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In Palestine every Palestinian is a suspect : Comments
By Raffaele Piccolo, published 15/7/2014Put simply, to be a Palestinian in Palestine makes you a suspect for any and every past, present and future crime. It is an inescapable status.
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Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 15 July 2014 3:21:38 PM
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Yes, Raphaele Piccolo. there is a race/ religious war going on in and around Israel. The Arab Muslims are on one side and the Jews are on the other. Under such circumstances, racial profiling is just plain common sense.
And your point is.........? Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 5:40:18 AM
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Sorry to have to correct you but it is inaccurate to say the war is a racial war and the Palestinians are not Arabs. Arabs came from Saudia Arabia and conquered most of the native populations of the mid east including the Persians, Palestinians, Egyptians etc. That is how Islam spread. The Jewish people and the Palestinian people are both from the same racial group. Both are semetic peoples. They are in fact brothers divided only by their ancient beliefs that each are superior to the other. Both religions need an enlightenment. And the world needs to tell them both. It is great to see the Egyptians again taking a lead role in the peace effort. That must frighten the crap out of the Israeli leadership and their propagandists. Their great allie and funder the US is once again sidelined. It is an indication the US is waking up to the antics of the Israels snd that world opinion is turning against them.a Posted by imajulianutter, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 7:56:09 AM
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This is what a palistein rocket does AT BEST A HOLE[arround TWO FOOT ROUND/INTO the ground A FOOT DEEP here is what ARROND A HUNDRED OF THEM LOOK LIKE..[USED] as you can see they are mostly intact/plus some intresting POINTS TO NOTE/BUT FIRST NOTE THIs..these are the leFT OVERS OF 'REAL ROCKETS petty fragmENTS/THAT SPRAY DEATH ALL ROUND SO LETS NOTE the 'rockets' see how the metal//rIPS BUT NOT SEPPERATES[IT DOSNT Shater like the real bombs israel explodes into heaveY MUTAGENE PARTICULATE LOOK AGAIN at the pictures ONE LUMP OR HUNDREDS OF SHARDS ITS not the same thing punish the guilty iM TELLING YOU THIS IS A WAR BETWEEn satanic aNTI GOD FORCES AGAINST THE UNITY OF THE nations of god THIS CANNOT COME by these STOP LYiNG..please one OF THESE destroyes more THAN ALL OF THESE The image ..of the Israeli spectators was taken after 9 p.m. local time on Wednesday, the reporter said, about the same time that what was intended to be a “precision strike” from Israel’s military killed at least eight of their Palestinian neighbors, seated in similar plastic chairs at a beachside cafe in Gaza, waiting to watch the World Cup semifinal between Argentina and the Netherlands. As his image reverberated around the social network, where it was shared more than 10,000 times, the reporter was surprised by the response. It was, he said in a telephone interview from Israel, “nothing new.” Similar scenes, of Israeli spectators gathered on the high ground above Gaza to view the destruction below, were documented in a Times of London article and a video report from Denmark’s TV2 during Operation Cast Lead in 2009. http://youtube/Tjw8U0AcH4 ? Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 16 July 2014 10:52:13 AM
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Hi IMJN. (Your avatar is too much of a mouthfull).
The Jews are not really "a race" as defined by most dictionaries. But the meaning of words change with time and circumstance. If it is considered "racism" to criticise Muslims in Australia under section 18C of the Anti Discrimination Act, then the definition of what a race is, has obviously expounded to include religious identity as well. Hitler regarded the Jews as a Semitic race who's inbreeding with Nordic people was weakening the Nordic race. The extermination of six million Jews by the Germans is still regarded as a spectacular act of racism. There were Nordic looking Germans who were Jews (one actually joined the SS as a way to hide his identity), who were exterminated anyway, so religion was considered more a guide to race than actual appearance, according to the German Nazis. It is true that 3,700 years ago, all Jews were once from Egypt and the basis of their race is Semitic. But one of the beefs the Muslims have about Israel is that is was created by European Jews who after 3000 years of intermarriage in Europe are identifiably different in physical appearance from the Jews who have always resided in the orient. I completely disagree with your analysis of the situation in Israel. I think that the Jews have as much right to ethnically cleanse the Muslims from their land as the Muslims have so successfully cleansed Jews from their territories. The war is all the fault of the Muslims, who have a religious belief that Islam can never be supplanted in a conquered territory. The Arab states could solve the war tomorrow if they took in the Palestinians into their own societies and let the Israelis live in peace. Palestine" is not a viable country without massive US, European and Muslim aid. The only viable "business" that the Palestinians have is being the pawns of the mullahs in their religious war with Israel. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 17 July 2014 5:37:04 AM
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Nutter or any abridging is ok. It's only a name. I like every liberal democrat can never ever condone ethnic cleansing. We Australians have fought wars to prevent any sort of 'cleansing' whether ethnic or idealogical. Such beliefs are intrinsically evil. It astonishes me you would even attempt to justify on the basis with an underlying revenge is ok attitude. That is not how we westerners with our christian based philosophy and law approach conflict of any sort. It is however the practise of the Jewish dominated state of Israel and their propagandists as well as some Muslim nations and many muslim radicals. I smile at you believing the Israeli set of religious nutjobs are better than the Muslim religious set of nutjobs. Btw you ignored the reality of demohraphics. Not all middle east muslims, as across all muslim nations, are Arabs. Why did you ignore this? Have you been hoodwinked by Israeli propaganda? Why don't you join with me and call for them all to reform their respective religions with an enlightenment. Surely you see reason in that? Posted by imajulianutter, Thursday, 17 July 2014 10:27:24 AM
The current rightwing Israeli Government of Netanyahu politically benefits from mayhem and violence - to a degree the Palestinian leadership similarly benefits.
What is outrageous is the Israeli bombing of Gaza. It amounts to disproportionate punishment of a society.
The Israeli spectator sport of watching Gaza be bombed sets Israel back to burning at the stake - for the example set and pleasure watched. See the smiling faces in the photos - .