine every Palestinian is a suspect > Comments
In Palestine every Palestinian is a suspect : Comments
By Raffaele Piccolo, published 15/7/2014Put simply, to be a Palestinian in Palestine makes you a suspect for any and every past, present and future crime. It is an inescapable status.
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Posted by ChrisPer, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 8:49:12 AM
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Obviously there is no aparthied in Palestine. Chris and Davud Singer will tell us that.
And of course they also swear the Israeli justice system is the same as the Liberal Democratic west where guilt is not assigned until proven in open courts. Chris your attempt at justification of the Israeli dysfunction is comical to me. But then again I live in the west where oppression and revenge against innocents is actually outlawed and where resistance to oppression is allowed. A place where fighters against oppression, in places like Nazi controlled Europe, in the past have actually been called heroes. Enjoy your western freedoms and be pleased you were not born semetic. Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 9:09:47 AM
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It's simple really. Palestinians are the new Jews.
Posted by EvanJ, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 9:35:01 AM
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Chris you really are all over the place just like spilt guts.
Hamas as the legitimately elected government of the Palestinians does have in it's charter the destruction of the Jewish state of Israel. That does not equate to a genocide of the Jews. But Israel and it's lackeys, like you, do not recognise Hamas as the Palestinian government. Your mob of brown shirt bullies and lackeys only recognise the unelected party of Abbas ie the terrorist organisation known as the PLO of which Abbas is still chairman. Christ Chris you have more faces than a cut diamond and know more positions than a Friday night whore. Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 11:10:04 AM
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The current blitz of Gaza would make hitler proud.
It certainly makes the israeli population proud(and entertained). israel is a rogue apartheid state committing genocide and ethnic cleansing. Stealing land and committing war crimes. SANCTIONS NOW! Shame and shun these religious idiots. Murdering children in the name of their magical superfreind in the sky. What sickos Posted by mikk, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 12:02:01 PM
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If I had to wonder if everyone crossing my border was carrying a bomb, I might become a little careful of those I was letting through. In fact I would probably let no one through.
When Palestinians stop bombing & sending rockets into Israel, they might be treated differently, until they reap what they have sown. After all we assume when over 50% of them voted for a terrorist organisation, so what do you expect. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 12:43:05 PM
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yesterdays mate/tomorrows fiend/..haS BRO>>,,.QUOTE.<>If I had to wonder if everyone crossing my border was carrying a bomb,..>>
YOU DNT TRAVEL MUCH DO YOU yesterdays man try going into any govt building[airporta\s or embassIES][YOU LIVE IN A PRISON I CAN GO TO ANY GROCERY SHOP put togeTHER A VARIETY OF HOME CHEMICALS ANFD KILL EVERYONE N TOWn YOU CAN TO WITH SMPLE THINGS/BUT MATE WE ARNT EMBARING VILINS/AND KILLING POLITITIANS GROW UP ITS AFER IN ISRAEL THAn kngs cross that excuse-is -tossed <<>. I might become a little careful of those I was letting through. In fact I would probably let no one through.>> we now even allow YOU A THIMBle of hair tomic you jews dont gOT A CLUE <<>>When Palestinians stop bombing>> MATE/THEIR PLANTED VIA YUNNELS FROM ISRAEL GET IT/A FEW PIPE Bombs[that cost arround a grand each/TO BUY BUT CAN BE MADE FOR UNDER 59 BUCKS/times 800 reportedly[PLUS 6,000 LEFT WAITING READY TO GO 'SOME WERE STOPPED[BY THE STARWARS/SCEME/MNADE FOR The defence of the jewish star[uNDER THE 'IRON' CURTAIN LIKE DOME secularists fighting the last religious wars religions unite from nessisITY THE SECULAr bitter fruit <<.& sending rockets into Israel>>SHOT DOWN AT HUGE EXPENCE[I DONT SAy cost/beause its the yani tax payers paying the full cost] the true cost/of al that iron DOME SOLUTION/SOMEONE NEEDS PAY FOR[NOT RELIGION]..ITS SECULARsists that loose this one mate <<>they might be treated differently, until they reap what they have sown. After all we assume when over 50% of them voted for a terrorist organisation, so what do you expect.>> too true/olD BOY 2true Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 1:05:22 PM
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The bigotry and ignorance of imajulianutter, EvanJ and mikk is pathetic but unsurprising.
As for the main article, there is no Palestine. There could have been one in 1948 if the Arab leadership had agreed to the UN partition resolution, or again in 1967 or 1973 or 2000 or 2008 when Israel sought a peace treaty, but on each occasion the Arab leadership was more interested in getting rid of the Jews than the future of their own people. When the residents of the "West Bank" and Gaza realize that it is their leaders, with their policies of denial and violence, who are preventing them from having an independent state, then they stand a chance of having that state. Posted by Malcolmpb, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 1:44:24 PM
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In the wake of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, airport security and screening procedures across the world were shaken awake and rigorously transformed. Few people criticised. If a survey was conducted post 911, Raffaele Piccolo’s comments about “every Palestinian is a suspect” would have been disregarded.
Sadly, many countries now have terrorist issues and protection of a population in any of those countries is of utmost importance. The issue is that if you're a terrorist and you want to sabotage a building or a group of people, there are thousands of options. So security measures are continually tweaked and updated to work for that country. Sadly this is the case for Israel where people live with constant danger from regular indiscriminate rocket fire, potential terrorist attacks and abductions. So in Israel one of the ways to protect the people not only living there but also visiting is questioning. Being questioned in an appropriate way, even if a little intrusive, could avoid disaster. Is this any different to post 911 Posted by Chelsi, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 2:09:21 PM
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do you know..very few jewish kids need take jobs at macdonaLDS>?
ALL THEY NEED DO IS SIT AT HOMe and blog yes israel pays yOU TO BLOG TO TRAVEL TO SPY AND DELIBRATE the issue is murder and a state[ISRAEL] attacking the ndigenant population[who cares about USING THE WESTS MEDIA ZIONIST WORDS OR WORD PLAY we are talking about secularist [ie the godless..claiMING TO GIVE GODS PEOPLE THEIR LANd we been there dun that and the romans kicked em OUT YOU ARE EITHER OF THE GODLESSS STAR OR THE lampstand he laM.pstaND=LEVIE..THE STAR/the child culT what settlers.. in..dark/places..[inothers lands/with duel passorts diplomatic immunity..etc..[what HOLY under? talmudic [sic*].law? quotations;..from the Soncino Edition of the Talmud,(Book] SANHEDRIN,..55b-55a:.."What is meant by this?... Rab said:..Pederasty with a child below nine years of not deemed as pederasty..with a child above that. (footnotes)"..The reference is to.. the passive..'subject'/..*victim..of sodomy UNDER NINE now lets..go younger YEBAMOTH,60b..*...Rabbi.Ramanos who conducted an/inquiry..and..'found' it the daughter of a..'proselyte'.. who was under..the age of three years[and one day]..., and Rabbi declared her/eligible* to live with a priest." (footnotes)"..A proselyte..under the age of three years and one day married by a priest... *And was a priest. (i.e.,permitted to continue/to live with her'husband'."] [not gods in./.the bible (Book) Child sacrifice..was practised in ancient offering to the Ammonite god Molech..a worship of natural fertility..*which was forbidden*by the laws of Israel. See Leviticus 18:21; 20:1 - 5; 1Kings 11:7; 2 Kings 1717; 21:6; 27:10; Jeremiah 32:35; Ezekiel 16:21. [is/this..what the settlers,,[under..THE ATHEIST[secular] the deserts..of/the..lampstand..[the/fox/in..the hen-house?] tell me...ever heard..of the/clean hands doctrine? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 2:38:30 PM
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No, Malcolmpb, it is you that lives in a parallel universe. Rarely in such a short comment has anybody managed to completely misunderstand, misrepresent, and plain mislead on the history of the formation of the state of Israel and the subsequent history, but you did so.
I won't even bother suggesting some reading sources for you. It is obvious from your comment that invincible ignorance is your forte and anything I or others might say about the reality that is Palestine today is never going to persuade you otherwise. You might however, consider an extended period of silence and spare the rest of us from your profound ignorance. Posted by James O'Neill, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 2:56:52 PM
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we agree on very little and are at opposite ends of the political spectrum but the issue of mistreatment and oppression of Palestinians unites us. That should trouble the Israeli leadership and their propagandists much much more than any Palestinian rocket. With such demonstrations of unity it is only a matter of time before the injustice is buried like all injustice in the past has been buried. And the perfect example was how East and West united to rid the world of the Nazis. Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 3:19:42 PM
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A well written article Raffaele.
The current rightwing Israeli Government of Netanyahu politically benefits from mayhem and violence - to a degree the Palestinian leadership similarly benefits. What is outrageous is the Israeli bombing of Gaza. It amounts to disproportionate punishment of a society. The Israeli spectator sport of watching Gaza be bombed sets Israel back to burning at the stake - for the example set and pleasure watched. See the smiling faces in the photos - . Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 3:21:38 PM
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Yes, Raphaele Piccolo. there is a race/ religious war going on in and around Israel. The Arab Muslims are on one side and the Jews are on the other. Under such circumstances, racial profiling is just plain common sense.
And your point is.........? Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 5:40:18 AM
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Sorry to have to correct you but it is inaccurate to say the war is a racial war and the Palestinians are not Arabs. Arabs came from Saudia Arabia and conquered most of the native populations of the mid east including the Persians, Palestinians, Egyptians etc. That is how Islam spread. The Jewish people and the Palestinian people are both from the same racial group. Both are semetic peoples. They are in fact brothers divided only by their ancient beliefs that each are superior to the other. Both religions need an enlightenment. And the world needs to tell them both. It is great to see the Egyptians again taking a lead role in the peace effort. That must frighten the crap out of the Israeli leadership and their propagandists. Their great allie and funder the US is once again sidelined. It is an indication the US is waking up to the antics of the Israels snd that world opinion is turning against them.a Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 7:56:09 AM
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This is what a palistein rocket does AT BEST A HOLE[arround TWO FOOT ROUND/INTO the ground A FOOT DEEP here is what ARROND A HUNDRED OF THEM LOOK LIKE..[USED] as you can see they are mostly intact/plus some intresting POINTS TO NOTE/BUT FIRST NOTE THIs..these are the leFT OVERS OF 'REAL ROCKETS petty fragmENTS/THAT SPRAY DEATH ALL ROUND SO LETS NOTE the 'rockets' see how the metal//rIPS BUT NOT SEPPERATES[IT DOSNT Shater like the real bombs israel explodes into heaveY MUTAGENE PARTICULATE LOOK AGAIN at the pictures ONE LUMP OR HUNDREDS OF SHARDS ITS not the same thing punish the guilty iM TELLING YOU THIS IS A WAR BETWEEn satanic aNTI GOD FORCES AGAINST THE UNITY OF THE nations of god THIS CANNOT COME by these STOP LYiNG..please one OF THESE destroyes more THAN ALL OF THESE The image ..of the Israeli spectators was taken after 9 p.m. local time on Wednesday, the reporter said, about the same time that what was intended to be a “precision strike” from Israel’s military killed at least eight of their Palestinian neighbors, seated in similar plastic chairs at a beachside cafe in Gaza, waiting to watch the World Cup semifinal between Argentina and the Netherlands. As his image reverberated around the social network, where it was shared more than 10,000 times, the reporter was surprised by the response. It was, he said in a telephone interview from Israel, “nothing new.” Similar scenes, of Israeli spectators gathered on the high ground above Gaza to view the destruction below, were documented in a Times of London article and a video report from Denmark’s TV2 during Operation Cast Lead in 2009. http://youtube/Tjw8U0AcH4 ? Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 10:52:13 AM
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Hi IMJN. (Your avatar is too much of a mouthfull).
The Jews are not really "a race" as defined by most dictionaries. But the meaning of words change with time and circumstance. If it is considered "racism" to criticise Muslims in Australia under section 18C of the Anti Discrimination Act, then the definition of what a race is, has obviously expounded to include religious identity as well. Hitler regarded the Jews as a Semitic race who's inbreeding with Nordic people was weakening the Nordic race. The extermination of six million Jews by the Germans is still regarded as a spectacular act of racism. There were Nordic looking Germans who were Jews (one actually joined the SS as a way to hide his identity), who were exterminated anyway, so religion was considered more a guide to race than actual appearance, according to the German Nazis. It is true that 3,700 years ago, all Jews were once from Egypt and the basis of their race is Semitic. But one of the beefs the Muslims have about Israel is that is was created by European Jews who after 3000 years of intermarriage in Europe are identifiably different in physical appearance from the Jews who have always resided in the orient. I completely disagree with your analysis of the situation in Israel. I think that the Jews have as much right to ethnically cleanse the Muslims from their land as the Muslims have so successfully cleansed Jews from their territories. The war is all the fault of the Muslims, who have a religious belief that Islam can never be supplanted in a conquered territory. The Arab states could solve the war tomorrow if they took in the Palestinians into their own societies and let the Israelis live in peace. Palestine" is not a viable country without massive US, European and Muslim aid. The only viable "business" that the Palestinians have is being the pawns of the mullahs in their religious war with Israel. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 17 July 2014 5:37:04 AM
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Nutter or any abridging is ok. It's only a name. I like every liberal democrat can never ever condone ethnic cleansing. We Australians have fought wars to prevent any sort of 'cleansing' whether ethnic or idealogical. Such beliefs are intrinsically evil. It astonishes me you would even attempt to justify on the basis with an underlying revenge is ok attitude. That is not how we westerners with our christian based philosophy and law approach conflict of any sort. It is however the practise of the Jewish dominated state of Israel and their propagandists as well as some Muslim nations and many muslim radicals. I smile at you believing the Israeli set of religious nutjobs are better than the Muslim religious set of nutjobs. Btw you ignored the reality of demohraphics. Not all middle east muslims, as across all muslim nations, are Arabs. Why did you ignore this? Have you been hoodwinked by Israeli propaganda? Why don't you join with me and call for them all to reform their respective religions with an enlightenment. Surely you see reason in that? Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 17 July 2014 10:27:24 AM
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What if Hamas dumped all its rockets in the sea tomorrow? Would Gazans enjoy the same freedoms as other nations? Would they be able to open their sea port to foreign ships and rebuild and operate their airport? Would they be able to import and export and carry on trade and develop their economy and prosper like other countries?
Would they be allowed to exploit and develop their offshore gas field? Would their fishermen be allowed to fish in unpolluted waters? Would their young people be able to come and go and take up places at foreign universities? Would Israel clear out of Gazan airspace permanently? Would the Israeli navy cease its piracy and stay out of Palestinian territorial waters? Would you and I be able to visit Gaza direct? Fat chance. None of this would suit Israel. So Gazans would be no better off. Their tormented half-existence would continue. There are no rockets coming out of the West Bank. Yet the illegal Israeli occupation there continues and so does the ethnic cleansing, the land theft, the illegal settlements, the colonization, the demolition of Palestinian homes, the throttling of the economy, the abduction and “administrative detention” of civilians and the massive interference with freedom of movement. Nothing has changed for West Bank Palestinians who do not fire rockets. There is no sign of an end to their misery. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 17 July 2014 2:20:11 PM
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@under one god. Well said. Israel of course has no intention of relinquishing its stranglehold on Gaza as well as the other Palestinian territories which it illegally occupies (and Syrian territory as well).
One of the (unspoken) reasons for Israel's domination of Gaza are the substantial oil and gas deposits off the Gaza coast which when developed would give Palestine significant financial resources and a measure of true economic independence. Israel has no intention of allowing that to happen. In the view of many observers that is a fundamental reason (although far from the only one) for Israeli control of Gaza's waters. Posted by James O'Neill, Thursday, 17 July 2014 2:39:25 PM
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there is just so much info
its like we are attacking at all fronts Unite believes the Israelis’ attack on the Palestinian people is merely cover for their intransigence during the peace talks and an expression of their future intent. “Israel is clearly concerned that the Palestinian people are finding a new unity and that the justness of their cause is gaining increasing international recognition and support.” And it neatly debunks the Israeli propaganda myth about rockets. This isn’t about rockets from Gaza. It’s about Israel fighting to maintain its control over Palestinian lives, and Palestinian land. It’s about Israel feeling able to commit war crimes with complete impunity. It’s about the world media indicating that Palestinian lives are worth less than Israeli lives. It’s about the fact that Palestinian children are being killed at the rate of one every three days. It’s about millions of Palestinians living under illegal occupation. It’s about the brutal siege on Gaza, and the third military assault on a trapped population in less than six years. It’s about more than 60 laws that discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel. It’s about Israeli state racism and apartheid. It’s about ethnic cleansing. It’s about colonization, and over 500,000 settlers. It’s about Israel’s systematic violations of international law and Palestinian human rights. Besides approving boycott and divestment, Unite goes the whole hog and call also for sanctions against Israel for its continued illegal occupation, flouting of international law, and construction of an apartheid regime. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 17 July 2014 2:52:27 PM
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Hi one under god
With "What if Hamas dumped all its rockets in the sea tomorrow?" and the whole post. It shows you are capable of fair and original thought. Oops let me take that back. Yours is a slab quote all lifted from: Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 17 July 2014 4:21:09 PM
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Hi Nutter. (are you sure you are comfortable with that?)
My position is, that everyone on Earth is racist, to one degree or another. Every racial, ethnic and religious group on Earth prefers to live among it's own people. People who share their values, attitudes and beliefs, and with whom they feel safe with, because of their kinship ties. There is nothing wrong with such racism. And I agree with the Greek philosopher who said that "loyalty to ones own people is the highest morality." Now, multiculturalism is a failure. It is just like Socialism. How many times need it fail before so called "intelligent" people figure out it is a bad idea? Every war going on at the moment is a race and religious war, and usually within independent states. The only solution proposed to end the fighting is to separate the warring ethnic and religious parties into separate states. Therefore, I propose that ethnic cleansing and monoculturalism promotes world peace. "Good fences make good neighbours", as the poet ,Frost would say. The separation of Yugoslavia into separate states was a good example. After WW2, most European countries ethnically cleansed all of their German minorities and the Germans accepted them back as "Volksdeutch." The East Europeans had proof of the widespread collaboration of ethnic Germans with the German conquerors, and they rightly considered them to be a threat to their existence. They would never consider them to ever be "Romanians, Bulgarians, Czechs, or Poles, again. In the Pacific, the USA ethnically cleansed a million Japanese from South Korea( who had lived, and who had homes and businesses there for 100 years), as a way of removing the historical Japanese military threat to Korea. So no, I can't consider ethnic cleansing as an absolute evil. With the threat to the existence of western civilisation in Europe from Muslim immigration now manifesting itself, the normally limp wristed Euros are coming around to thinking the unthinkable. Tolerance, and the idea that everybody from opposing beliefs can live happily ever after within the same territory, is a recipe for social suicide. Posted by LEGO, Friday, 18 July 2014 5:29:10 AM
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Yep Lego it is only a name.
No matter what the history. Any sort of cleansing is unjustafiable. Originally separation of the religiously different Croats and Serbs was undertaken by inserting a Muslim population and the creation of their state of Bosnia. That worked out well didn't it? On the other hand the US is a nation of immigrants of different cultures religions and races which functions very well. I would lean toward saying it is open, democratic societies which function with a high level of tolerance that deal with difference best. Being loyal to ones own social group, whether cultural, ethnic, rscial or religious is not racism. Discriminating against those outside of the particular group is racism or bigotry or a lack of tolerance of difference. Cheers Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 18 July 2014 6:08:51 AM
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, Because UOG copied it does not make the substance wrong. Posted by imajulianutter, Friday, 18 July 2014 6:11:24 AM
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LEGO..<<..So no, I can't consider ethnic cleansing as an absolute evil.>>
well said israel out now go dont look back just go bye BYE ISRAEL THE LAW IS WRITTEN NOW GO AWAY[ISRAEL]..THE SCUM FLOATS AWAY have a nice day i knew it would be easy; the end good riddence..secular gods people confused were them jews? oh but thats not going too well SO THEY OPEN UP THE NORTHERn front isrEal is all front;..but you can duck and eave..but ya works reveal if gods people trust god;if satans people keep revealing your vile works[by your works will we eventually know who your..serving..war=satan..blind freddy can tell anyhow how long can Zrael spend quarter a million shooting down \ bomb made from left over plumbing supplies from israel air raids on one of the gulags with the acces to the gas[no where near the excuses these godless seclarists used to blow gaza To pieces shalom is a mockery..shalom indeed its rote rot said like a child parrOTING A WORD WITHOUT MEANING..SODOM Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 July 2014 6:22:38 AM
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Thats true Nutter
It would be great if UOG reproduced such good arguments in proper paragraph form - even block quotes. Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 18 July 2014 12:24:42 PM
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Your last post did not make any sense, IMJN. Nobody "inserted" the Muslims in order to separate the Croats and the Serbs. The Balkans used to be the front line of Europe against the invading Muslims and the scale of massacres committed by the "Turks" on the Balkan people to subdue them was impressive. That is why the Croats and Serbs hate the Muslims, and any Balkan resident who converted to Islam they considered a traitor.
The United States is not doing well at all. It is now 2 trillion dollars in dept and it's idiot President has now added a new health care system which the yanks can't afford, to make it a lot worse. As the productive white people are being supplanted by incoming waves of Hispanics, we are seeing the same thing that we are seeing in Australia. White flight, and the creation of immigrant ghettoes with incredibly high rates of violent criminal behaviour and welfare dependency. What happens when socialist governments who pander to unproductive and crime prone immigrant groups in order to buy their votes can be seen on any Youtube video about Detroit, USA. The most spectacular terrorist incident in history involving Muslims occurred in the USA, and you think that everything is just swell. You even have a Muslim US Army officer shooting his own men, and a Muslim US Army paratrooper "fragging" his own HQ, and you can't see any problem. Just in case you haven't noticed, patriotic and racist organisations in Europe are going from strength to strength in the polls. The problem with racial tolerance, is that it is easy to convince people who have no contact with problem prone minorities that they are just like us. But when they meet them, they know they were lied to. President Kennedy once gave a speech about he universal brotherhood of the human race, saying "we all breath the same air, and we all want what is best for our children." Cut to the Muslim parents putting toy suicide belts on their toddlers, and you know that he was wrong. Posted by LEGO, Friday, 18 July 2014 4:51:02 PM
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let-it/go..<<..Cut to the Muslim parents putting toy suicide belts on their toddlers, and you know that he was wrong.->>\\
cut to four dead kids sitting on the beach? POT is one from israel kiddies heres a photo [SHe ;would be old enough now to fight? she is writing;though its tried being refuted it proves what mr letitgo? HEReS A VIDIO demon adults..;raise demonic kids..[yids] i've been thinking for the last two days about this photo and the storm of reaction it set off. I worry about the climate of hate that would lead people to look at it and automatically assume the absolute worst - and then use the photo to dehumanize and victimize. I wonder why so many people seem to take satisfaction in believing that little Israeli girls with felt markers in their hands - not weapons, but felt markers - are evil, or spawned by an evil society. I wonder how those people would feel if Israelis were to look at a photo of a Palestinian child wearing a mock suicide belt in a Hamas demonstration and conclude that all Palestinians - nay, all Arabs - are evil. And I wonder why it is so difficult to think a little, to get it into our heads that television news and photojournalism manipulate our thoughts and emotions. Posted by one under god, Friday, 18 July 2014 5:28:21 PM
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the itle hints at divide and conqueer
anyhow;quote..<..It would be great if UOG reproduced such good arguments in proper paragraph form - even block quotes.>> we live in an age where clarity;..gets one locked away..BESIDES ALl WE CAN SAY IS THE THINGS BOUGHT INTO OUR AWArness;..usualy from a narrow field of peers or limited media..[here is the second most trusted man;i know/but if hes wrong..;he dares say so. like alex jones goes to great lengths..[usualy] protect israel..[IE SEE-THURSADYS] so much so many think he is about disinfo..i agree and disagree with alex[but he has sources/he has audience..he has passion;;to seek a peace..he is usualLy pointing in the true course[but as human has feet of clay..;go figure why god made human ;;that way..we al rise up from the cccc rap/some sunk deeper..;thats all it seems in satans realm..we are tempted to dig our own graves[so to speak]..and even better ..WE ALONE..chose how deep. BREVITY OF POST/means\ TO LISTEN/NOt read its more honorable to die at home...with your loved ones than run Posted by one under god, Sunday, 20 July 2014 7:42:55 AM
My own friends used to call me 'the Iranian terrorist' because of my looks, at least until I took my beard off. It was a fair call, but I lied to my Iranian friends and told them those others had called me 'the Iranian'.
The Palestinians I know and respect are the ones that came to Australia to live in peace. The rest are caught in a nest of vipers, coopted as the prey and tools of murderers.