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Why tolerate religion? : Comments

By Ralph Seccombe, published 19/6/2014

Given the universal human rights of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly etc etc, should there be a separate and additional category of religious rights?

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Is Mise,
What is a miracle ? Latin miraculum ‘object of wonder’, from mirari ‘to wonder’, from mirus ‘wonderful’.
Yes it is wonderful if someone gets cured, does that make the surgeon a miracle ? Or what about the brainy inventor & even more brainy maker of the surgery equipment that enables the surgeon to become the hero ?
At times the body's defence system is strong enough to overcome an illness or even a decease. I think people like you are misusing & misinterpreting the word miracle. You're hell-bent in trying to attach a religious connection to something that is a chance happening in the process of evolution. Why do I say that ? because you pleople always talk about the almighty & benevolent being you call God. Why then does this God tolerate so much misery & suffering if he loves people so much. All I know is that if I had that power there wouldn't be a single human suffering & any bad ones would miraculously disappear from the face of the earth.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 22 June 2014 6:57:41 AM
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Is Mise,

A miraculous healing - of the kind of the 67 recognised by Vatican (out of about 7000 officially investigated) as having taken place in Lourdes since 1858 - always involves some willpower, some faith in the source of healing (c.f. Jesus’ “your faith has healed you”), even when contemporary medicine cannot explain this acting of the mind on the body. God does not brake the laws of nature to reward your faith (e.g. no prayer has yet brought back an amputated leg.) He acts through your willpower, in this case using Mary, Marian devotion, as a mediator.

These are not scientific facts (we cannot explain the nature of consciousness, in particular the relation between your mind and its carrier, your brain) hence science can neither confirm nor deny these interpretations. One can only state (as the Vatican did in the 67 cases) that contemporary science cannot explain them (nobody can predict what science will or will not be able to explain in the future).

For a person who witnessed such a healing in Lourdes, especially if he/she was the person thus healed, this can be a strong boost for his/her faith. However, if your faith depends on science accepting these miraculous healings as scientific facts, then - if I may say so - your faith is based on very fragile foundations.
Posted by George, Sunday, 22 June 2014 8:52:03 AM
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the failure to acknowlege One's Creator is sheer pig headedness as every where you look design is very evident. To replace it with the idiotic unscientific notion that order came from chaos shows you can have 3 phd's and still be a fool.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 22 June 2014 9:33:06 AM
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BANJO..<<..I..only accord my belief with the utmost parsimony...>>

that/bought-up..some interesting;envisioning...[see/the after realms..;are divided by our PERCEPTION..[interaction]..of our internal the realsed extenALS..our senses..bring into our 'consiousness'/awareness..;[AETHERISED-revealations]..these affectivly sepperate[parse=..the sheep from the goats[to ever finer divisions..
so that as jESUS said..each REALISATION/WE manifest;is of itself..very precise/exact;..a constant wonder/ever more miraculous/as we self realise what we are,,chosing to be..THe..realisation..of the beiNG..OF ALL BEING.

<<..comprehention of our sPIRITUS..>>
begins by finding it/within[self],,THEN/all*other\then everywhere.[but it begins withI the bounds of passability/they themselves much as passed on..or passed over/or inherited.[ITS A SLIPPERY CONDITIONAL/APPLYING SPECIFICLY..TO OUR PRESENT LIVING MOMENT..[AND momentum]

<<I do not believe anything..which is just a simple possibility>>

MY MINDS REELING BETWEEN THE POSSABLE/THE PASSABLE AND THE PROBABLE AND THE IMPOSSABLE..[damm caps]...god is infinate probability..where the imPost'able becomes post*sible..[that we see others do we can do]..or as jesus said/see that ye see me do;you shall do greater,[i rule nuthing out nor in[except the clear sepperation if that real/possable..and than not real;..only made possable/by supending reality.[good grace mercy light/life=reality] jesus said the evil was never real..only our belief gave it any semblance/of 'real'..

<<..or aspiration or hope>>

yes exactly..if we believe it/and its not hurting anyone

<<>>on my part. I do my best to avoid taking my desires for reality.>>

but proven by your recognition
ONCE a desire is assumes reality/by the focus of mind we bring..into its 'having',,desirability,if only montary,for that one fleeting micro second/peter walked on the water/not in it.

<<>.I only believe..what I am convinced*,,is real.>>
in hell..the nightmare appears before our minds-eye..untill we dispell the vision
[if wre thinking it/we are feeding its..'qualities/qualifications'..empowering,,its projection?[they feed me a logic..via the senses.but its my own conviction/that sustains a be*lief,,[lief=love]...lovE leaf,,not leave

<<..The so-called “su,per*natural” a simple pro*position..>>


<< far as I am concerned...Until
convinced otherwise,..I consider that it*,,is not real,>>

ie..the super/pro"..position

<< other words..>.super*supra*[ra]<<..:..not “something which exists independently..of ideas concerning it”..>>

most/ one
we are as one/one sustaining THE OTHER..we the collective good=god..]i-am=me]..we-the sin..the illusion..god discovering our works..will we know..he/we/me....

atonement..[at-one-meant] grace/we find..our*self..=..he.
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 22 June 2014 11:25:12 AM
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You cannot refute the miraculous nature of the claimed miracles at Lourdes yet you have no hesitation in ascribing certain traits to my good self.

Where have I, in the present discussion, mentioned God or a belief in His existence?

Miracles do happen of that there can be no doubt and those that cannot be scientifically explained must be attributed to some source.
Some people think that they are of supernatural origin, surely their explanation ought to be given the courtesy of a hearing at least and their claims examined.

Why can I not find any scholarly examination of their claims?

I have appealed for help but none has been forthcoming.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 22 June 2014 11:30:09 AM
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you can have 3 phd's and still be a fool.
Thank for stating something factual for a change, if only 99% of academics could acknowlege that, we'd all be better off.
You didn't go to Lourdes since your previous last post by any chance ? If you did I might become a convert.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 22 June 2014 11:44:09 AM
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