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Throwing rocks is not child's play : Comments
By Philip Chester, published 12/2/2014Sticks and stones will break bones, so how to deal with the perpetrators, even if they are Palestinian children?
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Posted by dane, Friday, 14 February 2014 2:58:21 AM
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“IDF Detains 5-year-old Palestinian Rock Thrower”. The story supposedly documents the alleged “abuse” of 5yr old Palestinian boy. The facts, tell a different story. On Tuesday, 5yr old Wadi’a Maswadeh was doing what he usually does, standing by the heavily trafficked road near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron throwing “rocks” at every Israeli car that passed while being filmed by B’Tselim “field worker” Manal al-Ja’bari. …. an IDF patrol saw Maswadeh throwing the “rocks”. The soldiers decided to stop the boy, get Maswadeh away from the street, and take him to his parents’ house.They enlisted the help of a Palestinian teenager to accompany Maswadeh. All the while Maswadeh was “sobbing” They took the boy to his home, took him inside, and handed him over to his mother. They waited outside for his father to come home. They then took Karem and his son to the Palestinian police station which was within walking distance of their house. Once there, the IDF left. Palestinian police fined Karem 5000 Jordanian dinars ($7,000) for his son’s misdemeanor–30 minutes later, they released them. To conclude, here are a few questions I would like to have answered: Where are Maswadeh’s parents every day when stands beside a busy road throwing rocks at Israeli cars? Why did the Palestinian police fine Maswadeh’s father such an exorbitant sum by Palestinian standards? (Could it be that this is not the first time that Maswadeh or his son have been engaged in illegal activities?) What would your parents have done, if the police had caught you–when you were five, beside a road throwing rocks at cars? (In my small hometown, the police would have taken me straight to my parents’ house, after my father had had a few choice words with me, I wouldn’t have been able to sit down for a week) Far from being a story of IDF abuse, the story of Wadi’a Maswadeh is a story of remarkable IDF restraint and correct action. As usual, the soldiers of the Givati Brigade’s Rotem Battalion deserve to be praised for their efforts. Posted by Sam C, Friday, 14 February 2014 9:41:22 AM
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Sam C, you can't seem to get your small mind around the details of the occupation of the West Bank. If the Israelis had returned to the 1967 borders then that child wouldn't be throwing stones at Israeli cars driving on Israeli-only roads in the West Bank.
And the Palestinians wouldn't be held up a myriads of Israeli checkpoints and subjected to constant Israeli humiliation to say nothing about the demolition of their homes to make way for ever-more settlements and the stealing of Palestinian farms which leave their owners without any source of income. And the documentary which clearly showed Israeli brutality and cruelty wouldn't have been made, couldn't have been made. Sam C, telling a pack of lies about the documentary and Israel's many other war crimes is not going to convince anyone that the Israelis are all sweetness and light. Many of us remember the slaughter of Palestinians in Lebanon and Jenin and the Xmas bombing of Gaza and what happened to the Turkish Aid Convoy in International waters. Israel is a rogue nation, much like the U.S. It needs to be knocked off its perch before it causes even more problems for our world! Posted by David G, Friday, 14 February 2014 10:00:13 AM
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Insightful analysis of the programme
Keith Buxton “Bridges for Peace Australia”. “I watched the ABC Four Corners programme on the treatment by the Israeli military authority of Palestinian children accused of criminal activity such as throwing rocks. There's no doubt that Israel is less than perfect in its genuine endeavours to maintain security in a highly charged political environment, Israeli Foreign Ministry Yigal Palmor openly acknowledged. It is however unfortunate some important context was missing in the ABC report, which in large measure rehashed an earlier 2011 report by John Lyons. • Comparing legal proceedings for “Jewish children” and “Palestinian children” Lyons fails to recognise that the Israeli justice system cannot be applied to Palestinian youth in the West Bank as it is still a disputed territory. Israel has never annexed the West Bank (it would be roundly condemned if it did), and so military law must apply. • Arresting alleged Palestinian offenders during the night minimizes the chance of dangerous confrontation and reduces potential casualties on both sides. • Perhaps more importantly, however, there was absolutely no mention whatsoever of the systematic hate education and incitement to violence that continues to be a regular and intrinsic element of the Palestinian education system and TV programming. • It is appalling how Palestinian children are being systematically abused through the kind of brainwashing that glorifies suicide bombers and Jew-hatred. • It was such brainwashing that led two Palestinian teenagers three years ago to break into the home of a peaceful Jewish family and brutally murder five family members while they slept. The two young terrorists proudly confessed to their killings, and were lauded as heroes on Palestinian TV - a regular occurrence on such occasions. Israeli authorities recognise their ongoing need to improve the way they respond to an extraordinarily difficult, sensitive and emotive situation, operating as they often do under severe provocation. Far more could be accomplished in working towards a resolution of this enduring conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Authority if more focus was given to context and facts on the ground and less to demonising Israel. Posted by Sam C, Friday, 14 February 2014 12:38:26 PM
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please sam..dont talk about ISRAEl..and / the same breath
here is what babc wont talk of..but..ITS TIME YOU KNEW.. PLEASE GET EDUCATED lets see..what settlers.. in dark/ under? what is..talmudc law? quotations;..from the Soncino Edition of the Talmud,(Book] SANHEDRIN,..55b-55a:.."What is meant by this?... Rab said:..Pederasty with a child below nine years of not deemed as pederasty..with a child above that. (footnotes)"..The reference is to.. the passive..'subject'/..*victim..of sodomy UNDER NINE do you get that joe? now lets go younger [is/this..what the settlers are doing in the deserts YEBAMOTH,60b..*...Rabbi.Ramanos who conducted an/inquiry..and..'found' it the daughter of a..'proselyte'.. who was under..the age of three years[and one day]..., and Rabbi declared her/eligible* to live with a priest." (footnotes)"..A proselyte..under the age of three years and one day married by a priest... *And was a priest. (i.e.,permitted to continue/to live with her'husband'."] (Book) Child sacrifice was practised in ancient times as offering to the Ammonite god Molech a worship of natural fertility which was forbidden by the laws of Israel. See Leviticus 18: 21; 20: 1 - 5; 1Kings 11: 7; 2 Kings 17 17; 21: 6; 27: 10; Jeremiah 32: 35; Ezekiel 16: 21. Tradition ascribed to Sanchuniathon stated that the Pheonicians sacrificed children. the practise of Mlk ocurrs in Ugarit texts and has been ascribed by Gordon as a kind of child sacrifice (C H Gordon, Ugaritic Handbook 1947 edit page 246) what happens to..a nest of vipers? trouble is the nest is in a..nursery so what.. we present weasel of exposing the vipers? or say..its not my kid..not my you get any pal kid anytime right..mate? Posted by one under god, Friday, 14 February 2014 2:27:41 PM
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“Mossad” threat to critics of Israel? outgoiNG TERROR..BY ROTE..[2 de hand]..facilitation more raBBi kidDY SEX RABBI RACISM new worrIES MATE RECALL THE NATZIES WENT TO SOUTH AMERICAS?..[FOLLOW THE MONEY] BUREAUCRATIC MOSSAD POKE/prod..cause their unconscionably god..[less] SAUDIES POST 911..[MORE ARABS]..for syria guess who rUNS..GREENIES TOO more coke>?..from the previous colon-ization's..[same same shame] usa/Zion..has had its day Posted by one under god, Sunday, 16 February 2014 10:32:35 AM
You're a laugh a minute. Your response comes straight from Jewish Activism Central Casting. I already know the script! [Stage directions are in square brackets]
Pre-emptive move:
-Start with a legal threat about being taken to a kangaroo court
Introduce a False Premise:
-Deny the right of Palestinians to exist [delegitimize and dehumanize]
Introduce First Obfuscatory Irrelvancy:
- try to mention the holocaust; if you feel that won't run at LEAST mention Germany and the 1930s. [The point is to distract from the victimhood of a people who do not exist and focus soley on Jewish suffering (work towards Jews as the only legitimate victims in world history)]
Introduce Second Obfuscatory Irrelvancy:
- try to use science to back up Jewish claims [point is science is the opposite of theology and we all know when it comes to theology we ain't got nothing. Any science will do]
Follow up Pre-emptive Move with Accusation:
- Accuse the person of being racist [Oldie but goodie! Accused will need to focus on defending themselves from baseless allegations rather than talk about Palestinian kids who are arrested at 2am by armed soldiers. Aside: It is NOT a good idea to mention the Gestapo and many secret police forces around the world used this tactic to spread fear and terror among subjugated peoples].
Optional Tactic
Introduce Third Obfuscatory Irrelevancy:
Mention any human rights issues in accusers home country [this has exactly the same effect as explained under the Accusation section. It muddies the water further and pushes away relevant issues. A sense of guilt will peel off all but the most ethical detractors, oh, oops, I meant anti-semites]
Sam. I'm sorry but you're a B grade actor. At least we had some laughs together:)