The Forum > Article Comments > How Australian Muslims are fitting into a newly emerging Australian identity > Comments
How Australian Muslims are fitting into a newly emerging Australian identity : Comments
By Abe Ata, published 2/1/2014An estimated half-a-million, or more than 2% of Australia's population, are Muslim
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Posted by LEGO, Monday, 6 January 2014 5:47:15 AM
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It does not matter how many "talking heads" tell us that Islam is good for Australia they are are talking out of the south end of a north bound camel. Islam never has been, and never will be, a part of Australian culture. Why? because they are a culture of intolerance, hate, and hell bent on domination. Not one single Muslim has stood up in Australia, or any other country for that matter and said "We support our new country and condemn all Muslim atrocities worldwide. So to the pro-islamists touting peaceful co existence, go out into the world and see first hand the result of Islam. Get a life.
Cliffy Posted by Cliffy, Monday, 6 January 2014 11:40:01 AM
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You want ".... to see; a rational rejection of superstition -and the discrimination that so commonly occurs between competing superstitions.". Whilst ever the media push astrology you will have millions of superstitious Australians; just face it, superstition is a part of human makeup. Superstition is not all bad; it was and is the superstitious good doers of this world who run most leprosariums etc. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 6 January 2014 5:46:46 PM
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Monash University (not Bob Birrell!) conducted research into the Turkish community 2012 (?) and found that first and foremost they saw themselves as Australia, then Turk and/or Muslim.
An Australian researcher, who herself is Muslim, went onto explain that on the back of a cigarette packet 1/3 of the Muslim community is conservative/pious, 1/3 cultural and 1/3 aetheist/agnostic. (I'd suggest 1/4s with last one being f'off none of your business) In the case of Turkey, what does one mean by 'Moslem' when 1/3 of population are Alevi (in addition to Sufi, is influenced by Bektasi and others, no Mecca, no mosque, sexes pray together in community houses, drink alcohol, women don't wear headscarves etc.) and although deemed to be (Sunni) Moslem by Turkey and others, many Alevis say Alevism is not Moslem? (has much in common with Zoroastorian/Parsi) Leads on to fact that too many in Australia and elsewhere are always shouting at people as to who they are, even if wrong.... and as a Turk once said (with echoes of Niemoller), 'everybody tells me I am Moslem in Turkey and the world, but no one has ever asked me... I'm aethiest'. Posted by Andras Smith, Monday, 6 January 2014 8:07:24 PM
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Andras's post is an example of the old tactic: muddy the waters and hope no one notices the bodies lying on the bottom.
Firstly, a small matter of numbers, Andras says:<<what does one mean by 'Moslem' when 1/3 of population are Alevi>> However, the Turkish military's survey (in 2000) found the number of Alevi at around 10 million --10 million out of the current Turkish population of 74 million aint 1/3! Secondly, it matters little what the Alevi think and practice if the vast majority of Turks think otherwise --see here: "60% of Turkish and Moroccan Muslim immigrants want a return to the faith’s religious roots (as opposed to 20% of Christians); 75% think only one interpretation of the Qur’an is possible (as opposed to about 17% of Christians surveyed vis-a-vis the Bible); and 65% of the Muslims say that scriptural rules are more important than the laws of the country where they live (only about 12% of Christian countrymen agreed). Overall, 44% of Muslims agreed with all three statements, as opposed to fewer than 4% of Christians. In other words, there’s an alarmingly high level of fundamentalism among Islamic residents of these countries—a level far exceeding that of Christian fundamentalism. And remember, migrants from more “extreme” Islamic countries weren’t surveyed. Thirdly, I'd suggest anyone who thinks Turkey is a model of tolerance needs to look at its recent history of cleansing itself of minority Armenians --and often overlooked, Greeks --it got away with its holocaustS (plural!) The only one <<shouting ...(and being) wrong>> is Andras. Posted by SPQR, Tuesday, 7 January 2014 6:09:29 AM
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Well, 23 comments so far, with only one slightly favourable to the author's position, and even her "facts" seem dubious. This would certainly seem a record, at least as long as I've been reading these articles.
One only has to read of the shocking failure to assimilate of second and even third generation Muslims in almost all of Western Europe. Native European women dare not enter Muslim majority suburbs in any European city without an escort, and even the U.S. and Canada are having similar problems. As LEGO points out, above, we are not greatly troubled by Islam only because they are, as yet, only a small minority. By allowing Islam to gain a foothold in the West, we have, perhaps, made a grave error, one which may eventually prove fatal. It is possible that this intolerant seventh century superstition of "smack your wife" may prove unstoppable, and lead us all back into another "Dark Age". Posted by Beaucoupbob, Tuesday, 7 January 2014 11:49:17 AM
2% regarded as largely peaceful and non threatening (US, Australia, Canada, Norway, Italy)
2%-5% begin to actively convert from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, particularly from jails and street gangs. Extreme reluctance of the press to submit news items likely to offend Muslims. (UK, Thailand, Denmark, Spain, Germany). Increasing terrorism. Increasing street crime usually involving Muslim perpetrators and non Muslim victims. Muslim patrols in "Muslim" areas enforcing Sharia.
Above 5%, insistence on major food chains and major take away food franchises stocking halal food Insistence upon Muslim self governance within local Muslim ghetto areas with Sharia law courts taking precedence over common law. Assassinations of intellectuals who oppose Islam. (Switzerland, France, Holland, the Philippines, Trinidad)
10% Increasing social strife and terrorism usually concerning the extreme self inflicted poverty within Muslim areas as an excuse. Governments increasingly resort to concessions to placate their ever growing violent Muslim minority (Guyana, Kenya, India, Russia.)
20% Routine hair trigger rioting over inconsequential issues resulting in deaths and destruction. The formation of Jihad Muslim militias enforcing Sharia within Muslim areas. Attacks on churches, temples and synagogues. (Ethiopia)
40% Chronic terrorist attacks, no go areas, and civil warfare involving Muslim militias . Minor massacres. (Bosnia, Chad, Lebanon)
60% The open persecution of all other religions. Widespread massacres and religious cleansing. Insistence that non Muslims must comply with Sharia. Jizya tax on infidels. (Malaysia, Qutar Sudan Albania)
80% routine and officially sanctioned (or tolerated) religious cleansing involving genocide, immigration through fear by non Muslims to other countries, or forced marriage of abducted infidel females to Muslims to attain 100% Muslim population ( Bangladesh, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Morocco)
100% Islam is the only religion openly tolerated. Sharia the only law. Religious "Madrass" schools the only schools. Clerics as judges in Sharia courts.