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The Forum > Article Comments > Stop the boats? Thinking about refugee policy and human rights > Comments

Stop the boats? Thinking about refugee policy and human rights : Comments

By Jack Maxwell, published 24/3/2014

It’s difficult to believe, but 60 per cent of Australians want the government to increase the severity of the treatment of asylum seekers.

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With one or two honourable exceptions, whenever this issue is raised on the pages of OLO it simply provides a forum for a repeat of the ill-informed opinions issued on previous occasions.

There are some basic facts that need to be borne in mind, although that is probably a wasted plea in this context.

First, we are signatories to both the UN Convention on Refugees and the later Protocol. This means we have a duty to abide by the obligations under those instruments. The fact is we don"t.

Secondly, when the claims are processed (and the failure to do so is an ongoing disgrace) more than 80% are found to be genuine refugees. The balance can be repatriated within our legal obligations.

Thirdly, Australia accepts a derisory percentage of the world's refugees, and shows precious little concern about the millions of others whose lives have been made intolerable.

Fourthly, our policies, such as illegally invading Afghanistan and Iraq and blindly following US policies elsewhere in the world have played no small part in creating the refugee crisis in the first place. We seem totally unable to accept the consequences of our foreign policies.

I thought that the Labour Party had brought us to a new low in their refugee policies, but I was mistaken. Morrison and Abbott seem determined to throw out every vestige of respect for the law, all the while hiding behind an unsavoury cloak of secrecy.

It is time for a fundamental rethink of our policies before our international reputation sinks even lower.
Posted by James O'Neill, Monday, 24 March 2014 2:06:15 PM
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Sorry speegster here is the link to the 7.30 report -

30 + 18 = 48. I would not call 48% a "vast majority" or any sort of majority.

And yes, I have spoken with many people involved in this area. Legal people, medical people, guards, tradesmen and some refugees who have been resettled in my community. Their stories have been interesting to say the least and most do not support the notion of the impoverished, downtrodden asylum seeker.
Posted by Sparkyq, Monday, 24 March 2014 3:12:23 PM
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There is a big difference between real refugees and boats loaded with 95% mostly young men to middle age that we get, they are economic welfare for life invaders.
Posted by Philip S, Monday, 24 March 2014 3:18:53 PM
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Jo'N: more than 80% are found to be genuine refugees.

There is a lot of Politics involved in these decisions. I, for one, don't believe the 80% figure. I do believe that some are given the benefit of the doubt on the slimmest of margins to boost the numbers so as to appease the Lefty, Green cry babies.

Jo'N: Australia accepts a derisory percentage of the world's refugees, and shows precious little concern about the millions of others whose lives have been made intolerable.

Invalid argument.

Jo'N: Fourthly, our policies, such as illegally invading Afghanistan and Iraq and blindly following US policies elsewhere in the world have played no small part in creating the refugee crisis in the first place.

Load of crap. Refugees were coming here long before the Good guys went in to kick the Taliban out. I suppose you were up there protesting the terrible things the Taliban were doing to the local people. No. Then you must agree with what they were doing to the local people. I then surmise that you could be that type of person.

I see you're protesting about the Russians in Crimea too. Mind you if the Yanks had invaded the Lefty, Greenie groups would be protesting everywhere. Strangely silent. Why aren't these groups protesting against the terrible things being done by the Radical Islamic Groups creating havoc around the World now. They are causing the mass movement of Refugees in the first place.

No you Lefty, Greenie types only protest against the West because you can get away with it. You couldn't if you protested against the Baddies in their Country. It would be hard to make a decision without a head.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 24 March 2014 3:21:23 PM
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What a terrible analogy!

Forget about the boat-people or however else you wish to name them: what about ordinary Australians?

The author suggests that in the (hypothetical) event of the prevalence of land-mines, where the established health system cannot cope with the load of injuries, those who provide alternate treatments are to be considered criminals. Yes, he condemns the incarceration of patients, but that only emphasises his contempt for those who treat them.

In other words, the author would not allow Australians to choose from whom and how they receive medical/health care.

The government of Australia is hostage to the professional guilds, headed by the AMA Mafia, legislating in their favour a carbon-copy of those guilds' internal constitutions, so to avoid any possibility of competition. It is not the elected politicians who rule this country, but those shadowy guilds who drip their venom in our politicians' cups.

Behind the "stop the boats" policy is the philosophy that the state must be in control and assume responsibility for everyone living in this continent: now doesn't it perfectly fit the author's values - or does he, by opposing it, prefer the rights of refugees over Australians?

Had the state not made it its business in the first place whether those "boat-people" (or whatever you like to call them) live or die, drown or starve, had it not wished to enforce this expensive intervention with our tax-money, had those people been allowed to fend for themselves - both at sea and in Australia (should they survive the journey), then very little would remain of the 60% support for this policy.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 24 March 2014 3:28:37 PM
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Hi Jayb

Yes there appears to be selective outrage on the part of the Left regarding "refugees", the environment and Russia's new invasion land Crimea.

The Left appear to oddly respect Putin's Press Releases and the actions of the Russian Army in Crimea.

Could it be that Lefties in the shape of Greenpeace became respectful of Putin at the end of last year because he locked up 20 odd Greenpeace Arctic oil rig protesters for many weeks in nasty cold prisons. In Western countries they would have been out of jail, slap on the wrist, after 2 days - but not under Russian "justice".

For Greenpeace the Left and the poor old Russian people fear of Putin appears to breed odd respect for his Highness and Mother Russia.
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 24 March 2014 3:37:15 PM
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