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The end of ideology? : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 7/5/2014There has been talk of 'values' as if it is recognized that we have lost all but means and ends; but it is hardly convincing.
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Posted by WmTrevor, Sunday, 11 May 2014 12:27:39 PM
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DAVID/quote..<<>.Angels\with wings/..growing out*of..their backs/are anatomically impossible\..since there place/to attach\muscles to power..the wings.>>
an egg-laying mammal..THAT Swims?,,[black*swans?] WITH THE beak of a duck..[OR A Unicorn...or jesus..or budda] we each...see we expect*/to\see them/..*they do not shock us. i recall/a priest..who passed over/was the Seignio/HIGH AUTHORITY...WEARING...THE EXACT VESTMENTS..HE WORE On earth/WHEN COMMENTED ON..HE REPLIED HE WAS WEAR THE CLOTHES/THE\DEPARTED EXPECTED HIM..TO BE WEARING.. AS SOON/AS..IT WAS noticed..the normal dress/became apparent[INSTANTLY/APPEARED]..THE/point being..if a child dies expecting*to get an..angel\with wings/..thats what they get.[children/even/have..what/they alone/perceive/2\B/..fairies/etc[WE UNDERACHIEVERS OF/COURSE..WOULD SEE/ZIP.] its hard to...explain/..the nature..of the spirit-realm its made up..of many different/LEVELS..PERCEPTION ..REAMS OF SIMULTUDE/OF WILL/THAT OVERLAY..EACH OTHER/..MUCH IN THE PATTERN WE layed down on earth\but/.like a red filter filters out red..those only perceiving 'blue'..or completLy unaware OF RED to try and explain it/movement in spirIT IS BY..ENVISIONING\WILLING..2/..where/you wish to/be..and YOUR DRAWN To towards that..your wishing for/..physical wings dont need 'fly'/THOUGHT\Will..DOes all the 'travel' WINGS WERE PERCEIVED/by\sense..[AS ANGEL..'TOUCHING'..US FEELS LIKE A BREEZE/WIND//LIKE A FEATHER BRUSHING PAST US..EVER SO GENTLY[OR ON OCCASION A LOT FIRMER] BUT mostly by..senseS..[I Feel]..the wing thing arose. AND AN OSMOSIS/LIKE LEVITATION/THAT FLOATS US WHERE-ever..OUR MIND Wills'be;..can instantly..take us/anywhere/in time..we want to go/ the perception of 'WINGS'..IS EASY EXPLAINED AWAY/ the dead reporting..their assent TO HEAVEN../AS BEING LIKE CARRIED AWAY..INTO the sky/..LIKE SAINTS RAISED 'BODILY'..[EXCEPT MAYBE ITS A Spiritual simile.]..but flesh cant go to where our soul goes/simply by our will passion/obsession lust .. still its a powerful imagery/and imagery DECEIVES quote rightly imagery IS WARNED AGAINST..YET AN ANGEL TOUCH Feels like a FEATHER TOUch..MUCH lIKE WINGS ENFOLDING US..[nothing is god we need simply say be and it shall be.]..[jesus said see me do you..will DO GREATER.. anyhow..its just imagery..but simuli/to give us a we can recognized the angels ever so gentle Presence...RELAYING GODS EVER SO SOFT we stumble FROM one teaching lesson TO THE NEXT/TIL WEE FIND THAT PASSION/that gets us OUT OF OURSELVES...AND ENJOINING WITH OTHER/AT WHATEVER LEVEL meets our paSSION.. or something/..LIKE THAT..<-;-} Posted by one under god, Sunday, 11 May 2014 10:12:06 PM
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Wm Trevor,
I'll bet it was an ugly little bugger, too :) Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 12 May 2014 5:07:19 PM
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LET ME BE MORE UNFAIR..[IT]..[]AGE-grIST UGLY BABY SIN-D-ROME].... MIGHT EVEN EXPLAIN..WHY THE BAPTIZER WANDERED IN THE DESERTS/EATING honey/robbing honey..or eating grasshoppers/thAT FIGHT ALL THE WAY DOWN[ONE IS HARMLESS/except the bEES BUT KARMICLY THE STINGS HELP EXplain the 'uglyness] ugly one could only bare to look upon his head/REFLECTED ON THE PLATER..once he was dead his mum WAS 87? his parents were both priests HE WAS CONCIEVED AFTER THE CERImony of the holy of hOLIEST DAY[HIS BURTh 9 months is certaIN/HE WAS The jesus said when the baptiser lived..its not yet my time*..[and who in their right mind wants that burDEN/HE SAW WHAT IT WAS DOING TO JOHN/who sat in the waters to cool off his been stings/ he once said something to jesus//about a lamb/lying with the lying like the tares lie with the wheat/but only one is fit to eat I SO OVER BLOGGING..but idioLogy must eND ISRAEL IS RESISTING/kicking and screaming/ both popes should BE GOING* [IF THE TRUTH be for knowing] ale Posted by one under god, Monday, 12 May 2014 5:25:46 PM
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the end of idio/logic
Idea-logGY...[REVEAL-ELATION] falls upon govt/GOVERNING/LAW AND THE ARTS TOO via previous life's miss leanings WE ENTERED INTO/OUR LIVED..Life's yearnings[learning]. [SOME NEED TO BE SPANKED..OTHERS A enough..sOME CAN LEARN FROM OTHERS/MISS-TAKES..yet others need liVE..IT OUT ourselves/ given/the easiest least damaging way/mainly to correct PAST KARMA..[we then did unto other]..ITS About..LEARNING-earning..empathy. we cant conceive/ourselves..'DOING../e-vile\..UNto other AND YET IN A PREVIOUS LIFE WE MAY HAVE...un-thINkINGly IN OUR HEARTS WE EVEN 'Helped'..them..[into error] some sick way.. its/NOT..Until iT HAPPENS truly/know.. how it feels/but\.MADE..WORSE..BY.. knowing we did it..unto other/..firstly. im told its about power/only if you make it so\satans school=this..just so you knOW. WHETHER OR NOT WE WROTE OUR NAME...Upon lifes living-play its up to us how much we let THESE THINGS AFFECT US..[if its somE FOOL ON AN EGO TRIP/THAT'S ANOTHER TOPIC]..BUT ITS BY GODS WILL WE GET BETTER THAN WE DESERVE/EARNED. <<..would He please zap miscarriages..out of existence.>> beware/for what YOU ASKED/THE SPIRIT/HAS RESOLVED..ITS PAST LIFE ISSUE/living out a whole life sentence/YET AGAIN/ONCE THE BIG POINT HAS BEEN OVEr/OR BE-come.. ACTUAL BEING...isnt THE GOOD DIE YOUNG <<>.its consequences upon your mother.>> MUST BE SEEN..IN THE WAY IT its EXPERIENCED/ONE KNOWS. <<..Sooner would be better than later.>> once you perfected/thyne own part/ ONE GOES WHERE LEADS THE HEART. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 14 May 2014 8:40:44 AM
Although there was the exception of one of my grandmothers who died aged 102.
Not the total tragedy it might have been under the circumstances as the doctors managed to save the baby.