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Throwing rocks is not child's play : Comments
By Philip Chester, published 12/2/2014Sticks and stones will break bones, so how to deal with the perpetrators, even if they are Palestinian children?
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Posted by SF, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 9:39:06 AM
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Does this mean we now have two David Singers to put up with?
As one who watched the whole 4 Corners segment, let me say I wasn't impressed with the soft ABC treatment of the Israeli atrocities although the images spoke ten thousand words. Raiding homes at 2am in the morning and hauling Palestinian kids and teenagers off to interrogation centres and torturing them is not my idea of democracy in action. Thankyou ABC for airing this revealing documentary. The sooner the Israelis get pushed back to where they came from before Israel was corruptly established the better for World Peace. Israelis are a blight on humanity! Posted by David G, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 10:02:38 AM
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a "very complex and multi faceted problem". Indeed.
That is to say, how to maintain the occupation of the Palestinian territories in a way which avoids criticism, is, naturally, a "very complex and multi faceted problem". The author seems quite oblivious to the solution that Israel should stop the occupation of the Palestinian territories. Which seems to justify the earlier comment that OLO readers now have two David Singers to put up with. However Israel treats Palestinian resistance, or the Palestinians generally, it wouldn't turn foreign occupation into anything other than foreign occupation. Posted by jeremy, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 10:13:51 AM
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Israelis? You mean Jews. Say what you mean mate, we all know exactly what you are. Starts with an A and ends with an E
You are wrong way wrong. I didn't know how someone who appears not to be totally uneducated can be so hoodwinked. That programme was a disgrace, if you followed the daily the goings on in much the Arab world, you'd know it was a gross exaggeration. The IDF go into homes at night to avoid others in the village getting hurt, that’s what happens when they riot. They showed a young child being taken by the IDF, yes. What they chose not to show is that child sitting in a vehicle waiting for his father to collect him. These teenagers are thugs. Not too long ago 3 or more of these 'teenagers' broke into a home during the night and murdered two adults and three children, one of which was a month old baby. They missed that baby initially, but the baby cried, so in the words of the murderer in court, he killed the baby because he cried. Next thing you know Israel will once again release a oad of criminals in exchange for peace talks, which once again the Arabs knock back. These killers are hailed as heroes and have children's playgrounds named after them. “The sooner the Israelis get pushed back to where they came from before Israel was corruptly established the better for World Peace.” Really, it’s a proven fact pal that we have been there for around 3,500 years. Whereas your ‘friends’ the Arabs arrived in the 7th century, when true to form, they conquered the area and killed, raped and pillaged. Posted by SF, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 10:37:12 AM
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David G. states that "Israelis are a blight on humanity!" I wonder if he includes the Arab-Israelis in that much abused country. No. He has probably never heard of them, and is just a straight anti-Semite and racist.
Posted by NeverTrustPoliticians, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 10:46:34 AM
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"quite oblivious to the solution that Israel should stop the occupation of the Palestinian territories. ". Unilateral withdrawal from Gaza went well didn't it? Internecine and rockets. A program to be expected from 'your' ABC. Come in spinner! Ask what members of the NT cattle industry think of the 'balanced' ABC.
Posted by Prompete, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 10:52:05 AM
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Israel is not in 'occupation' of 'Palestinian territories'
You guys need to read some history. The invented Palestinian people have never accepted any land. They refused in 1948, 1967, 2000 and 2008. That land was in Jordanian hands until 1967. They took the land earmarked for their Arab brothers in 1948. Israel is in control of area C of Judaea and Samaria as per the agreement made by the invented Palestinians. Read the Oslo Accords. Area B is under joint PA/Israeli control, area A where the bulk of the Arabs live is under PA control Israel made a huge mistake pulling out of Gaza in 2005. Stupidly they believed it was for peace and yet the rockets keep coming. From 2005 to date there have been a mere 8000 of them. So far I haven't heard of any yesterday, but no doubt that is because Israel struck back at the 5 or so which have been fired for the past 4 or so weeks daily. On the days both Kerry and PM Harper arrived so did rockets. You idiotically think they want peace? Posted by SF, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 10:52:27 AM
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Of course living under military occupation and settler fascism would have nothing to do with why kids throw stones. Neither would watching your village's olive trees cut down, your water stolen, roads for Israelis only cut through your village, a separation wall meters high cut through the same village and its adjoining farm land, having to pass through check points and tunnels to access one's own land or to visit a neighbour, never mind having to see a doctor and being made to wait until some other spotty-faced teenager with a rifle at the ready decides to (or doesn't decide to) let you through.
And then there are the night raids. Avoiding stirring up neighbours is not the reason for these raids. Instilling fear in those neighbours is. Israel - and I do not, I most emphatically do not, say Jews so please stop hiding behind any assertion that criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic - is a crime against humanity. Posted by halduell, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 11:25:54 AM
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Peace? The Poles could have had peace if they’d followed the advice currently peddled by the hasbara clan for the Palestinians. Just abandon the Resistance and accept the pig snouts of the foreign occupiers as being present de jure, gifted the stolen territory by God. The incessant bullying of Poles under Axis occupation is a model for the bullying of the people of Palestine today. Of COURSE the occupiers cried “victimised” by the Resistance and called them terrorists. Some of the vermin are still complaining today.
The only action the West could conceivably take to atone for its long history of subservience to the nasty, dangerous and blasphemous state of Israel would be to switch its lavish support to anybody who could use it to enforce the dismantling of the whole shebang and expulsion of the settlers back to their real homelands or to any other country stupid enough to accept them. Anything less than dismantling is no more than a nod and a wink at enormous risk to the lives and treasure of millions, maybe billions, of decent people, all on behalf of a fractious splinter drawn from less than one-third of 0.2% of the world population. It’s not only the Arabs whom the Israel venture threatens, it’s all the rest of us, including Jews with the common decency not to be part of it. Who wants Australian cities nuked in a world war triggered to pull Israel’s chestnuts out of the fire? SF earns his hasbara points with “it’s a proven fact pal that we have been there for around 3,500 years.”. The racist arrogance in the “we” is breathtaking. Show us ANYBODY who has been in Palestine for 3500 years. It’s only 70 years since the world’s sympathy for the Jewish victims of the Nazi Holocaust was mistakenly transferred to the state of Israel, and this wrongly transferred sympathy has been steadily evaporating ever since. Let us hope that as the sympathy for Israel morphs into richly earned hostility, the human sympathy for ALL the victims of the Nazi Holocaust remains undimmed. Posted by EmperorJulian, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 1:17:02 PM
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"Are our memories so selective that we do not recall the fear and the hue and cry that went up around Melbourne when kids were hurling rocks from overpasses on the Eastern Freeway a few short years ago?"
Are you saying you would find it acceptable for the Australian military to storm into these youths homes, in the middle of the night, and drag them away in chains and blindfolds to be treated the way we saw children treated by israel in the four corners report? Children remember! How much lower can Israel sink? Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 2:05:19 PM
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I don't know which group sickens me most: the conscienceless Israeli-apologists who periodically crawl out of the rotting woodwork and endeavor to paint the Israelis white or the scum who are occupying Palestine and carrying out hourly atrocities upon the men, women and children who rightfully belong there.
It is obvious that none of the apologists have been to what used to be Palestine and seen for themselves just how brutal and cruel the religiously-deranged Israelis are. I have been over there and I have followed every news-broadcast about the situation during the last decade, avoiding where I can the MSM. P.S. Upon reflection, the apologists sicken me most. Their craven words encourage the Israelis to commit even worse atrocities! Child killers and torturers should have no right to live on this earth Posted by David G, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 2:42:59 PM
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and rubber bull-Lies [BULL-LETS]..are real bullets IN A rubber..coating STICKS AND STONES CANBREAK YOUR BONES..but reD PHOSHER really burns you depeted uranium ..can mutate their [and youR]..dna..the gmo corn..allowed in mAKES the 3 rd generation..of pailistinian mutantS STerile its you lot dont quit i i hiT YOU WITH A feather..YOU WOULD STILL SAY I HURT YOU FIRST TELL ME MR SECULAR ATHEIST ZION BLOGGER.. HOW MANY ROCKS EVER HIT anyone? how many died from a thrown rock now lets look at the death by solger/bomb poisen suicxide etc a pox on ya rocks stop bombing arabs into the stone age grow up.. BEFORE YOUR TIME IS UP Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 3:03:01 PM
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David G,
You can feel as sick as you like. You will still be an anti-Semite and racist. Posted by NeverTrustPoliticians, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 3:12:27 PM
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'The sooner the Israelis get pushed back to where they came from before Israel was corruptly established the better for World Peace. '
get used to it David G, nothing will change God's mind regarding His covenant even your hatred. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 3:44:00 PM
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David G. Therein lies your problem, you followed every news-broadcast about the situation during the last decade, avoiding where you can the MSM. I guarantee those news sites are leftist ones where they would not know the truth if it hit them in the face.
I have been there many times and have many Arab friends, who have no issues at all. Why do you think that around a million Arabs don’t want to be under PA control, which is what will happen in a land swap deal, if the PA ever agrees to a peace deal? They want to be under Israeli control. There’s a problem in that PA doesn't want them . They have made that very clear. Please spare us the rant of you hourly atrocities too. I have been there many times. An example of the lies than emanate from the WB. Late last year a group of 8 Australian journalists went on a Mission to Israel and the WB. I don't recall where exactly,somewhere near Bethlehem I think it was, but they were caught in the middle of a fracas between some Palestinians and the IDF, including tear gas. They witnessed the whole thing and it was clearly caused by the Palestinians. Next thing they knew, was that it was being reported by the PA media, as an assault by the IDF. They could not believe it. 3 of them contacted the media outlet and it was changed. If someone like you had heard that you would have immediately blamed the IDF. Unlike you, I see faults by both sides as they are and don't take the word of media especially the leftist media as you clearly do. A classic example is Olive trees being damaged/removed in the WB being blamed on people from illegal outposts. I have video showing the Palestinians. Doing it themselves and it happens annually. Posted by Sam C, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 4:01:21 PM
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WE ARE A DIVIDED HOUSE..[as runner points out]..just as you planned in truth it will be solved by more more deaths no more more atheist holy land devoted to the one god thats it your guesTS..IN THE LANDS OF GOD not palistein/not israel but GODS LANDS..[IM ARAB]..SO ALL NEIGHBOURS KNOW* THIS LAND SERVES THOSE WHO SERVE GOD[FULLSTOP] NO GUNS NO wepons of ms destruction..just by grace /mercy alONE..[IF YOUR GODLESS PLEASE GO AWAY..THIS LAND BELONGS TO GOD..NOT ANY SECULAR GOVT/STATE.POLITITION LIVE UP TO YOUR NAme let priests run the holy lands[full stop] I AM SENDING THE POPE..TO STEAL THE DEAL A UNITY TICKEt/run by a war cabnit..from both sides payed for by gods money[see wikiseed/WIKIGELD..S.U.N.TREATY] one for the one or the one for all? anyhow..i got a google seArch..for you unlike me..loty..ou dont provide prooF its an expose'..of the [DIRTY WASHING/ here is a JEW-friendly linK ANYHOW ITS A BOOK just sounds like the end time trumpet but we know your not into that god stuff/dont even do the jewish kosha things. in short you helped kill god and youR MESSIAH* you will not kill gods holy of holy one day longer make peace..or else Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 4:09:10 PM
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your guesTS..[or hosts]..IN THE LANDS OF GOD not palistein/not israel,,but gods holy land but GODS holy LANDS..[In ARAB]..SO ALL NEIGHBOURS KNOW* and in you know too three nameS EMGLISH=GODS PEOPLES LAND DUTCH..VAN DIE MENS LAND YIDDISH..LANdA MENCHE DEN DIE ARAB..TERRA allah head towel ONE MEANING I FORGET THE CHINES CHARACTERS BY THEY MEAN GODS PEOPLES LAND UNDER THE S.U.N TREATY..[PS THE POPE SHALL CARRY THE FATIMA LETTERS] Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 4:17:43 PM
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David G,
Ah the whimsical world of Liberal Democracy! If you're a philo Semite you're a 'Racist". If you're an anti Semite you're a "Racist" If you're proactive on the Palestinian issue you're a "Racist". If you're inactive on the Palestinian issue you're "Racist". It doesn't matter what you say 10 out of 10 Progressives and Conservatives agree that you're a racist. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 4:19:17 PM
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The City of David is a Jewish settlement near the Dung Gate of the Old City. On occupied land, and resisted by the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan, whose land it is taking.
YOU..who....have state-symbol the menorah..(candlebrum). <<..which is the Tenach.. (on..the occasion of..a previous the Holy Land). as,WRITTEN *"not..with..*armed force*..and..not with power,*....*KEY* but..*in My spirit..says..the..Lord of Hosts.">> “As ye sow, reap” that the six-pointed the mark of the beast; and trusting that, with this understanding,..many will reject the mark..[eternal war]..when it comes. Many Jews/palistinians..and Christians have been deceived by Jewish Kabbalists..who would have them believe..that the six-pointed a Jewish symbol. *Nothing could be further from the truth. *It is not a Jewish symbol,..but an occult symbol. The six-pointed star* a hexagram -a curse mark* -no matter what name it may have.:.. the Star of David, Solomon's Seal, Double Triangle, Shield of David, etc. When the occult practitioner..puts a curse on..some'one,..he uses the hexagram! It is not our condemn..the Jewish people, but to condemn..the six-pointed star*,..a curse mark*. It is not a Jewi*sh symbol.. but an occult symbol.* SIX*..straight-lines SIX*...points of intersection into..*Six small triangles ..6..triangles..=..6 ...ISOLATED fiefdoms.. the..6.6.6..* are all..surrounding..a..HEX-o-gram [6 small thief-doms/enslaved serf-dumbs/..dumbed down..peons sparsly automotons..benumbed..minimum wage slaves.. paying their.. to the..4/th reiche'..slumlord$$].. Brethren, my heart's desire..and prayer to Good for,..that they might be saved. And I saw…them..that had gotten..the victory..over the beast, And over..his image..and..over*.his mark*… ..a zeal..for God, but/not according to..knowledge.(Rev. 10:1,2) have born..the tabernacle *of your Moloch,.. and Chiun (Remphan).. your images.., you..have lifted..the shrine..of your lord..the platform..of idiolitry ..the STAR*..OF YOUR GOD,..which ye yourselves...[Amos 5:26-27) The so-called..“Star of David” is..essentially a “hex*0*agram,..deception*. ....where were you..during operation cast lead? later..i wrote >>.. An/invention..called'the..Jewish*people'By..Tom Segev There..never was..a'Jewish people',only..a Jewish-religion,and..the exile..also..never*happened..hence there..was no return. many Israelis..will be astonished to read.. this..for the first time. or..hear this Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 4:46:26 PM
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If you squeeze an orange hard enough the pips will fly out and hit you in the face.
What is going on here? Put a wall around a population and bomb the daylights out of them. Give me a break! Posted by Raise the Dust, Wednesday, 12 February 2014 9:28:13 PM
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Several commentators here love Israel, which is great, but can't they see that the occupation is Israel's own worst disaster?
Forget about the interests of Arabs and the so-called "Palestinians", or whether they are decent or not, speak the truth or not, etc.: think of the Israelis alone: ISRAEL IS BLEEDING TO DEATH BY ITS OWN OCCUPATION, WHICH RUSTS OUT ANY SEMBLANCE OF MORALITY IT ONCE ENJOYED. If you truly love Israel, then think of the welfare of Israelis, think of their mental health, think of their spiritual welfare, show some compassion to those soldiers - conscripts, both in the regular army and in reserves, who are sent whether they like it or not to chase children in the middle of the night, man the road-blocks and protect the settlers while they enact their pogroms. Then think of those young men who then return home and beat their wives because they learned during their military service that it's OK to beat people down. Think of the arrogance and militarism incurred by becoming occupiers of others. Think of the loss of the humility which former generations had. Think also about the antisemitism that Israelis are exposed to as a result of their occupation, including over these very pages. If you love Israel, then allow it to unburden itself from those cursed territories and recover, make it again the good and moral country it once used to be, before its calamity, before it fell into the Arabs' poison-trap. Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 13 February 2014 9:30:46 AM
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It's very rare that I praise the ABC but a big WELL DONE. Not since the death of Richard Carlton has anyone had the courage on take on the might of the pro-Israel lobby.
Love the anti-semite tag used by apologists of Israel. The Palestinians are actually semites but the vast majority of Israeli Jews are actually Ashkenazi. They are Turkic in origin and not even semites. Really it's the Israelis who are anti-semites. As for the 'promised land' myth. Even Jews (especially Haredi) admit that the scriptures say God took Israel away from them after the fall of the second temple due to Jewish sin. God never invited them back. The Jewish State is a creation of a 19-century nationalist ideology. And like other 19-century ideologies it employs force to achieve its ends. Laws governing marriage and nationality, different laws depending on your religion or ethnicity, knocks on the door at 2am to spread fear, confiscation of property. The Jewish state certainly did learn lessons from the holocaust. Shame they were the wrong ones. If this makes me anti-semitic then I'm pleased to call myself anti-semitic. At least I'm pro-humanity. Posted by dane, Thursday, 13 February 2014 8:58:08 PM
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Dane, I think the Australian Human Rights Commission would take issue with this comment if presented with it.
"The Palestinians are actually Semites but the vast majority of Israeli Jews are actually Ashkenazi." There is one sentence just full of mistakes. Firstly there are no such people as Palestinians. There was never any such country, nor was there such a race of people. Invented people cannot be Semites. The term Palestinian was coined by the Soviet disinformation masters in Moscow 1965 when they wrote the pre-amble for the PA Constitution. Arabs calling themselves Palestinians began on 4/6/1967. They took the Jordanian flag, removed the star and made it their flag. The term antisemitism was coined in Germany in 1879 by Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns underway in central Europe at that time. Although it is a misnomer, since it implies a discrimination against all Semites. Arabs and other peoples are also Semites, yet they are not the targets of antisemitism as it is usually understood. Another point is your ignorance in not knowing the first thing about the genetic studies regarding worldwide Jewry. There are blood genetic markers linking Jews wherever they come from to the ME. In certain cases they can name the tribe people came from. Many Sephardi Jews are Kohanim, which is a direct trace back to the Land of Israel 3 thousand years and more. Arabs arrived in the region as marauding conquerors in the 7th century, and were sent packing less than 100 years later. Now if you’d like I can take the remainder of your racist comments to pieces too. BTW, this has to be one of the most racist comments I have heard in many a year, I am thoroughly ashamed to call you an Australian. You disgust me “Not since the death of Richard Carlton has anyone had the courage on take on the might of the pro-Israel lobby.” I suggest you read this . Posted by Sam C, Thursday, 13 February 2014 11:44:30 PM
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You should read these items before name calling too. This country has far more to be ashamed of than Israel.
It's also a pity that you do not have the intelligence to read between the lines and to realise that whole ABC programme was a hatchet job.Most story lines were left unfinished. Such a the young child held by soldiers. Shame they didn't bother to show the father coming to collect him 1/2 hour later. There was another article about the very shocking treatment of Aboriginal children in this country but I can't find it. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones mate. Posted by Sam C, Thursday, 13 February 2014 11:59:08 PM
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You're a laugh a minute. Your response comes straight from Jewish Activism Central Casting. I already know the script! [Stage directions are in square brackets] Pre-emptive move: -Start with a legal threat about being taken to a kangaroo court Introduce a False Premise: -Deny the right of Palestinians to exist [delegitimize and dehumanize] Introduce First Obfuscatory Irrelvancy: - try to mention the holocaust; if you feel that won't run at LEAST mention Germany and the 1930s. [The point is to distract from the victimhood of a people who do not exist and focus soley on Jewish suffering (work towards Jews as the only legitimate victims in world history)] Introduce Second Obfuscatory Irrelvancy: - try to use science to back up Jewish claims [point is science is the opposite of theology and we all know when it comes to theology we ain't got nothing. Any science will do] Follow up Pre-emptive Move with Accusation: - Accuse the person of being racist [Oldie but goodie! Accused will need to focus on defending themselves from baseless allegations rather than talk about Palestinian kids who are arrested at 2am by armed soldiers. Aside: It is NOT a good idea to mention the Gestapo and many secret police forces around the world used this tactic to spread fear and terror among subjugated peoples]. Optional Tactic Introduce Third Obfuscatory Irrelevancy: Mention any human rights issues in accusers home country [this has exactly the same effect as explained under the Accusation section. It muddies the water further and pushes away relevant issues. A sense of guilt will peel off all but the most ethical detractors, oh, oops, I meant anti-semites] Sam. I'm sorry but you're a B grade actor. At least we had some laughs together:) Posted by dane, Friday, 14 February 2014 2:58:21 AM
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“IDF Detains 5-year-old Palestinian Rock Thrower”. The story supposedly documents the alleged “abuse” of 5yr old Palestinian boy. The facts, tell a different story. On Tuesday, 5yr old Wadi’a Maswadeh was doing what he usually does, standing by the heavily trafficked road near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron throwing “rocks” at every Israeli car that passed while being filmed by B’Tselim “field worker” Manal al-Ja’bari. …. an IDF patrol saw Maswadeh throwing the “rocks”. The soldiers decided to stop the boy, get Maswadeh away from the street, and take him to his parents’ house.They enlisted the help of a Palestinian teenager to accompany Maswadeh. All the while Maswadeh was “sobbing” They took the boy to his home, took him inside, and handed him over to his mother. They waited outside for his father to come home. They then took Karem and his son to the Palestinian police station which was within walking distance of their house. Once there, the IDF left. Palestinian police fined Karem 5000 Jordanian dinars ($7,000) for his son’s misdemeanor–30 minutes later, they released them. To conclude, here are a few questions I would like to have answered: Where are Maswadeh’s parents every day when stands beside a busy road throwing rocks at Israeli cars? Why did the Palestinian police fine Maswadeh’s father such an exorbitant sum by Palestinian standards? (Could it be that this is not the first time that Maswadeh or his son have been engaged in illegal activities?) What would your parents have done, if the police had caught you–when you were five, beside a road throwing rocks at cars? (In my small hometown, the police would have taken me straight to my parents’ house, after my father had had a few choice words with me, I wouldn’t have been able to sit down for a week) Far from being a story of IDF abuse, the story of Wadi’a Maswadeh is a story of remarkable IDF restraint and correct action. As usual, the soldiers of the Givati Brigade’s Rotem Battalion deserve to be praised for their efforts. Posted by Sam C, Friday, 14 February 2014 9:41:22 AM
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Sam C, you can't seem to get your small mind around the details of the occupation of the West Bank. If the Israelis had returned to the 1967 borders then that child wouldn't be throwing stones at Israeli cars driving on Israeli-only roads in the West Bank.
And the Palestinians wouldn't be held up a myriads of Israeli checkpoints and subjected to constant Israeli humiliation to say nothing about the demolition of their homes to make way for ever-more settlements and the stealing of Palestinian farms which leave their owners without any source of income. And the documentary which clearly showed Israeli brutality and cruelty wouldn't have been made, couldn't have been made. Sam C, telling a pack of lies about the documentary and Israel's many other war crimes is not going to convince anyone that the Israelis are all sweetness and light. Many of us remember the slaughter of Palestinians in Lebanon and Jenin and the Xmas bombing of Gaza and what happened to the Turkish Aid Convoy in International waters. Israel is a rogue nation, much like the U.S. It needs to be knocked off its perch before it causes even more problems for our world! Posted by David G, Friday, 14 February 2014 10:00:13 AM
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Insightful analysis of the programme
Keith Buxton “Bridges for Peace Australia”. “I watched the ABC Four Corners programme on the treatment by the Israeli military authority of Palestinian children accused of criminal activity such as throwing rocks. There's no doubt that Israel is less than perfect in its genuine endeavours to maintain security in a highly charged political environment, Israeli Foreign Ministry Yigal Palmor openly acknowledged. It is however unfortunate some important context was missing in the ABC report, which in large measure rehashed an earlier 2011 report by John Lyons. • Comparing legal proceedings for “Jewish children” and “Palestinian children” Lyons fails to recognise that the Israeli justice system cannot be applied to Palestinian youth in the West Bank as it is still a disputed territory. Israel has never annexed the West Bank (it would be roundly condemned if it did), and so military law must apply. • Arresting alleged Palestinian offenders during the night minimizes the chance of dangerous confrontation and reduces potential casualties on both sides. • Perhaps more importantly, however, there was absolutely no mention whatsoever of the systematic hate education and incitement to violence that continues to be a regular and intrinsic element of the Palestinian education system and TV programming. • It is appalling how Palestinian children are being systematically abused through the kind of brainwashing that glorifies suicide bombers and Jew-hatred. • It was such brainwashing that led two Palestinian teenagers three years ago to break into the home of a peaceful Jewish family and brutally murder five family members while they slept. The two young terrorists proudly confessed to their killings, and were lauded as heroes on Palestinian TV - a regular occurrence on such occasions. Israeli authorities recognise their ongoing need to improve the way they respond to an extraordinarily difficult, sensitive and emotive situation, operating as they often do under severe provocation. Far more could be accomplished in working towards a resolution of this enduring conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Authority if more focus was given to context and facts on the ground and less to demonising Israel. Posted by Sam C, Friday, 14 February 2014 12:38:26 PM
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please sam..dont talk about ISRAEl..and / the same breath
here is what babc wont talk of..but..ITS TIME YOU KNEW.. PLEASE GET EDUCATED lets see..what settlers.. in dark/ under? what is..talmudc law? quotations;..from the Soncino Edition of the Talmud,(Book] SANHEDRIN,..55b-55a:.."What is meant by this?... Rab said:..Pederasty with a child below nine years of not deemed as pederasty..with a child above that. (footnotes)"..The reference is to.. the passive..'subject'/..*victim..of sodomy UNDER NINE do you get that joe? now lets go younger [is/this..what the settlers are doing in the deserts YEBAMOTH,60b..*...Rabbi.Ramanos who conducted an/inquiry..and..'found' it the daughter of a..'proselyte'.. who was under..the age of three years[and one day]..., and Rabbi declared her/eligible* to live with a priest." (footnotes)"..A proselyte..under the age of three years and one day married by a priest... *And was a priest. (i.e.,permitted to continue/to live with her'husband'."] (Book) Child sacrifice was practised in ancient times as offering to the Ammonite god Molech a worship of natural fertility which was forbidden by the laws of Israel. See Leviticus 18: 21; 20: 1 - 5; 1Kings 11: 7; 2 Kings 17 17; 21: 6; 27: 10; Jeremiah 32: 35; Ezekiel 16: 21. Tradition ascribed to Sanchuniathon stated that the Pheonicians sacrificed children. the practise of Mlk ocurrs in Ugarit texts and has been ascribed by Gordon as a kind of child sacrifice (C H Gordon, Ugaritic Handbook 1947 edit page 246) what happens to..a nest of vipers? trouble is the nest is in a..nursery so what.. we present weasel of exposing the vipers? or say..its not my kid..not my you get any pal kid anytime right..mate? Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 February 2014 2:27:41 PM
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“Mossad” threat to critics of Israel? outgoiNG TERROR..BY ROTE..[2 de hand]..facilitation more raBBi kidDY SEX RABBI RACISM new worrIES MATE RECALL THE NATZIES WENT TO SOUTH AMERICAS?..[FOLLOW THE MONEY] BUREAUCRATIC MOSSAD POKE/prod..cause their unconscionably god..[less] SAUDIES POST 911..[MORE ARABS]..for syria guess who rUNS..GREENIES TOO more coke>?..from the previous colon-ization's..[same same shame] usa/Zion..has had its day Posted by one under god, Sunday, 16 February 2014 10:32:35 AM
Maybe the ABC and Joe Lyons should follow this up?
"Palestinian Authority Human Rights Violations Ignored by Media, West"
"Evidently, most Western governments, journalists and human rights organizations have chosen to endorse the Palestinian Authority's stance that the only evil-doers are the Israelis. And that is precisely why the ICHR report on the anarchy, lawlessness and human rights violations by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas will be completely ignored in the West."
Read on