The Forum > Article Comments > How Australian Muslims are fitting into a newly emerging Australian identity > Comments
How Australian Muslims are fitting into a newly emerging Australian identity : Comments
By Abe Ata, published 2/1/2014An estimated half-a-million, or more than 2% of Australia's population, are Muslim
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Posted by stevenlmeyer, Thursday, 2 January 2014 9:11:31 AM
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I think the best course of action by "Muslims" Australians is to throw off their Iron age religion and join the computer age humanist and Atheist. People shouldn't be defined by silly beliefs like christ-stainity or Is-lame. If you want to keep you culture alive and locked into the country you came from you should stay there.
What good parts of these new cultures and religions thought should we integrate, what should we reject? Australia should be about creating a new and great culture not bounded by the dogmatic ideas of cultures and religions well past their used by date. Posted by cornonacob, Thursday, 2 January 2014 9:47:02 AM
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<<The second posits that if Australians were more knowledgeable about Muslims they would express more favorable opinions of Muslims AND Islam.>>
Aaaah! Mr Ata must be thinking of one of those "education" programs where people are spoon fed the good bits, like you'd see on The Islam Channel, or Saudi TV--or SBS. Some of our OLO posters have already been through such training. You can pick 'em because they are the ones always spouting cliches about the glories of Mooorish Spain, or telling everyone they don't know (and don't want to know) of any holocausts under/by Islam. Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 2 January 2014 9:47:40 AM
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“Australia has an outstanding record, perhaps beyond any other multicultural society, in displaying tolerance and in accommodating an incredibly diverse population.”
Is that really true? Or does it just seem that way because, after multiculturalism (nothing to do with religion) was forced on us without debate, and the importation of people totally alien to our culture, the political class, their elitist advisers, and immigrant activists have seen to it that anything thing they regard as intolerant will be punished by law. Only if you are white, Anglo/Saxon/Celt/European, of course. It is OK for the alien cultures among us to be totally intolerant of us and our ways. This article, about Muslims, is totally alien to our culture for starters. We don’t talk about religion; that’s a private matter. But Abe Ata gets straight into “differences between Christian and Muslim communities”. We all know that there are Muslim communities, but no Australia thinks in terms of Christian communities. Christianity is a religion adhered to by relatively few Australians. Islam is not really a religion, but a total way of life which is totally averse to Australian culture. Islam has always been, and always will be, on the outer of any Western countries where it has been allowed (foolishly) to get a foot hold; and nobody knows what the 2% in Australia will grow to, and what effect it will have on Western culture, given our cowardly politicians who caused this very iffy situation. Abe Ata’s article, Muslims vs Christians, shows that he doesn’t know the first thing about us. Where an Australian dialogue would be about PEOPLE – from diverse cultures, and how we accept them or not, Muslims want to talk about RELIGION, something that is barely given any heed in Australia, and which is no answer to the dangers of Islam. Abe Ata’s belief in Australian tolerance (he says nothing about Muslim-inspired intolerance of everyone and everything) is naïve. He is confusing tolerance with the authoritarian crushing of free speech by our nasty political class who have adopted a divide and rule doctrine to replace democracy and freedom. Posted by NeverTrustPoliticians, Thursday, 2 January 2014 11:07:34 AM
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And will this "newly emerging Australian identity" include sharia law?
Posted by Leslie, Thursday, 2 January 2014 11:08:59 AM
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Australia's multiculturalism has largely kept apace with it's increasing rejection of religion. Over the last few decades more and more Aussie's (now a majority) have professed to “no religious affiliation”. Certainly I was forced to Sunday School every week as a child, but my own children were not.
This is the “emerging new Australian identity” I want to see; a rational rejection of superstition -and the discrimination that so commonly occurs between competing superstitions. It is -probably, ironically- our very lack of religion which has made us so tolerant. I sincerely hope 2nd generation Muslims join this emerging new Australian identity... and stop being Muslims. Posted by Grim, Thursday, 2 January 2014 11:40:42 AM
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Islam has no answers to current challenges facing us today, and is locked into a time warp. They are unable to censure or even condemn in a convincing manner the ravages committed by Boko Haram in Nigeria, Jemaah Islamiyah in Indonesia or the al-Qaeda networks through the middle east and Somalia.
The activities of Sydney’s Lebanese or Melbourne’s Somali’s do little to endear us to Islam. Sharia law which they desire and will eventually demand is a return to an age of ignorance and superstition. Being able to recite or even read the Koran has no application or value in the modern world. Posted by SILLER, Thursday, 2 January 2014 12:48:50 PM
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The result of multi ethnic and cultural immigration to Australia has seen the second or third generation identifying FIRSTLY as Australian and then in other religious/cultural terms.
It has been my (limited) experience that Islamic immigration results in successive generations FIRSTLY identifying as Muslim and then Tribally (Shia/Sunni) and then Australian. Until this is reversed, I see no change in Australian mainstream discomfort with Islam. Additionally, the more I am exposed to Islam, (as expressed in the writings of the Prophet and sharia), the less attractive I find it and believe the 'integration' laudably desired by Mr. Ata is less likely to occur. Posted by Prompete, Thursday, 2 January 2014 1:15:55 PM
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"As Australian society matures into a culture of full inclusiveness, those who promote Islamophobia, Australia's fear of non-Western cultures and assertion of 'their' culture and life, will shrink in numbers."
You wish. More likely, as more and more formally pleasant neighbourhoods turn into filthy, violent hellholes, the numbers of "inclusive" people will fall. Posted by Shockadelic, Thursday, 2 January 2014 2:42:34 PM
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whe/if Muslims became a majority which country would Abe like us to look like?
Posted by runner, Thursday, 2 January 2014 3:56:01 PM
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"if Australians were more knowledgeable about Muslims they would express more favorable opinions of Muslims and Islam."
Cynics might argue that a better informed Kaffir population would be counter-productive to the development of favourable views of Islam. Australians should be better informed about Islam, particularly the 1400 year long Jihad against the West, the chaotic, violent and authoritarian characteristics of majority Moslem nations, the vicious misogyny, the suppression of religious freedoms and the institutionalised contempt for non-Moslems, and the complete and abject material failure of Islamic economic systems. Australians should be specially informed about the attempts by Moslems to reproduce Islamic culture in the West. While Western civilisation experienced the Reformation, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution, the industrial revolution and democracy, the islamic world remained in its millennial torpor. Any who is afflicted by this primitive superstition has my sympathy, liberal democrats should resist its toxic influence. Posted by mac, Thursday, 2 January 2014 4:12:49 PM
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Abe so long as the Muslims keep their religion to themselves and don't try to impose it on us, then all will be fine.
Many of us in Aust have thrown off the shackles of religious slavery and we don't want another oppressor. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 2 January 2014 6:34:34 PM
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How well are Muslim "Australians" fitting in with "a new Australian identity", Abe Ata, very poorly I would say. To begin with, your assumption that being "Australian" can mean anything is something I resent as an Australian. Can being a "Muslim" mean that you believe that Jesus is the Son of God? Does being "an Arab" mean that you are Chinese? You may even be in breach of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act because like Andrew Bolt, you are denying the right of a group of people who have called themselves "Australians" long before your mob turned up, to define who they are.
And how are Muslims fitting in to Australian society? Very badly. Now, let's see. 2% of people living in Australia are Muslims, and the NSW Police's biggest crime squad is the Middle Eastern Organised Crime Squad. Gee, that's a real contribution your people have made to Australia, Abe. Next comes the "moderate" Muslims organisations which have asked the federal government to exempt Muslims from voting because democracy is un Islamic. Yeah, that integrating and being Australian all right. And the same organisations are being prosecuted for committing financial fraud over government grants to a number of Islamic schools. Having your own leaders being caught ripping off Aussie taxpayers hardly makes Australians feel well disposed towards Muslims, Abe. Then there is the "white flight" from Muslim ghettoes which means that inner city Sydney is becoming a giant Muslim Caliphate with very high rates of welfare dependency and,drug trafficking, car theft, car rebirthing, and endless drive by shootings. Add to that race riots on beaches caused by the offensive behaviour of young Muslim men, terrorism, demands by Muslims for blasphemy laws that are contrary to Australian freedom of speech, teachers refusing to teach in schools with high Muslim infestation, and Muslims marching around with placards saying "behead all who insult Islam." You have a lot to be proud of there, Abe. If that is your idea of "a new Australian identity" then I can assure you that we Australians want no part of it. Posted by LEGO, Friday, 3 January 2014 5:28:35 AM
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Neither Islam or the Muslims who practice Islam are moderate: The sole purpose of Islam is to replace the secular democracy which gives freedoms to such groups as Muslims with sharia which does not tolerate the freedom of any other social and religious values. The immense irony is that Islam has been introduced into the West by progressive and left-wing elites who, as the case in Iran and other Islamic states has shown, will be the first up against the wall. This author is just the latest of a long line of spokespersons for the blight of Islam to use the freedoms of the West to tear down those freedoms. Posted by cohenite, Saturday, 4 January 2014 6:21:35 PM
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Runner asks Abe what would a Muslim majority Australia look like.
Don't bother asking Abe, he's too intent on the heavenly rewards he'll accrue if he delivers Oz to dar al-Islam --better to ask an Egyptian Copt or Iranian Bahai. Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 5 January 2014 6:35:58 AM
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There is an interesting underlay to the issue of Islam in Australia. We Australians perceive Islam to be a largely dysfunctional religion, why else would you have the drug gangs of Sydney run by lebanese muslims who are by now second generation. The Quran has a number of suras about the need to abstain from things like alcohol and drugs. True, the same could be said for any "christians by birth" involved in crime. However to get to the 2% the writer has to assume the "Brothers for life" and co, are obedient Muslims. Sadly is would appear that many of the observant are more interested in Jihad, than fitting into a newly emerging Australia Identity. The current Australian Identity has always rejected any extremism, and will continue to do so.
Posted by Jon R, Sunday, 5 January 2014 10:52:49 AM
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Jon R;
The problem is the Koran teaches them that there is no value in "western" government, laws or customs and they are incited to overcome them at the earliest opportunity. Typical belief is that is OK to lie to infidels if the lie is to advance the cause of Islam. This principle seems to be applied widely and is the reason many countries find treaties and agreements mean nothing. The basic problem is that Islam is not just a religion but a political movement as well. There is no such thing as separation of Mosque & State. It is a fascist movement in the vein of the Nazi Party. Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 5 January 2014 12:11:48 PM
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Yeah I am with Bazz. There appears to be built into JonR's well meaning post the implication that the Muslims who(m) western liberals would find unpalatable are the bad boys i.e. those who do not follow the true tenets of Islam --nothing could be further from the truth.
Islam only cultivates a nice and cuddly image where it's in a minority position (as currently, with most liberal democracies) and has high hopes of exploiting legal means of getting more of its adherents into the country--stacking the deck. Once it has the power it reverts to form. Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 5 January 2014 1:07:34 PM
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Muslim population proportions and consequences.
2% regarded as largely peaceful and non threatening (US, Australia, Canada, Norway, Italy) 2%-5% begin to actively convert from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups, particularly from jails and street gangs. Extreme reluctance of the press to submit news items likely to offend Muslims. (UK, Thailand, Denmark, Spain, Germany). Increasing terrorism. Increasing street crime usually involving Muslim perpetrators and non Muslim victims. Muslim patrols in "Muslim" areas enforcing Sharia. Above 5%, insistence on major food chains and major take away food franchises stocking halal food Insistence upon Muslim self governance within local Muslim ghetto areas with Sharia law courts taking precedence over common law. Assassinations of intellectuals who oppose Islam. (Switzerland, France, Holland, the Philippines, Trinidad) 10% Increasing social strife and terrorism usually concerning the extreme self inflicted poverty within Muslim areas as an excuse. Governments increasingly resort to concessions to placate their ever growing violent Muslim minority (Guyana, Kenya, India, Russia.) 20% Routine hair trigger rioting over inconsequential issues resulting in deaths and destruction. The formation of Jihad Muslim militias enforcing Sharia within Muslim areas. Attacks on churches, temples and synagogues. (Ethiopia) 40% Chronic terrorist attacks, no go areas, and civil warfare involving Muslim militias . Minor massacres. (Bosnia, Chad, Lebanon) 60% The open persecution of all other religions. Widespread massacres and religious cleansing. Insistence that non Muslims must comply with Sharia. Jizya tax on infidels. (Malaysia, Qutar Sudan Albania) 80% routine and officially sanctioned (or tolerated) religious cleansing involving genocide, immigration through fear by non Muslims to other countries, or forced marriage of abducted infidel females to Muslims to attain 100% Muslim population ( Bangladesh, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Morocco) 100% Islam is the only religion openly tolerated. Sharia the only law. Religious "Madrass" schools the only schools. Clerics as judges in Sharia courts. Posted by LEGO, Monday, 6 January 2014 5:47:15 AM
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It does not matter how many "talking heads" tell us that Islam is good for Australia they are are talking out of the south end of a north bound camel. Islam never has been, and never will be, a part of Australian culture. Why? because they are a culture of intolerance, hate, and hell bent on domination. Not one single Muslim has stood up in Australia, or any other country for that matter and said "We support our new country and condemn all Muslim atrocities worldwide. So to the pro-islamists touting peaceful co existence, go out into the world and see first hand the result of Islam. Get a life.
Cliffy Posted by Cliffy, Monday, 6 January 2014 11:40:01 AM
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You want ".... to see; a rational rejection of superstition -and the discrimination that so commonly occurs between competing superstitions.". Whilst ever the media push astrology you will have millions of superstitious Australians; just face it, superstition is a part of human makeup. Superstition is not all bad; it was and is the superstitious good doers of this world who run most leprosariums etc. Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 6 January 2014 5:46:46 PM
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Monash University (not Bob Birrell!) conducted research into the Turkish community 2012 (?) and found that first and foremost they saw themselves as Australia, then Turk and/or Muslim.
An Australian researcher, who herself is Muslim, went onto explain that on the back of a cigarette packet 1/3 of the Muslim community is conservative/pious, 1/3 cultural and 1/3 aetheist/agnostic. (I'd suggest 1/4s with last one being f'off none of your business) In the case of Turkey, what does one mean by 'Moslem' when 1/3 of population are Alevi (in addition to Sufi, is influenced by Bektasi and others, no Mecca, no mosque, sexes pray together in community houses, drink alcohol, women don't wear headscarves etc.) and although deemed to be (Sunni) Moslem by Turkey and others, many Alevis say Alevism is not Moslem? (has much in common with Zoroastorian/Parsi) Leads on to fact that too many in Australia and elsewhere are always shouting at people as to who they are, even if wrong.... and as a Turk once said (with echoes of Niemoller), 'everybody tells me I am Moslem in Turkey and the world, but no one has ever asked me... I'm aethiest'. Posted by Andras Smith, Monday, 6 January 2014 8:07:24 PM
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Andras's post is an example of the old tactic: muddy the waters and hope no one notices the bodies lying on the bottom.
Firstly, a small matter of numbers, Andras says:<<what does one mean by 'Moslem' when 1/3 of population are Alevi>> However, the Turkish military's survey (in 2000) found the number of Alevi at around 10 million --10 million out of the current Turkish population of 74 million aint 1/3! Secondly, it matters little what the Alevi think and practice if the vast majority of Turks think otherwise --see here: "60% of Turkish and Moroccan Muslim immigrants want a return to the faith’s religious roots (as opposed to 20% of Christians); 75% think only one interpretation of the Qur’an is possible (as opposed to about 17% of Christians surveyed vis-a-vis the Bible); and 65% of the Muslims say that scriptural rules are more important than the laws of the country where they live (only about 12% of Christian countrymen agreed). Overall, 44% of Muslims agreed with all three statements, as opposed to fewer than 4% of Christians. In other words, there’s an alarmingly high level of fundamentalism among Islamic residents of these countries—a level far exceeding that of Christian fundamentalism. And remember, migrants from more “extreme” Islamic countries weren’t surveyed. Thirdly, I'd suggest anyone who thinks Turkey is a model of tolerance needs to look at its recent history of cleansing itself of minority Armenians --and often overlooked, Greeks --it got away with its holocaustS (plural!) The only one <<shouting ...(and being) wrong>> is Andras. Posted by SPQR, Tuesday, 7 January 2014 6:09:29 AM
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Well, 23 comments so far, with only one slightly favourable to the author's position, and even her "facts" seem dubious. This would certainly seem a record, at least as long as I've been reading these articles.
One only has to read of the shocking failure to assimilate of second and even third generation Muslims in almost all of Western Europe. Native European women dare not enter Muslim majority suburbs in any European city without an escort, and even the U.S. and Canada are having similar problems. As LEGO points out, above, we are not greatly troubled by Islam only because they are, as yet, only a small minority. By allowing Islam to gain a foothold in the West, we have, perhaps, made a grave error, one which may eventually prove fatal. It is possible that this intolerant seventh century superstition of "smack your wife" may prove unstoppable, and lead us all back into another "Dark Age". Posted by Beaucoupbob, Tuesday, 7 January 2014 11:49:17 AM
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How things have changed over past a few years! I still remember I once posted at this website, challenging another reader to show how much muslims have contributed to the Australian culture, and many came out calling me a bigot.
Today, more and more Australians have, with a degree of reluctance, to concede that they have imported into their homeland a hostile culture, and they are powerless to change it. But today I am going to say it serves Australia right! It makes you value more of your Australia tradition; it reminds you that there are something in the world that cannot be tolerated; "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. " Posted by Peng, Tuesday, 7 January 2014 5:13:24 PM
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Posted sans comment.
"The Battle of Broken Hill otherwise known as the Broken Hill Massacre, was a fatal incident which took place near Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia on 1 January 1915. Two men shot dead four people and wounded seven more, before being killed by police and military officers. While the attack was politically and religiously inspired, as declared by the perpetrators in notes, the men were not members of any sanctioned armed force and the attacks were criminal. The two men were later identified as being Muslims from the British colony of India, modern day Pakistan.... Gool and Abdullah positioned themselves on an embankment located about 30 metres from the tracks. As the train passed they opened fire with two rifles, discharging 20 to 30 shots. The picnickers initially thought that the shots were being discharged in honour of the train's passing, but once their companions started falling, the reality sank in. Alma Cowie, aged 17 died instantly. William John Shaw, a foreman in the Sanitary Department, was killed on the train and his daughter Lucy Shaw was injured. Six other people on the train were injured: Mary Kavanagh, George Stokes, Thomas Campbell, Alma Crocker, Rose Crabb and Constable Robert Mills.[7] The railway guard on the train was "Tiger" Dick (Eric Edward) Nyholm, soon to be a father of six children, including the late Prof Sir Ronald Nyholm,[8] also of Broken Hill. Nyholm was a renowned marksman and proved instrumental in protecting the train's passengers from further injury." Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 9 January 2014 7:39:41 PM
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While the emphasis on multicultural continues, rather than multi-ethnic, nature of our society, integration problems will continue. The term M C give licence to the attitude of separateness, which is a basis in Islam anyway. Give those who came here to escape the Islamic problems in their own nation, a chance to escape the domination of the foreign imams here. No nation can really survive being divided from within. Multi-ethnic is a transitional term giving nationality recognition and credit.[Islamist don't like that] , and hopefully in the long term, allcomers will have fused into a changed but particularly "Australian" identity [ie cosmopolitan]. Without that, the seeds of division may thrive into the disasters we see and read of overseas now in mainly Islamic nations where the Sunni/Shia et al. division is lethal. That way, the influence of any radicals of any ideology will be weakened.
Posted by Kasey, Saturday, 11 January 2014 9:19:17 PM
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Kasey "allcomers will have fused into a changed but particularly "Australian" identity [ie cosmopolitan]."
That is a solution, but there's nothing "particularly" Australian about cosmopolitanism. In fact, it has no national essence at all. Cosmopolitan people are pretty much the same, whether in Sweden, Japan, Canada or Spain. If this is your goal, bringing in immigrants with strong ethnic attachments is the last thing you would do. You'd restrict immigration to the "high development" countries where cosmopolitanism thrives. But most of those are populated by Whites, so even though the limit is based on development not race, you'd have a de facto White Australia policy. So no such restriction would happen given the current ideological paradigm. Even an indirectly "racist" stance would fill the Progressives with horror. Posted by Shockadelic, Monday, 13 January 2014 12:50:17 AM
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Welcome to OLO. I agree with you and what we need to do is disband the current multicultural policies, which hopefully the current government will do. We are not a multicultural society, as you say we are multi-ethnic and our foundations are based on the Westminster system and that we need to preserve at all costs. What also is needed is to stop allowing immigration of people from those groups that have shown to us that they cannot or will not integrate into OUR society. There is not many of such groups but hey hold our laws and standards in contempt which leads to community disharmony. That we should not tolerate. Posted by Banjo, Monday, 13 January 2014 9:30:19 AM
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Growing up we lived in a very multicultural town.Our friends were Italian, Portuguese, Yugoslav, a few Kiwis-Maori a few aboriginal-Nyungar families and our Pommie friends next door, we were the first Aussies they met on arriving in Australia.A normal, average working family environment,I dont think racism was even a word. My introduction to Muslim (which I thought was a nationality,try and find that country in the atlas) were new neighbors. Our little mixed bag of kids run out say hello, the little 'Muslim' boy of six is pulled inside 'he must have been naughty'. We saw nothing of this family for months and then realized they also had a little girl.One day there is family get together next door, must be Grand parents. Long story short, ceremonial circumcision of the little girl! Devastation-mutilation. Upon learning more from my dad, as I got older, about these people who were a religion, was confused and angered at the degradation of the girls. What kind of religion is this. As the Muslim population grew, we learned they did not want to know us, the girls and boys (teenagers) were very confident and quite arrogant.We were then hit with ugly word and act of racism, wow! what is infidel?? I realise that was twenty years ago and that particular religion may have advanced, be more civilized maybe. Do religions change? Who polices the criminal acts?
Anyway on that note I dont consider myself a Catholic anymore. The hypocrisy I experienced on such a large scale growing up, and the criminal acts committed to many friends, mainly males sent to Catholic schools who are now in their forties, some still struggling with the devastating abuses they were subjected to. Oh dear, another religion, another story. Agnostic sounds so uncomplicated and peaceful, dictated only by your own morals. Have a conscience, know right from wrong.Ahhh imagine that world :) Posted by jodelie, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 10:55:26 AM
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Excuse my ignorance :)many Muslims come to Australia from all different nations, Im not sure of the circumstances under which they have chosen to move to Australia. Fleeing war torn homes, seeking refuge in a country they know is multi-cultural and safe to raise their loved ones, or is it their choice to relocate to a safer country offering many opportunities that were not available in their homeland. Either way it must have been a difficult to leave their Muslim dominated environment, where they and i quote define themselves by their religious beliefs. The whole idea of learning and adapting to such a different life style, understanding that we define ourselves so differently, not by a religion but more so a broad, less stringent, guideline based on the semi-universal understanding of humanity,humility, appreciation of life and lives. Life is precious and limited. Of course as in all races there are those who go against the grain. There are many different religious followings which are respected as personal beliefs. Some do try to convert, generally ending up in differing opinions, each respecting the others even though you know its rubbish ha ha. 'See you next week', ha friendship formed. This I would imagine would be the biggest challenge respecting the fact that most of us dont know nor need to know our neighbors beliefs. Sure there are many groups attending the churches of their following, all over the country, some staunch in their belief, some out of respect for family tradition, some seeking help and redirection, other personal reasons.
Possibly for people of the Muslim faith, in their pursuit for a new life, a new place to make their home, many windows of opportunity may open that never existed. I know if I was welcomed into another country it would be imperative to understand and respect their ways, to remain open to behaviors that are completely foreign to me. Naturally, my morals and values remain the same and as in any situation where they are threatened or compromised I would remove myself. Any Suggestions of a helpful guide-Muslim faith Posted by jodelie, Wednesday, 15 January 2014 7:08:54 PM
(My capitalisation)
Would they?
About both?
That's an interesting proposition.