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The end of ideology? : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 7/5/2014There has been talk of 'values' as if it is recognized that we have lost all but means and ends; but it is hardly convincing.
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Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 2:01:16 PM
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DAMM caps...appart from using that big buzz wurd ontogogie or oinalothology..why cant you speAK DOWN FOR ME? so i will need reply pAUL ..<<>.Pete has warned us.>>.? <<..Our Prime connected to the Cloth..>> so what/he thus can be shAMED INTO THE MAIN RULE/TRYING TO LOVE NOT KILL/IM FINE with enDING THE KILLING [the fesh being willing] ,,,<<and Bike-riding (pedophilia is the Latin)>> DAVID PEDOPHILE..means simply child loving/lover of children]..ITS HARDLY AN INSULT AND A POOR INKAGE/EVEN IF PARTIALY some cases.but perhaps not in this inkage <<.and your television shows..clearly bike-riding is full of men's sweaty bottoms all swaying in the breeze! Yuk!> i agree/and woman arnt much better too much like p teasing..but thats the game titivation..into deviance actually talked of extensively ON JONSIE TODAY <<Is it possible that the growth of a result of gay-lobby groups putting the bait,..mate, before the public gaze while pretending it is a sport?>> mate its not just cycling footy caters to the MIND NUMB OVINg the biff [try going to a live game/you wil see its ainY RETARDS[OOPS JUDGE SAID DONT USE THAT Word]..but they are barin damaged masinly via heavey metal poisening [plud light METAL/TOO..IN DEODERANTS CREAMS WATER FOOD VACINES.PRESEVATIVES MUTAGENES ETC so much so/that 30 YEARS AGO ONE IN 3000 has become tODAY ONE IN 32..RETARDED BY GOVT carelessness[hIgh treason]..but spi*riutual karms/this is satans realm/evil can ony claoim..its oWN..AND IKE THE DAYS OF OLD THEY SeE a uniform identity to provide their individual laCK LISTEN TO THE FIRST HALF HOUR IT WIL MAKE YOU SICk.or help wake others up <<Should cycling be banned?>> OF course not/the bible says let the wheat grow with the chaff/but dont let the sheep eat the goats..TILL HARVEST/THEN LET GOD JUDGE WE THE JUDGE HAS BEEN JUDGING 50,000.years as the koran forETOLD TIME IS NEAR UP/WE GROW UP.or the shop shuts up Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 2:12:30 PM
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Certainly part of the socialising of children include teaching them how to behave. I do not deny the worth of intellectual development. However, this is no the only way children learn, they model themselves on the behaviour of parents and teachers and their peer group. Teaching and modelling impinges on Being. People instinctively know how to act out of who they have become. What I am against is the idea that we act entirely out of intellect, as if, in each situation, we have previously decided between right and wrong acts. This approach is a product of Enlightenment thought that overemphasised autonomous rationality. I am proposing an ontological basis for ethics that is grounded in the Christian tradition. Posted by Sells, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 2:26:22 PM
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Dear Sells,
Considering the Wars of the Reformation, the persecution of non-Christians by Christians, the persecution of Christians regarded as heretics by Christians, the Holocaust fueled by years of Christian hatred, the Spanish Inquisition, the burning at the stake of Servetus in Calvin's Geneva, the burning at the stake of Giordano Bruno in Catholic Rome, the support for Hitler of most of the German churches, the current evangelical support for the execution of homosexuals in Uganda and many other Christian inspired and supported atrocities Christianity lost any claim to moral or ethical leadership a long time ago. Although Christians may be quite decent people the commitment to superstition is appalling. Posted by david f, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 2:51:00 PM
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Thank you Peter for another excellent and beautiful article. Keep up the good work!
<<No one now asks why we have an economy, what is government for, what constitutes true humanity?>> I do... but then I'm not a product of the modern age. Dear David F., <<Although Christians may be quite decent people the commitment to superstition is appalling.>> Why then the commitment to the superstition of modernism, that airy-fairy belief as if the objective world is worthy of study and reverence; that irrational assumption as if it is good to lead our life on the basis of trying to achieve objective results? Dear David G., <<Should cycling be banned?>> No, but you just gave me a great idea: if I ride wearing a burka, then the cops will not find out that I wear no pot on my head! Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 3:48:02 PM
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your correct..wearing near anything..on your head
is a matter of freedom of belief..[via fed constitution..116/freedom of religion/OBSERVANCE... thing is if i sO CHOSE I HAVE RIDDEN WITHOUT HELMETS A FEW times and most coPpers got better things to do..A CLOSE FITTING SCULL CAP.. but i would tesT THE LAW/RIDE AT LEAST TILL YOU GET THE FIRST OFFER..[ABOUT THE PRice of a helmet.?] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 4:35:43 PM